Linux-Development-Sys Digest #255, Volume #6     Mon, 11 Jan 99 12:14:26 EST

  Re: glibc for 2.2 upgrade (Andreas Jaeger)
  Re: How to run Windows Applications on Linux ("Arne K. Haaje")
  Re: Registry for Linux - Bad idea (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: disheartened gnome developer (Tim Smith)
  Re: accessing user space memory (Robert Kaiser)
  Re: Flush UDP on close()? (Lars Hofhansl)
  S3 ViRGE + KDE (Paul Mackinlay)
  Re: 2 stacks? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: kernel 2.2.0-pre[1-6] and ISDN driver ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: CDROM under DOSEMU (mvrao)
  Re: GUI, The Next Generation (Dave Hearn)
  Re: S3 ViRGE + KDE (Brian Wheeler)
  CDROM access for SGI box via Linux box (Robin Butler)
  Re: disheartened gnome developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Andreas Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: glibc for 2.2 upgrade
Date: 11 Jan 1999 09:09:50 +0100

>>>>> Joe Pfeiffer writes:

 > Preparing for an upgrade to 2.2.0pre(whatever it is when I get there),
 > I'm trying to upgrade my glibc.  I'm running into some problems...

 > (1) The Changes file calls for glibc2.0.7pre6 in the minimal requirements
 > section, and 2.0.9x when describing Unix98 pty support.  Which of
 > these is in fact a higher version?
2.0.x (x > 89) are test releases of glibc 2.1.

 > (2)   Based on the timestamps of the files in
 > I'm assuming 2.0.7pre6
 > is (even though from the numbering I'd expect 2.0.95 would be the
 > highest version in that directory).  After downloading glibc2.0.7pre6,
 > the README file states that I can find glibc-crypt-2.0.7.tar.gz.  No,
 > I can't.  There are no glibc-crypt-2.0.7 files of any description
 > there; though I can find glibc-crypt-2.0.9x files.  Where can I find
 > glibc-crypt-2.0.7?

There's no glibc-crypt-2.0.7, get the one from 2.0.6.  Test releases
for glibc 2.1 can be found at  The latest
version is 2.0.108.

 > (3) I've wound up downloading glibc-crypt-2.0.95.tar.gz (on an earlier
 > iteration, I used matching glibc and glibc-crypt versions; that didn't
 > compile either, though for a different reason.  I don't think the
 > problem I'm having is version related...).  When I try to compile, I
 > get:

Don't mix add-ons from glibc 2.0 and 2.1 test releases, 2.0.95 will not 
work with 2.0.7pre6.

 > I'd appreciate any help getting this to compile...

  for pgp-key finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Arne K. Haaje" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to run Windows Applications on Linux
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 09:42:36 +0100

"Brett W. McCoy" wrote:
> > Santa's making a list.  If You could have any piece of software ported
> > to Linux, other than Microsoft's what would it be?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Registry for Linux - Bad idea
Date: 4 Jan 1999 09:10:05 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
George MacDonald  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>   Provide a revision control wrapper so you can log reasons for changes
>>   and back up to any known previous version.  This would be trivial
>>   as long as everyone uses it.
>Do you think using CVS for this would be sufficient?

Yes, but if the object is also to make things easier the wrapper would
need to generally 'do the right thing' without requiring knowledge of
cvs commands and shouldn't break if someone modifies the underlying
file directly.

  Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: disheartened gnome developer
Date: 11 Jan 1999 00:36:15 -0800

steve mcadams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Microsoft changed over to the service model years ago.   -steve
>>BULLSHIT!!!!. MS still get's the vast majority of their revenues from
>>royalties on their OS's and business apps.
>Do you have a url where I can see their financial statements to verify
>this?  Otherwise unless you are a Microsoft employee with access to
>their financial statements, you may as well be talking out your ass.

