Then don't remove it yet. The ramification needs more thoughts ...

That generic_drop_inode() can *not* be removed.

Not sure whether my head is clear enough this time ....

Based on code reading ...
1. iput() gets inode_lock (a spin lock)
2. iput() calls iput_final()
3. iput_final() calls gfs_drop_inode() that calls
4. generic_drop_inode() unlocks inode_lock.

In theory, this logic violates the usage of spin lock as it is expected to lock for a short period of time but gfs_drop_inode() could take a while to finish. It has a blocking write page that need to make sure the data gets sync-ed to storage before it can returns. Make matter worse is that inode_lock is a global lock that could block non-GFS threads. One would think a quick fix is to drop the inode_lock at the beginning of gfs_drop_inode() and then re-acquires it after gfs sync the page. Unfortunately, inode_lock is not an exported symbol and GFS is an out-of-tree filesystem that has to be compiled as a kernel module. So this trick won't work for GFS.

With a flight to catch tomorrow and a flu-infected body, I lose the will to think over what the correct fix should and/or will be.

-- Wendy

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