Linux-Hardware Digest #115, Volume #9             Wed, 6 Jan 99 00:13:36 EST

  Is the Adaptec 2904 PCI card supported by the aha7xxx driver? (Brandon Johnson)
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem ("Jim Williams")
  Re: Does Linux work with EZ-Drive? (Frank)
  Intel Pro/100B PCI Ethernet - compatible? (Alex Parfenov)
  Slackware 3.6 can't mount My CDROM! ("Wayne")
  Re: Diamond SupraExpress w/linux (Rob Clark)
  How to install a Sonic Impact sound card (Benoit)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but am 
  Re: Hardware requirements (Kazin)
  Re: S3 Virge setup question (Dale Pontius)
  Re: Does Cardinal 3440 work? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Monitor 1024x768 under Win, 640-480 (and flaky) under Linux (Kazin)
  Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux? (Marc)
  Re: Intel Pro/100B PCI Ethernet - compatible? ("shen lu")
  Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux? (Nico Kadel-Garcia)
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem (David Fox)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but am 
  Memory on a Compaq Presario ("usinet.scfein")
  Re: D-Link 10/100 card (David Fox)
  Re: IBM token-ring cards & eathernet cards (Kazin)
  Re: Need advice on what network cards to buy (Jason P. Holland)
  Sound Blaster  AWE64 ("Ramon Ruiz")
  Modem ("XaosSlaad")


From: Brandon Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is the Adaptec 2904 PCI card supported by the aha7xxx driver?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 12:06:39 +1030

The main question is in the subject. Can I use an Adaptec 2904 card in
my Linux box?
I have browsed through the source from the 2.0.35 kernel for scsi
drivers and this card is not metioned though the 2940 is and Adaptec say
that the 2904 uses the same architechture. I would assume that it may
work but would like some confirmation before I layout any $$$.

Thanks in advanced.

Please remove nospam to return email

Show Me the Source!

Brandon Johnson


From: "Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 19:57:33 -0600

I wasn't going to say anything, but..  If this is about competition and
winning the desktop, I'll just scrap the Linux box I just installed right
now. If it's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that if 100 million
people love it, I'll probably hate it.  It's very telling that "even
mercedes... nowadays... sure.. mercedes put cup holders in *after* they saw
the demand for them. Until then, they just made what was already popular as
quality as they could.

d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) wrote in message ...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael David Jones) writes:
>> There you go again. You know, Unix lost the desktop once by holding
>> out for "good ideas" instead of giving people what they wanted. Linux
>> is probably our last shot at fixing that mistake. You know, even
>> Mercedes have cupholders these days.
>Thank you, this is right on.  Winning the desktop is much more
>fun that losing it.
>David Fox              xoF divaD
>UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Does Linux work with EZ-Drive?
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 20:07:56 -0600

Adrian R Cook wrote:

> Hello folks,
>    I am trying to install a new 4.3 GB Caviar hard drive on my machine, and
> apparently I need to use a piece of software called EZ-Drive to allow my
> machine to see the whole drive. (It seems that my machine's BIOS doesn't
> know how to deal with disks bigger than 2 GB: it's an old 486.) The Large
> Disk Mini-HOWTO doc seems to say that Linux is compatible with EZ-Drive,
> though only after kernel version 1.3.18 or something like that.
>   Is anyone out there sucessfully using Linux with EZ-Drive? If so, what
> distribution are you using (and what kernel version)? Did you have to jump
> through any extra hoops to get it to work? I need to put Windows95 on the
> disk along with Linux, and Win95 apparently needs EZ-Drive to be installed,
> so doing away with EZ-Drive isn't an option. Just as an experiment I tried
> installing an old distribution of Linux that I had (kernel v1.2.13) with
> EZ-Drive already installed, and the Linux installer seemed to overwrite all
> or part of EZ-Drive with LILO on the disk's master boot record, putting
> things into a very weird state. I'm prepared to get a new distribution of
> Linux, but only if I can be reasonably confident that it will work with
> EZ-Drive.
> Thanks in advance,
> Adrian Cook

i too have an old 486 (1993 compaq cds) in which i put a 3.2G caviar, then
installed rh5.1 to it from the rh boot disk and cd-rom... never had to  do
anything with the bios...  doesn't linux take care of all that stuff?