Their financial statements are all available at
They back up the opinion of the poster who wrote "BULLSHIT!!!!" above.
What service did you think Microsoft was getting significant revenue

--Tim Smith


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Kaiser)
Subject: Re: accessing user space memory
Date: 11 Jan 1999 08:38:39 GMT

In article <777cnc$val$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Kaiser) writes:
> In article <775e77$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Buschmann) writes:
> Have a look at our FTP server:
Oops, sorry, that should have been

Robert Kaiser                    email: rkaiser AT sysgo DOT de
Mainz / Germany


From: Lars Hofhansl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flush UDP on close()?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 11:51:45 +0100

>         I've got a small but disturbing problem with UDP sockets. The
> application I'm developing can use both UDP and TCP for transmitting data
> between a server and a number of clients. The problem I have is roughly:
>         1. client connects using UDP.
>         2. client sends a lot of data fast.
>         3. client disconnects and closes socket.
>         4. server never receives sent data.
> The problem seems to be that the data sent is never really sent. It seems
> to be written ok when I send it, but gets enqueued somewhere within the
> kernel waiting for delivery. When I do the close() on my socket the
> internal buffers seem to be cleared, i.e. never sent, so the server never
> gets anything!

UDP is "designed" to be unreliable. There're no connect/disconnect
and ack/nak phases, consequently there's NO way for the sender to
ensure that the data arrived at the receiver (unless, of course,
you implement your own ack/nak phase, in which case you'd be better
of using TCP in the first place).
UDP supports best efford delivery only, which basically means:
"Send out the packet and forget about it."



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From: Paul Mackinlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S3 ViRGE + KDE
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 11:25:06 +0000

Has anyone experienced problems with an S3 ViRGE video card when using
KDE? On my computer it seems to have a problem with certain applications
(in particular emacs). All the font formatting is wrong and any
documents you load in emacs become illegible if you try and modify them.

If anyone knows of S3 ViRGE driver problems or knows where to get
information about it please tell me. Thanks.



C.P. Mackinlay,                 |    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Aeronautics,           |    Tel: 0171 594 5110 (int. 45110)
Imperial College,               |
Prince Consort Road,            |
London SW7 2BZ                  |


Subject: Re: 2 stacks?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11 Jan 1999 06:36:40 -0500

Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ** LuCiFeR ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Thought about that too.. The code is normal C for now but I already
> : adjusted it to be usable with C++ compilers (// comments are SO handy :P)
> : Is there a way to automatically dispose objects at functionreturn which
> : were allocated as local variables?
> alloca (3)

in a C++ program, how do i convince a constructor to use alloca
instead of malloc where appropriate?  is it even possible without
rewriting the c/d-tors themselves?

Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: Re: kernel 2.2.0-pre[1-6] and ISDN driver
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 12:26:04 GMT

Christian Uhde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i found a problem in the usage of the kernel driver. this problem exists
> in pre1-pre6. the kernel crashes directly after boot (without any dumps)

ISDN is somewhat broken in 2.2-pre* and Linus has indicated that he won't
fix it before 2.2.0 (but maybe in 2.2.*)
Best to sync with the CVS for now.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Samuelson)
Subject: Re: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: 11 Jan 1999 07:27:34 -0600
Reply-To: Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> >LVM.
> Sorry my ignorance - but what's that?

Short for Logical Volume Manager.  A concept apparently pioneered by
Veritas and picked up by the major commercial Unices (specifically I
know of AIX, Solaris, DU, HP-UX, and IRIX) and being developed for
Linux.  Defines a different way to allocate, access and manage file
storage volumes on disks.  Key features (I refer to the AIX
implementation here, about which I know the most):

 - A volume group, which acts as a sort of meta-partition, if you
   will, can comprise multiple physical disks.  These can also provide
   redundancy not unlike RAID mirroring, as well as plain striping.
   The sysadmin can add disks to an LV at will, and take them away.

 - Inside a VG you have logical volumes, which are allocated from the
   VG like files in a filesystem.  Like files, these can be resized,
   moved, copied, renamed, etc.  They can also be mirrored.  Each LV is
   a block device.

 - On an LV you mkfs a filesystem.  Since the LV is a block device this
   works just like traditional partitions/slices, except that LV's are
   so much easier to manipulate.

 - Some filesystems commonly in use with LVM's support resizing.  AIX's
   JFS, for example, lets you grow it without unmounting.  This would
   not be very useful with traditional disk partitions or slices, but
   makes life much more fun for the sysadmin when the filesystem is on
   a (resizable) LV.  Wish /home were 80 megs bigger?  No problem: have
   the system allocate 20 more 4-meg "blocks" for /home's LV, assuming
   the VG has that many available.  If not, first add another disk to
   the VG....

