> Due to the huge number of diffs, I may have missed the following point. 
> Therefore, please help me:

No problem at all!  If you're doing me the kindness of actually reading
and reviewing this, I have *lots* of time to act as a tour guide.

I've just had my nose in this code, and your memory is presumably a bit
rustier on some details, even if you understand the larger system better
than I do.

(I hope that English figure of speech isn't too obscure for you.)

> Where do I see that priming?

It's in the same place as it always has been: in fips_cprng_reset,
just below the comment "this primes our continuity test".

Patch 12 changes the priming call from get_prng_bytes to
_get_more_prng_bytes in order to get rid of the "rdata" stack buffer.

Patches 5 and 21 make inconsequential syntactic changes to the area.

> Note, this priming should have an ability to be disabled for performing the 
> CAVS tests as they (as stupid as it may sound) want the very first random 
> number after the seeding.

In this regard, I didn't touch the existing code, which distinguishes the
functions "fips_cprng_reset" which does the priming, and "cprng_reset"
which doesn't, and exports two struct crypto_alg interfaces to make them
both available.
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