Linux-Hardware Digest #160, Volume #9            Tue, 12 Jan 99 06:13:41 EST

  Graphical Recommendation ("Mike Stone")
  Re: soundbalster live or other good card (Linux) ? (Si Owen)
  Cirrus Logic GD5465 ("sikurus")
  Re: Linux on Pentium Pro? (Paul E Larson)
  Re: Iomega Ditto and Ensoniq Soundscape (Black iMage)
  video cards and red hat linux 5.2 (Nick Lander)
  Re: hardware for new computer (Nicholas Lee)
  Re: Help w/ Sun GDM-20D10 Monitor (Trinitron Tube) (Sam Goldwasser)
  Accton MPX card !!! ("Bernard Varaine")
  Re: Cirrus Logic GD5465 (Klamer Schutte)
  Re: XFree86_P9000 ("Jim Williams")
  Re: P55T2P4 and AMD K6-2-350 (Harry McGregor)
  Re: 400MHz versus 350MHz... (Harry McGregor)
  Re: [Fwd: SMP problems...] (Dmitri A. Sergatskov)
  Re: soundbalster live or other good card (Linux) ? (Peter S. Frouman)
  Sound problems with OPTi 82C930 ("Hasse Häljeskog")
  Re: P55T2P4 and AMD K6-2-350 ("Billy Boy")
  Re: Linux on Pentium Pro? (Patrick M. Geahan)
  Re: Tape drive recommendations (Raymond Lillard)


From: "Mike Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Graphical Recommendation
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 18:05:02 -0700

Hi, I'm in the process of building my first Linux box (Redhat 5.2).  I'm
using a Pentium 200MMX with 128 MB of RAM, a 3.2 GB HD and a 15" monitor.
I'd like to put a good graphics card into it.  I don't want to spend much
over $200 if I don't have to, but I'd still like to not have to worry about
dragging a window and my computer slowing down.  I've been searching around,
and I can find a ton of hardware compatibility lists, but I can't seem to
find a recommendation list.  If anyone could offer me some recommendations
on a graphics card, I'd really appreciate it.  Again, I want good resolution
and color depth (at least 1024x768 with 16-bit color).  OpenGL would also be
nice, but I'm not sure that this is a big issue since I don't plan on
spending much time playing with games on it.  Thanks for any recommendations
that you can give me.

Mike Stone

btw:  If you are going to help me out, could you also be so kind as to CC it
directly to my email account?  I don't get on the News groups nearly as
often as I should, and that would be a tremendous help.  Thanks again.


Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.soundcard.sblive
Subject: Re: soundbalster live or other good card (Linux) ?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:19:53 -0000

In article <iSBm2.18723$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I got a soundblaster live value with my pc, but browsing through dejanews
> I found that there is no driver for it for linux.
> It is not clear if a driver will become available (and if it does that
> would be q2 99, from rumour in dejanews). Does anybody know for sure that
> a driver is been (will be) worked on ? There is a rumour that creative
> live won't release enough information to make it feasable.

>From the site :

Cards/chips we plan to support in future
We are currently working on support for the following chipsets. 
Unfortunately it's not possible to give any estimates about when these 
drivers will be released. Please check for 

- SB Live. (estimated in 2Q99)


> Yet, I understand that this card is one of the best on the market...  
> Should I buy a cheap sound card and wait for the drivers for this one, or
> get it exchange for a currently supported card ??

Pick up a an original SB16 for now and put it in the PC with the Live! 
card. I'm using an AWE64 PnP which unfortunately needs setting up by the 
Creative DOS PnP setup program before I run LoadLin to boot Linux

If you decide on another card I'd check to make sure it's supported 
before you get it. The 2.2.x kernels (out soonish?) should add support 
for even more cards.


Note: My email address is intentionally invalid to foil spammers.
      Change 'nospam' to 'si' for my real email address.


From: "sikurus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cirrus Logic GD5465
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:42:32 +0700

I have a VGA Card CLGD5465 chipset, Monitor NEC MultiSync A-700
I attempted to install XFree but I am experiencing system lock up.

