On 05/20/2016 06:31 PM, Herbert Xu wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:50:38AM -0500, Gary R Hook wrote:

Why is (or should) setting geniv (be) required?

crypto_givcipher_default() appears to call crypto_default_geniv() if
the geniv member
is NULL. That function returns "eseqiv" or "chainiv" (under certain
conditions). If an
implementation isn't generating its own IVs, shouldn't the default
happen anyway? Or is
this more a matter of populating the structure with known,
intentional values?

Thank you for any illumination provided.

In the upstream kernel AEAD geniv has been completely phased out
and no longer exists.  Denis is working on an old kernel that still
has it.

We haven't yet phased it out for skcipher but I'm working on it.

...and there was light.

Thank you; very helpful.

(I'll work harder on my line wraps... If someone knows how to get Thunderbird
to do it for me, I'd love to know.)
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