On 2012-03-15T15:59:21, William Seligman <selig...@nevis.columbia.edu> wrote:

> Could this be an issue? I've noticed that my fencing agent always seems to be
> called with "action=reboot" when a node is fenced. Why is it using 'reboot' 
> and
> not 'off'? Is this the standard, or am I missing a definition somewhere?

Make sure that stonith-timeout is set high enough; if you need at least
21s guaranteed, set it to 60s. (Remember that timeouts are a last line
of defense, and don't speed things up.)

And yes, it uses reboot because that is the default. Look at
stonith-action in the CIB.


Architect Storage/HA
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21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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