I have been looking a comfortable editor for Linux for a quite
long time now. The most promising I have found is Zed
(http://space.tin.it/io/saserafi). However, it's not exactly what
I want.

Minimal requirements (in preference order)
 0. Runs on Linux
 1. Fast screen update (just see dialog(1) or BB-demo: they are s-l-o-w!)
 2. Allows using any keys if possible (including arrow keys+shift etc.)
 3. Folding (see eg. The Aurora Editor or Scriptum)
 4. Character mode based
 5. Colors (syntax highlighting etc.)
 6. Pretty good multiple programming language support (C/C++/Java/GAS/NASM)
 7. Good undo/redo
 8. At least simple support for writing documentation/messages
 9. Binary-clean (including 8-bit clean!)
10. Comfortable to use (for me, the author!)
11. Bugless :)
12. Fast to start (-> small size, not bloated like Emacs)

Is there such an editor? Anyone?

I guess not... so I'm planning to write myself it. Any suggestions
are highly welcome.

| Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       [PGP public key
| Homepage: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/       available]
| Try also finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu

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