> >> Does it mean to mount F immediately over D, in spite of anything that 
> >> might be stacked above D right now?  Or does it mean to throw F onto 
> the 
> >> stack which is currently sitting over D?  Your analysis assumes it's 
> the 
> >> former, whereas what Linux does is consistent with the latter.
> >
> >In fact those two are indistinguishable.  What linux does is an
> >internal implementation detail.
> Then you must have misunderstood what I meant to say, because I didn't 
> touch on Linux implementation at all;

Right, sorry.

> I'm talking only about what a user sees (distinguishes).  I say a
> user perceives a stack of mounts over a directory entry D.  A lookup
> sees the mount which is on top of the stack.  One could conceivably
> 1) add a mount to the middle of that stack -- above D but below
> everything else, such that it isn't visible until everything above
> it gets removed, or 2) add the mount to the top of the stack so it's
> visible now.


One problem with 1) is that it breaks the assumption that an 'mount X;
umount X' pair is a no-op.

> >Well, mounting over '.' may not be perfect in the mathematical sense
> >of namespace operations, but it does make some practical sense.  I bet
> >you anything that some script/tool/person out there depends on it.
> It wouldn't surprise me if someone is depending on mount over ".".  But 
> I'd be surprised if someone is doing it to a directory that's already been 
> mounted over (such that the stacking behavior is relevant).  That seems 
> really eccentric.

You are probably right, but one can never know.

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