Am Dienstag, 9. August 2016, 17:11:09 CEST schrieb Tapas Sarangi:

Hi Tapas, Herbert,

> Hi Stephan,
> Thanks. I have already tried that. ‘drbg’ module is loaded fine in a
> non-fips mode. Here are output from some commands.

There is something strange going on. I have to compile the DRBG statically. 
When booting the kernel with fips=1 (of course after changing the key size to 
2k or 3k in certs/x509.genkey), the DRBG does not show up in /proc/crypto nor 
can I find testmgr entries about the DRBG.

When I reboot the kernel without fips=1, all works as expected.

When I create a copy of the drbg.c code and have it compiled as a module to 
ensure it is signed, I can insmod it and the testmgr successfully tests it.

Note, with fips=1, my kernel crashes randomly somewhere in the elf loading 
code -- I guess it is because there is no stdrng.

> I see that at some point you had a patch to use CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRNG. I am
> not using that, could that be a problem ?

Nope, this LRNG is something completely different -- it is my proposal to 
replace the current /dev/random and /dev/urandom implementation as documented 
in [1].


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