From: Alex Parfenov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intel Pro/100B PCI Ethernet - compatible?
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 19:52:44 -0500

I would like to know if Intel Pro/100B PCI card is compatible under
Thanks in advance

Alex Parfenov


From: "Wayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Slackware 3.6 can't mount My CDROM!
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 10:32:27 +0800

When I enter the command : " mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom "
The Slackware 3.6 show us: "the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdc as a
block device
                             (maybe 'insmod driver'?)
How I can solve this problem ?


Subject: Re: Diamond SupraExpress w/linux
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 02:41:17 GMT

In article <76u90u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Barnitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I am looking to replace the WinModem I have with a real Modem, and I
>read that the SupraExpress was a good choice, does anyone have any
>experience with that modem with Linux.

Some SupraExpress modems are okay and some are Winmodems.

Please check this webpage, which lists working and non-working modems:



From: Benoit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to install a Sonic Impact sound card
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 17:51:27 +0100

Hi !

I'm looking for a way to get my Diamond Sonic Impact S90 to work with
Any clue ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyber-Not)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but 
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 02:48:48 GMT

I just love the way this guy can articulate his thoughts in a clear
precise manner :)

On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 18:04:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DG) wrote:

>EAT S*** AND DIE MF !!!
>On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 06:44:33 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In article <368e843f.9078609@news>,
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DG) wrote:
>>Doesn't you mom need  to use her computer back yet?  She is really gonna be
>>mad when she finds out all the time you have wasted, crying like a baby
>>because your too stupid to figure out an FTP install.  I know exactly how to
>>do it, for any recent red hat version.        I sure as hell am not gonna help you
>>out though, moron.  You should just quit, after all it didn't work easy the
>>first time, why bother trying again.  I think this philosophy will go very
>>far with you in life. If it's not easy just cry because you deserve a free
>>Sure I can help.
>>Whats Your Username?
>>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Hardware requirements
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:25:51 -0500

> > i also want to use it as a router (Ip masuareding)  1-4 clients, and a
> > friend of mine and I are working on deveolping a web interface for a
> > command line driven MP# player. I would like to use this boxes power to
> > play the mp3 over a sound card and wire the linux box into my altec
> > lansig speaker set on my NT box...  Samba will be running if possible,
> > and I would like to possible run X and use a X client on my NT box to
> > run X windows if pssible.. OS will be RH5.2.  I was thinking under $400
> > so maybe a p133 with 32 or 64 megs?   I found a P200 32megs for $450 but
> >
> > am a college student so I am thinking more like $200... Any ideas or
> > minimum requirement, places of purchase to check? etc... Let me know!
> > Thanks!!!

        Heh, my old Zeos P-75 with 24MB and 1.4GB (1.2GB and 200MB drives)
works great for all that right now.  It's a router between my ethernet
and token-ring, and is my dial-on-demand connection (via ppp) to my
ISP.  You really don't need much.  So far, I haven't ever complained
about the performance, just the poor quality of the Zeos hardware.
        Actually, this machine doesn't run X, so I can't comment on the
performance with X running.

  Mike Stella                             Software / Systems Engineer            Thirteen Technologies, LLC


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius)
Subject: Re: S3 Virge setup question
Date: 5 Jan 1999 16:37:44 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Robert M. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dale,
> The xvga server must be better than with x ver. 3.3.2, beacause under redhat 5.2
> I got nasty font afflictions after shutting x down. Not sure of the latest
> version with stock redhat, though. Does this mean that the xvga works now or
> what. I've a Diamond stealth 2000 pro with 2 megs of ram. I don't look at
> pictures much as you can tell. Still, lots better than my old paradise card on my
> '486 with 1 meg of vid. ram.
Don't you mean 'SVGA'? I'm running X 3.3.2 from RH 5.2, also. My
ViRGE card is a cheapie with 4 MB - Diamond has been known to
tweak their hardware to improve Windows performance, sometimes
to the (accidental) detriment of other OS's. I also run xdm, so
I seldom quit X. I have not observed font corruption when I do
quit X, or when I've switched to another VT.