And one more feature that can save a lot of headaches in some

 - Disks are recognized not by SCSI ID's or whatever but by a VG
   signature.  LV's contain a certain amount of metadata as well, so
   /etc/fstab is not really needed to figure out what partitions mean

Anyway as I said, an LVM is being developed for Linux.  Current release
is 0.4 and is available at .  It was
released back at kernel version 2.1.103 or so; don't know how much has
changed since then that would involve the kernel patch portion.

Peter Samuelson


From: mvrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: CDROM under DOSEMU
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:41:21 +0000

Victor Wagner wrote:

> mvrao ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : How do I get dosemu to recognize my CDROM drive ?
> Do you need so?
> Typically it is enough to mount CDROM under linux and open its root
> directory as network drive in lredir.
> I work with DOSEMU four years and never need something else.
> Of course, there are special situations like games, which checks for
> presence of licensed CDROM. For this rare situations cdrom.sys is
> provided with DOSEMU distribution.
> I always feel that give DOSEMU direct access to some piece of hardware
> is evil, becouse it may prevent any unix program access same hardware
> while DOSemu is running, and may cause problem if two or more DOSEMU
> running simulateously. Probably it is not a case with CDROM, becouse it
> is read-only.
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I have tin news and pine mail...
> Victor Wagner @ home       =         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I am getting errors using lredir.

lredir d:  linux\fs/mnt/cdrom  and  lredir d:  /mnt/cdrom  both give
errors 'while redirecting'.

d: is not mapped under dosemu

m v rao


From: Dave Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GUI, The Next Generation
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:47:04 +0000

Don't let us forget that the keyboard layout was designed to slow typists down
in the days when mechanical typewriters couldn't hack fast typists...


Jens Baaran wrote:

> Sami Tikka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> 3. Why do we need a Mouse (or keyboard
> >>    - it may be obvious but think about it...)?
> >
> > I really hate to take my hands off the keyboard. I can touch-type pretty
> > well and whenever I take my right hand off the keyboard and bring it back
> > after a mouse movement, it takes some time to find the right place.
> How about a mouse-like device which is moved by ones feet ?
> At least organists, piano players and drummers
> would't have any problem with such a device.
> There could be two seperate ones:
> 1 for the buttons another for pointer movement,
> each controlled by one foot.
> They would have to be a little bigger as ordinary mice
> so maybe we'll call them rats? :-)
> Jens Baaran


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Wheeler)
Subject: Re: S3 ViRGE + KDE
Date: 11 Jan 1999 14:28:11 GMT

Its not the virge driver, I don't think, because I haven't had virge troubles
for years now.

The problem may be if you're running a newish KDE.  There's an option to 
"apply styles to non KDE applications"...this makes the fonts for emacs
proportional, and makes it unusuable.

sometimes, just running "xrdb ~/.Xdefaults" will fix it.

Brian Wheeler

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Paul Mackinlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Has anyone experienced problems with an S3 ViRGE video card when using
> KDE? On my computer it seems to have a problem with certain applications
> (in particular emacs). All the font formatting is wrong and any
> documents you load in emacs become illegible if you try and modify them.
> If anyone knows of S3 ViRGE driver problems or knows where to get
> information about it please tell me. Thanks.
> Paul
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> C.P. Mackinlay,                 |    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dept. of Aeronautics,           |    Tel: 0171 594 5110 (int. 45110)
> Imperial College,               |
> Prince Consort Road,            |
> London SW7 2BZ                  |
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


From: Robin Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CDROM access for SGI box via Linux box
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 14:35:28 +0000

I want to be able to allow my SGI box to read a CDROM
located in my Linux box. Is there anyway I can get Linux 
to recognise the IRIX filesystem?


Robin Butler - Junior Engineer. Tradezone International.
Zetland Buildings, Exchange Square, Middlesbrough, TS1 1DE,
Tel: +44 (0) 1642 216200    Fax: +44 (0) 1642 216201


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: disheartened gnome developer
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 16:47:37 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 17:59:53 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Yes, but they are just co-owners. Take a look at the Gtk+ and Gnome
> >> sources and you'll see copyrights not only owned owned by Redhat, but buy
> >> FSF, and dozens of other individuals.
> >
> >Look at the sources of control-panel and you will see a different
> >thing.
> Control-panel is an application, not a core library. It's not part of
> Gnome but was written specifically for the RH dist (although some other
> dists are using it. I'm running RH5.2 and I don't even use control panel.

