On 2011-05-19T09:19:42, Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

> Hi!
> I had the doubt that setting up the SBD resources is described correctly in 
> the "High Availability Guide" of SLES 11. My comment (to Novell I think) was: 
> "Shouldn't here be a resource per node? Following the procedure, the resource 
> just starts on an arbitrary node. If one primitive per node, you'll need a 
> locational contraint to avoid multiple primitived running on the same node, 
> right?"

No, one external/sbd resource per device (which usually means: per
cluster) is sufficient.

And you do not need to clone it.

> Another book uses a clone resource for SBD (which seems to make sense).

No, it doesn't. ;-) What value does that provide?

> For all who don't have the test at hands, here's what the guide writes about 
> SBD setup (page 194):
> -------snip--------
> Configuring the Fencing Resource
> 1 To complete the SBD setup, it is necessary to activate SBD as a 
> STONITH/fencing
> mechanism in the CIB as follows:
> crm configure
> crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled="true"
> crm(live)configure# property stonith-timeout="30s"
> crm(live)configure# primitive stonith_sbd stonith:external/sbd params
> sbd_device="/dev/SBD"
> crm(live)configure# commit
> crm(live)configure# quit

Yes, and that's enough. The documentation is correct on this.


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