>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, A> R> (Tom) Peters wrote:
>%< cut >%
>> I have said this before, but it bears repeating:  Take a look at the model
>> used by the Project Management Institute (www.pmi.org) for Project
>> Management Professional certification.  They have developed and published a
>> standard as contained in their Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
>> available from their web site.
>  I took a quick look, but didn't learn very much.  Could you please be
>more specific to what we should learn or copy from them?  I see they will
>give you a certificate for being a Project Manager.  I couldn't locate the
>PMBOK you mention.

It takes a little more than a quick look, and you need to go beyond the
homepage.  Start with the Standards button and you will open the area of
prime interest to LPI. Specifically, look at


to understand how they establish their standards.

We can learn several things from PMI and from other professional societies.
Most appropriate at this point in LPI's development, we can learn how to
establish a respected source for standards in a technical specialty and how
this can be done without commercial affiliation or direct involvement in
the training process.  PMI has recently instituted a Registered Education
Provider program, primarily to provide standards for their Professional
Development Unit (PDU) continuing education recertification requirements.
PMI maintains the option of randomly monitoring training activities for
quality but will make no attempt to put a stamp of approval on anyone's
syllabus of instruction.

The PMBOK is located at www.pmi.org -> Standards ->
        PMI Standards Literature: DOWNLOAD IT FREE!


>> For those who would favor approving each vendor's program, what would LPI
>> do if a vendor who did not have an LPI-approved curriculum used the
>> following words in their marketing material:  "We teach to the LPI
>> standard"?
>  Sue them? LPI, LPIC will be trademarked etc.

I hope this response was in jest.  Surely you are not advocating a closed
standard for open source software!  Do we intend to charge people just to
use the standard in a training course?  You need to think this through very

LPI is at a critical crossroads.  It can become a very powerful force to
advance Linux and the open source movement, or it can become the  provider
of something  which will join the MSCE as just another commercial ticket.

Tom Pilsch
Continuing Education Program
Georgia Tech College of Computing

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