> step 1: mount --bind /mnt /mnt
>             a new mount 'A' is created at /mnt
> step 2: mount --make-shared /mnt
>            mounts under 'A' are made shared. But in this case
>        there are no other mounts. So only 'A' will be made shared.
> step 3: mkdir -p /mnt/1 /mnt/2
>               nothing special here
> step 4: mount --bind /usr  /mnt/1
>                 a new mount 'B' is created  at /mnt/1 which is
>                'shared;.
> step 5: mount --bind /mnt  /mnt/2
>               a new mount 'C' is created at /mnt/2
>               and propogation is set between 'A' and 'C'.
>               note: 'C' is made shared.
> lets say, at this point I try 
>               mount --bind /var /mnt/1
>       this is going to mount 'D' on top of mount 'B'.  However
>       there is no other mount to which 'B' propogates to. So that is 
>       it. the contents of /var is only visible at /mnt/1 and it
>        propogates no where else.
> but lets say, we tried mount --bind /var /mnt/2/1
>       /mnt/2/1 belongs to mount 'C'. And mounts under 'C' propogates to 'A'
> too. So in this case a new mount 'E' is created at mnt/1/2

You mean /mnt/2/1

> i.e on top of 'C' at dentry '2'

On dentry '1'

> and due to propogation a new mount 'F' is created at /mnt/1 i.e on
> top of mount 'A' at dentry '1' But note: /mnt/1 already has a mount
> 'B' on top of it.  The new mount 'F' as per the 'most-current mount
> rule' obscures 'B' even though the mount is on top of 'A'. As a
> result the contents of /var are now visible both at /mnt/2/1 and
> /mnt/1


> Ok the net effect is, mount at /mnt/1 is visible only under /mnt/1
> but mount at /mnt/2/1 is visible at mount /mnt/2/1 and /mnt/1
> This makes it confusing.

But this asymmetry is caused by the fact that mounts from /mnt/1 (B)
don't propagate, while mounts from /mnt/2/1 (C) do.  And not because
of the mount lookup semantics you want to change.  That change in fact
would only _hide_ the asymmetry and not fix it: there would be
propagation in one case and no propagation in the other.

If you did before step 4 in another shell 'cd /mnt/1', then after step
5 you did 'mount --bind /var .', that would have had the same
symmetric effect as the 'mount --bind /var /mnt/2/1'.

> So the point I am driving at is, is there any special reason 
> for having 'most-recent mount visible rule' instead of 'top-most mount
> visible rule'?

I don't think, that 'topmost mount is visible' is any more logical
than 'latest mount is visible'.  The fact that the later has been in
the kernel for a long time means, that there may be systems relying on
this behavior, and changing it would break them.

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