Hi Thomas,
One week ago, I managed to setup my FAI-server for Ubuntu Trusty server machines with or without graphical user interface (GDM/gnome).

I recreated my wheezy nfsroot with the newest FAI-version and use it now for both wheezy and Ubuntu/trusty (I think this is really the best solution).

Finally, I could setup a first Ubuntu machine without GDM and everything seems to work (network, shared folders, etc.) Only when I additionally install GDM/gnome, the GDM doesnt really start, but I dont think this is FAI related.

Further I use now the FAI project repository for the Ubuntu installations, up to now I didnt have any problems with this.

I think I experienced the issue described here:

(However I was in holidays last week and cannot remember all details now)


On 07/21/2014 10:39 AM, Thomas Lange wrote:
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:25:51 +0200, René Bleisch <accou...@climate.unibe.ch> 
     > I had quite some problems to solve:
     > - I had to chmod  /srv/tftp/fai_ubuntu/initrd... from "-rw------"- to 
"-rw-r--r--" (seems to be a known problem)
I;m windering why you need this. in fai-make-nfsroot the script does
chmod a+r $NFSROOT/boot/initrd.img-*
which sets the permissions correctly.

     > - unfortunately I had to replace dracut with liveboot (there seem to be 
some already known incompatibility issues between dracut and initramfs on ubuntu)
Do you have more details on this? I'm interested in why the new dracut
from Debian does not work in a Ubuntu nfsroot.

     > However because the FAI-version used on ubuntu seems to be quite
     > old (3.4.8
You should not use any 3.X version of FAI these days.

     > Just a final question: can I use the "http://fai-project.org/download"; 
also for Ubuntu 14.04/trusty? (I remember having heard something in former e-mails)
Yes, give it a try.
Someone posted on this list that the version 4.1.1 from
https://launchpad.net/~fai/+archive/ubuntu/testing works, so I guess
FAI 4.2.1 from the fai-project repository should also work.

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