Uh... where did I say otherwise?
The argument started with Jedi saying something like "Red Hat doesnt
exclusively own any software" (not exactly)

> >> >Red Hat does own the code they create, just like Troll Tech and Microsoft.
> >> >That you have a copy of it under the GPL doesn't mean they can't later
> >> >re-release it under a proprietary license.
> >>
> >> But they would have to get dozens of other developers to go along with it.
> >> You can be sure many would either flatly reject or ask for a peice of the
> >> action.
> >
> >Dozens? It depends. Some pieces of software are written nearly 100% by
> >Red Hat. ORBit, for one thing.
> The AUTHORS file in the CVS ORBit distribution contains half a dozen
> non-redhat authors. rcs2log indicates patches from at least a dozen
> others. Furthermore, LGPL gaurantees the other developers can fork it
> any time they want.

That means nothing without checking how much code was written by each.
I must have had patches for a program I wrote from about 50 people,
yet 50% of the code is mine (and 46% is from another 2 people)

> >> In this respect, i personally feel Gtk/Gnome offers a better contract for
> >> developers.
> >
> >Compared to what? KDE? KDE is in exactly the same position.
> KDE is not in the same position.

KDE is written by many people, and released under the GPL.

> Qt offers a different contract to
> developers than what Gtk+ offers.

But Qt is not part of KDE. Qt is Qt.

> You can't deny it's different.

Never have, never will.

> I feel developers most definitely should understand the licence terms of
> any libraries they use and make their own decisions.


> How, you, I or anyone else feels about these differences is a matter of
> personal judgement. You obviously trust Troll Tech. I personnally don't
> trust Troll Tech or Redhat. Both are businnesses acting in the interest of
> their own bottom line. I just feel the GPL/LGPL terms offer better
> protection for contributing developers. That's strictly my opinion.

Qt can not ever become any less free than it is right now, not because
of trust but because of law.

> Please understand I think you have done excellent work. You have built a
> wonderful house and you're sharing it with everybody. You even let people
> build their own additions to it. I just don't want to see a tornado come
> along and rip your house away. I think the Gnome house is more tornado
> proof. I have read your signed contract with Troll Tech and I still feel
> that way. Did you even bother to consult a single Norwegian attorny before
> signing that thing??

Who do you think send me that thing?

> >It could be that KDE app writers don't advertise as much.
> >I have released 5 apps for KDE and you won't find one in freshmeat.
> OK. I checked the KDE apps page, and both the Gtk/Gnome app pages and they
> are about even.

If you look more carefully, many apps that are in the KDE cvs are not in the
application page.

> >Choice of language is way, way, overhyped.
> I strongly disagree. Languages are tools. A programmer chooses the best
> tool available for a job based on 1) suitability of the tool for the
> particular job and 2) his knowledge of how to use the tool or his time
> available to learn how to use a new tool. The more tools available for him
> to choose from, the more chances he will use the best tool.

And if many tools are more or less adequate, he may do with whatever he is
got. I was not really a C++ programmer before started coding for KDE (and
it shows in my earlier pieces ;-).

I still would prefer to do it on python, yet doing it on C++ is not really a
big deal.

> >I wrote C bindings for Qt. Do you know how many people downloaded them in
> >the first month? 20.
> >
> Writing a C binding to a C++ toolkit is kinda going backwards. I see C as
> a mid-level langauge. It's a good platform independant abstraction of
> assembly, perhaps as low level as such a platform independant abstraction
> can be. It's a common focal point to bind higher level languages to. Take
> a look at

And how is that related to whatever I said? I was just noting that
there is really very little interest on coding in C instead of C++.

> Eleven different languages. This will be big plus for Gnome when these
> bindings are more developed.

Qt has bindings for C++, C, Perl, and Python.
If someone really wanted it, TCL and Lisp could be done in a week since
the SWIG wrapper is done, and just a bit of glue is missing.

> >I wrote a tutorial for KDE programming on c++. Actually just a draft of the
> >first third of the tutorial. Downloads in the first month? 356.
> What does that have to do with language bindings? I'm sure the Gnome and
> Gtk tutorals many downloads to.

If we call X the number of people who want to code in C, Y the number
of people who want to code in C++, A the number of people who reads
tutorials for C++, we have that A<Y, and in this case X << A < Y.

Please notice that the number of people that *wants* to code is
usually bigger than the number that actually does code.

Roberto Alsina (KDE developer) &#137;

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