Dale Pontius
(NOT speaking for IBM)


Subject: Re: Does Cardinal 3440 work?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 02:53:56 GMT

In article <76nb7o$bci$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Ruven Gottlieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm investigating buying a Cardinal 3440 Connecta 56k internal modem
> > from
> >
> > Saw a post suggesting it *might* work.  Has anyone used one under Linux?
> >
HEY, It does work!  I just got my kernel compiled with ppp support(finally) so
I'm writing this from my linux box using a Cardinal connecta 3440 modem.
Happy surfing,
Keith Brilhart

> > I wrote Cardinal, and Egghead and I'll let you know what I find out if
> > they answer, but in the meantime, has anyone actually used one
> > successfully?
> >
> >
> Hi Ruven,
> Yup, the Cardinal Connecta 3440 works like a charm for me with Slackware 3.5
> (Linux 2.0.34).
> I find it cheap, CAN$ 79.00, and reasonably fast.
> I have not tried the Fax functionality yet but I don't think that will be a
> problem.
> Cheers,
> J.J.
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Monitor 1024x768 under Win, 640-480 (and flaky) under Linux
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:52:57 -0500

Thomas Bendler wrote:
> when I look at this lines I think your Problem is the incorrect setting for
> the monitor frequencys. Try a look in the Web, there are a few miltary
> server in the United States with a lot of technical information specialy for
> older hardware. Unfortunatly I don't know the adress of the server so I
> think you must search it.

        Agreed.  I always find out what frequencies the monitor supports, then
just code that into the /etc/XF86Config file my self.  I usually use
xf86setup instead of Xconfiguratior, but then, I use Slackware too.
        What kind of monitor are we talking about here?

  Mike Stella                             Software / Systems Engineer            Thirteen Technologies, LLC


Subject: Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 04:08:06 GMT

I am not a Guru but I'll take a stab at it..............

The Baron wrote:

> Now, to the crux of the problem:  What the HELL is really necessary to
> connect from Linux (RedHat 5.2, which has the latest pppd version --
> ends in a 5, but I can't get to it since I'm logged on via Win98) to
> Bell Atlantic's network ( I got the DNS info from a
> Deja News search.

I did an NS lookup for you,,I do not trust any "dejaNews" Searches for DNS
numbers :-)

Non-authoritative answer:        nameserver =        nameserver =        nameserver =        nameserver =        nameserver =        nameserver =        nameserver =

Authoritative answers can be found from: internet address = internet address =        internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address =

> Interestingly, I also got an email response from Bell Atlantic. While
> they continued to profess their non-support of *NIX, they did provide
> step-by-step instructions (which DID NOT WORK). A flat statement they
> made is that DNS info is not necessary, since it is supplied by their
> system upon connect. It is also a fact that they use PAP.

They are using some form of DHCP to "push" out the server addresses  this is
only supported by M$ and Apple so far, but there should be a way to get you
to connect
also are you sure that it is PAP  this sounds more like CHAP fro what you are
describing to me........


> provides no apparent "login" or "name" prompt and no
> "password" prompt. What comes after CONNECT is a lot of "garbage."
> Shortly after that, I get:
>         "Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come
>         up."
> The detail of this shows: "Terminated on signal 15."

> Thanks one hell of a lot -- sincerely and truly.
> The Baron

Ok try this, you mentioned that you tried wvdial.  how did you set it up,
what did your wvdial.conf look like??? this is importatn, as the wvdialer
maintaines the chap-secrets file for you,  I think it is in the
/etc/ppp/options directory but since I am not at home right now and am not at
my linux box I am not sure,   my isp uses NT (arrrgh) servers for dial in
authentication and I use wvdial but it acts wierd,  when I issue the command
wvdial it initiallizes the modem, dials , connects then says "waiting for
promopt"  after that it sits ther for a few secs till it says "tired of
waiting for prompt starting PPPD and hoping for the best" or somthing like
that, at that point it seems to hang,,, but if I min the term window at that
point and open Netscape   it works...... just make sure that /etc/resolv.conf
is working :)
if not email me and I'll help ya any way I can :)


From: "shen lu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intel Pro/100B PCI Ethernet - compatible?
Date: 6 Jan 1999 04:09:36 GMT

Yes, IntelPro/100B is supported,  use "eepro100" under Caldera's network
Good Luck.

