xdm has a set of configuration files where you can define the look and 
feel of xdm itself, the commands to be run in a session and the
commands to be run once the session is over.

The look and feel is defined in Xresources.

The startup clients (including your preferred window manager) should
be started in a shell script called .xsession in your home directory.
If you start the window manager from there, it should exit cleanly
without leaving fvwm plugins running (run it with ``exec'' from

If you still face problems with hanging processes, you should
explicitely kill them in Xreset.

Xresources and Xreset are in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm on my system, they 
could be under /etc/X11 on other distributions.

Hope this helps,

-- Raju

>>>>> "Ajit" == Ajit Ranade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ajit> folks, while on x, i would like to ask another related
    Ajit> question:

    Ajit> my xdm brings up a plain vanilla login (so evrything is
    Ajit> black and white: for example "wrong password" message
    Ajit> doesn't come out in bold red). when i login it puts me in an
    Ajit> xterm window (still black and white). then i start something
    Ajit> like "fvwm95 &" and get the expected desktop.

    Ajit> q1: how do i get the fvwm automatically without actually
    Ajit> having to run it?

    Ajit> q2: when i log out, it gets back to plain vanilla xdm
    Ajit> login. and when i login again, i notice "fvwm95buttons" and
    Ajit> "fvwm95taskbar" and such like are hogging 50% each of cpu
    Ajit> time. the only solution that i know is then to reboot, after
    Ajit> which everything is ok. what's going on? please help.

    Ajit> btw i am running debian 2.1 not rh 6.0.

    Ajit> thanks, ajit ranade.

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