Hi Gautam,

> u guys r tryin to promote linux right. how? w/out ne
> interaction...u mean all i should (and any other guy)
> do is to ask a question and ull answer it. and after 3
> months i wont be such a dud ,true. but will i know u?
> i mean cmon man linux isnt the end of the world, we're human after all.

There is a monthly meeting of DLUG...

One of the basic rules of posting to this list is: No HTML (Rich Text)
{Since you are using Outlook Express 5,
 Tools->Options->Send->Mail Sending Format->Plain Text, should set it.}

Read the posting by Raj Mathur on 28/1/2000 about Posting guidelines for
more details.
Go to http://www.linux-delhi.org/ and look at the Mailing-List Archives

   (O,O)   Vipul Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   (   )   http://www.crosswinds.net/~vipul/
| 'The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new |
| discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "Hmm. That's funny..."'-Isaac Asimov |
  Computer programmers never die... they just byte the dust

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