Alex Parfenov wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I would like to know if Intel Pro/100B PCI card is compatible under
>Thanks in advance
>Alex Parfenov


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nico Kadel-Garcia)
Subject: Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 04:28:20 GMT

[ Followup added to reduce bandwidth wastage. ]

On Wed, 06 Jan 1999 02:36:38 GMT, The Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sorry about the xposts -- following the original.
>Thanks to Ken McCord for the BULLSHIT non-answer (I've already gotten
>the Deja News posts, but they still do not answer the question.
>Thanks to Robert Taylor for at least trying. So far his solutions
>haven't worked.
>Now, to the crux of the problem:  What the HELL is really necessary to
>connect from Linux (RedHat 5.2, which has the latest pppd version --
>ends in a 5, but I can't get to it since I'm logged on via Win98) to
>Bell Atlantic's network ( I got the DNS info from a
>Deja News search.

Check out and enjoy.

>Interestingly, I also got an email response from Bell Atlantic. While
>they continued to profess their non-support of *NIX, they did provide
>step-by-step instructions (which DID NOT WORK). A flat statement they
>made is that DNS info is not necessary, since it is supplied by their
>system upon connect. It is also a fact that they use PAP.

Bell Atlantic is wrong. Linux does not *support* the ms-dns field for
PPP clients, only for servers, which is I believe what they are
referring to.  Read the pppd manual page.

PAP is your own adventure.

>1. RedHat's netcfg
>2. RedHat's Linuxconf

No! BAD! Rip it out of your system now! No biscuit!

>3. WvDial
>4. ezppp
>5. kppp (KDE's nifty ppp set-up program)
>6. manual editing of relevant files

A step you will need eventually.

>7. trying to log-on manually with minicom

Start with this.

>8. trying to log-on manually with HyperTerminal in Win98 (a different
>modem - more about modems below)

Sucks severely, but equivalent to minicom.

>First I thought the problem was a Lucent Technologies 56K v.90 modem
>which worked (and works) fine under Win98. Even though I asked the
>salesman whether it was a Winmodem, and was assured it IS NOT, turns
>out it is. So I installed an older PNP 33.6 modem (after disabling PNP
>and setting it to COM2 - or in Linux, cau1, which I access as

Salesdroids suck. You have my sumpathy, and good job so far.

> provides no apparent "login" or "name" prompt and no
>"password" prompt. What comes after CONNECT is a lot of "garbage."
>Shortly after that, I get:

This sounds wrong: do you have the modem settings correct, 8 bits, no
parity, one stop bit?

>Historically, I have demonstrated that I am NOT STUPID! (Try 99th
>percentile in IQ.) But I sure feel that way after this experience.

BellAtlantic is occasionally stupid, as we've seen before in other

>To this end, someone please help. I am obiously missing something --
>and suspect that BellAtlantic's PPP and PAP methods are the real
>culprits. For that reason, I hope those who respond ARE using Linux
>(or Unix) to connect to successfully.

Not BellAtlantic, but from home and work....


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: 05 Jan 1999 20:14:35 -0800

"Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I wasn't going to say anything, but..  If this is about competition and
> winning the desktop, I'll just scrap the Linux box I just installed right
> now. If it's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that if 100 million
> people love it, I'll probably hate it.  It's very telling that "even
> mercedes... nowadays... sure.. mercedes put cup holders in *after* they saw
> the demand for them. Until then, they just made what was already popular as
> quality as they could.
> d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) wrote in message ...
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael David Jones) writes:
> >
> >> There you go again. You know, Unix lost the desktop once by holding
> >> out for "good ideas" instead of giving people what they wanted. Linux
> >> is probably our last shot at fixing that mistake. You know, even
> >> Mercedes have cupholders these days.
> >
> >Thank you, this is right on.  Winning the desktop is much more
> >fun that losing it.

Computers and operating systems are not like cars or movies.  They
don't have a character the way a car or a movie does.  You don't
reject intel processors because they can run windows(*), and the fact
that Linux might be serving the needs of hundreds of millions of
people will have no effect on your personal computing environment
under Linux.  This is difficult to see right now because most of what
Microsoft calls their operating system is actually a collection of
application software.  The only change you'll notice is that every
whiz bang piece of new hardware will come with Linux drivers.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU

(*) Of course you might reject Intel processors because they are
register starved.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Marengo)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but 
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 04:22:28 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 18:03:08 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DG) wrote:

>EAT S*** AND DIE MF !!!

So who lives near the Chesapeake, VA area to see if DG can back 
up his words?


Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 03:33:23 +0000
From: "usinet.scfein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Memory on a Compaq Presario

I have a Compaq Presario 9546 with 32mb of RAM.  When I enter free it
looks like Linux is only noticing 16mb of RAM.  I startup Linux using
loadlin and I added mem=32M to loadlin.  Now free shows 30mb.  I noticed
in previous posts that Compaq's BIOS may not report the correct memory
to Linux.  I went into setup, but there was nothing for me to change for
memory.  The only option has to do with PCI Bus Mastering (turning this
off didn't help).

Previous messages mentioned things like shadowing, buffering, and limit
memory.  None of these items appear anywhere in the BIOS setup.

Though using mem= works, I would prefer it if the BIOS reported the
memory.  Is there anything else I can look at?




From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: D-Link 10/100 card
Date: 05 Jan 1999 20:19:36 -0800

"Kevin Duff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
>     I am currently booting three OSs on my box; Win95, WinNT, and Linux (I
> like Linux best, but it's the one I know the least about!). I am connected
> to the 'net via a cable modem, and have no probs with my connection via 95
> or NT, but I dont have   driver for my NIC under Linux. My card is a D-Link
> DFE-530TX 10/100 PCI.
>     If anyone has a working driver for this card, or could steer me to where
> I may find one, please reply either to this newsgroup or my email at:

I had this card working using the "via-rhine" driver which is
in the standard redhat kernel modules, but I'm half convinced
it destroyed my hub.  No, that's impossible.  But I threw it
away, along with the toasted hub.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


Subject: Re: IBM token-ring cards & eathernet cards
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 23:26:07 -0500

John Vine wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can find Linix drivers for the following cards
>     IBM EtherJet 10BASE T ISA Adapter
>     IBM Turbo 16/4 Token-Ring ISA

        The IBM 16/4 cards based on the Tropic chipset are supported by default
in the Linux kernel.  The IBM Turbo cards can be put into backwards
compatibilty mode, and they will work fine.  Even the new Wake-On-Lan
cards will work the same way.

  Mike Stella                             Software / Systems Engineer            Thirteen Technologies, LLC


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason P. Holland)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Need advice on what network cards to buy
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:07:59 GMT

On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 05:05:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mars)

>I will be buying another computer and want to network my existing one.
>The new box will mainly be running linux (debian 2.0 kernel 2.0.36)
>and the old box will be running win95.
>I want to use thinnet network (10base2) because I don't want to buy a
>hub for a 10baseT network.
>I will be using the linux box as a gateway/router/proxy for a modem
>connection to my ISP (via ip masqarading (sp?)) and in a not so
>distant future i'll be getting (hopefully) a cable modem connection
>with rogers@home.
>Having said that what is a good, cheap or mid priced NIC card that I
>could use with linux with this set up.  Should I go with 3com cards
>(just for the brand name?) or some generic cheapo one.

You want a card that will work with any operating system, get a 3Com
PCI card.  They are a little more expensive, but they are worth it
when it comes to compatibility.  Otherwise, any PCI card that is not
plug and pray will work fine.  I had good success with Realtek PCI
cards.  Less than $40 bucks for a PCI 10mbit card. 



From: "Ramon Ruiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Blaster  AWE64
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:20:50 -0400

I'm running Red Hat 5.2 on a Dell
PII 333Mhz
Sound Blaster AWE 64 (value)
STB Velocity 128 AGP

I've tried sndconfig but it tells me there is an error to include some
command in the isapnp.conf.

Any help is appreciated


From: "XaosSlaad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:04:03 -0500

Hi Everyone,

Ok, those excellent bastards on the .setup list got me up and running!
I thank them for all their help, I'm dual booting with Mi¢ro$haft Winbloze
95 and RedHat Linux 5.2.  Everything works great, the 3com card, the web
server, the SCSI, the video, EVERYTHING .........except the dreaded modem.
Im using an external USR 33.6 Fax Modem (not winmodem), I finally managed to
get the thing to where it dials, next problem--------The Receive and Send
lights are dead after it negotiates a connection............That's right,
the damn thing actually dials, negotiates a connection, sits connected for
about a minute (albeit dead) and then disconnects.  It works fine in the
Winbloze environment with the same settings...........Got any ideas, is my
login script stuff just screwed up?  I found a lot of resources on the web
and one that might help, but nothing specific to this kind of symptom and
I'm trying to gather everything up I can for info before i give it a go

Thanks for your help,

P.S. Remember I am the epitome of a retard when in comes to Linux at this
time and juncture, so please explain if you have the patience to do so.
(hope that will change soon, after all I DID get it installed with a whacko




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