On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 11:56:42AM -0800, Randy Dunlap wrote:
> > +As part of the normal stable release process, kernel changes that are
> > +potentially security issues are identified by the developers responsible
> > +for CVE number assignments and have CVE numbers automatically assigned
> > +to them.  These assignments are published on the linux-cve mailing list
>                                                     linux-cve-announce 
> mailing list

Ah, good catch, you can see the "old" name for the list here, this is
due to this document being an older version, a symptom of "write it on
my workstation, sync to laptop, travel with laptop for 3+ weeks and make
changes based on meetings with CVE and others and then forget to sync
from laptop when arriving home".

Ugh :(

Thanks so much for the grammer fixes, they are much appreciated.  I'll
apply them and send out the latest version in a bit.

> > +No CVEs will be assigned for unfixed security issues in the Linux
> > +kernel, assignment will only happen after a fix is available as it can
>    kernel;
> > +be properly tracked that way by the git commit id of the original fix.

One of my goals in life is to never use a ';' in a sentence, and after
writing 2 books without them, I thought I achieve that pretty well as I
never seem to remember when they are to be used or not.  But I'll trust
you on this and use it here.

thanks again for the review, much appreciated.

greg k-h

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