Jarryd Beck wrote: > Here's the first frequency it tuned to, as you can see the > one you set auto on is still auto, it didn't seem to autodetect > anything. It was the same for all the other frequencies as well. > >>>> tune to: >>>> 226500000:INVERSION_AUTO:BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ:FEC_3_4:FEC_AUTO:QAM_64:TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO:GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16:HIERARCHY_NONE > WARNING: >>> tuning failed!!! >>>> tune to: >>>> 226500000:INVERSION_AUTO:BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ:FEC_3_4:FEC_AUTO:QAM_64:TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO:GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16:HIERARCHY_NONE > (tuning failed) > WARNING: >>> tuning failed!!!
It does not matter what scan outputs as tuning parameters because it just shows same parameter that are set by used tuning file (at least when tuning fails). Driver will still try to auto detect correct parameters. In this case it still fails for reason or other that is not found yet. regards Antti -- http://palosaari.fi/ _______________________________________________ linux-dvb mailing list linux-dvb@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/linux-dvb