On Monday 07 July 2014 11:05:11 René Bleisch wrote:
> I already have a FAI-server for my workstations (wheezy). Now I'm trying 
> to setup an additional FAI-server for my servers (Ubuntu Trusty).

Why do you want to set up 2 different servers in the first place? To create the 
matching nfsroot to install a matching OS? 

There's actually nothing that prevents you from installing OS 'abc' from an 
nfsroot with OS 'def'. It's not the default and there are some assumptions in 
FAI that need to be circumvented (like copying sources.list from the nfsroot 
to the newly installed OS.)

There's not even a need to have a separate 32 and 64bit nfsroots as long as 
the client is able to boot a 64bit OS.

You may run into problems if the nfsroot's debootstrap is unable to create the 
target OS base install, but that can be avoided by preparing a suitable 
"base.tgz" (it's just the tarred debootstrap result). [Btw. using suitable a 
base image makes it possible to install RedHat and SuSE via FAI.]


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