I ve already put the option below as suggested on readme :

Option "noaccel"
Option "no_bitblt"
Option "xaa_no_color_exp" sugested on FAQ for CLGLD546X

Are there any addditional options ?

thanks for the enlightent


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E Larson)
Subject: Re: Linux on Pentium Pro?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:02:24 GMT

In article <77e77c$8qv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Will Linux run on a Pentium Pro machine? How about a dual Pentium Pro?
>What would be the advantages or disadvantages of running Linux on a Pentium
>Pro/dual machine?
>Also, will Linux run on a plain dual Pentium machine? If so, does the the
>cpu have to be Pentium, or can you dual an AMD?
No problem on the PPro or Pentium. I did have some problems with the 
autoboot utility in Redhat 5.1. But it installed fine using the boot and root 
floppies. A dual PPro should work great, check the faq.


Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: Black iMage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega Ditto and Ensoniq Soundscape
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:09:08 -0600

Michael Lee Yohe wrote:

> I'm not too sure if this is a misunderstanding, but there is an Ensoniq
> Soundscape card _AND_ an ESS series card.  ESS is not affliated with Ensoniq
> (a common misconception).
>  ***************************************************************************
>  * Michael Lee Yohe                                   Office:      TH N318 *
>  * UAH ASPIRE System Administrator                    Office: 256-890-6904 *
>  * UAH CS Assistant Administrator                       Home: 256-828-2667 *
>  * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Web: *
>  ***************************************************************************

 I bought it with the understanding it was an Ensoniq Soundscape.  That's what
the invoice says, and there are chips on the board that say "Ensoniq".
You can make it foolproof, but you can't make it damnfoolproof.


From: Nick Lander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: video cards and red hat linux 5.2
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:14:45 +1000

I've just installed Red Hat 5.2 and am having troubles with the video
card. It's a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro, which is not in the list of
directly supported Diamond kit. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love
to hear them. (The monitor is a Dell D1028L, it's a PII 300 and has more
RAM than a field of sheep.)




From: Nicholas Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hardware for new computer
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:49:45 +0000

David Fox wrote:
> sound card may be unsupported



ID: Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370,ES1371)
SC: SoundBlaster PCI 64
SC: SoundBlaster PCI 128      <----------
MA: Jaroslav Kysela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam Goldwasser)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sun.hardware,
Subject: Re: Help w/ Sun GDM-20D10 Monitor (Trinitron Tube)
Date: 11 Jan 1999 16:29:10 GMT

Get used to them or get a different monitor.  ALL Trinitron and clone tubes
have 1, 2, or 3 stabilizing wires and for the most part, their visibility
doesn't change with age (of the monitor, that is).

 --- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page:
  Repair | Main Table of Contents:
 +Lasers | Mirror Info:
         | Sam's Laser FAQ:

In article <77d07k$ieq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I just picked up a Sun Sparcstation 2 with a Sun GDM-20D10 monitor. Soon
   after I booted the machine up I noticed two thin black lines running all the
   way across the monitor. One is roughly 4" down from the top, and another is
   about 4" up from the bottom. I originally thought it may have been a cable
   problem, but reseating and/or flexing the video cable has no effect.

   I've heard that all (older? circa 1995?) Trinitron tubes exhibit these thin
   black lines, but I really hope that is not the case. They are VERY noticable,
   especially once you become aware of them on a bright background .. I recall a
   Sony CPD-1304 monitor I had quite a few years ago developing this problem
   after a few years of use. I never investigated the issue with that model as I
   moved up to a larger unit. This 21" GDM-20D10 seems to have a very high
   quality picture (with the exception of the two lines) so I'm hoping there is
   a fix for this problem!

   The machine is running Solaris 2.5 and I hope to soon install Sparc Redhat

   Any help is greatly appreciated!



   -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: "Bernard Varaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Accton MPX card !!!
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:36:29 +1300

I cannot mamage to have this ISA card recognised by the Kernel.

ahve tried latest kernel, isapnp etc.. but no luck

any of you had experience with this kind of card ?




From: Klamer Schutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cirrus Logic GD5465
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:45:42 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

sikurus wrote:

> I have a VGA Card CLGD5465 chipset, Monitor NEC MultiSync A-700
> I attempted to install XFree but I am experiencing system lock up.
> I ve already put the option below as suggested on readme :
> Option "noaccel"
> Option "no_bitblt"
> Option "xaa_no_color_exp" sugested on FAQ for CLGLD546X
> Are there any addditional options ?

For Xfree86 3.3.3 I only need to set:
Option "sw_cursor"
which is needed for 24 bpp mode to have no lock ups.
For 3.3.2 you also seem to need
Option "xaa_no_color_exp"
but (parts) of this already seem to be the default for version 3.3.3

Note that this leads to not-optimal performance for both 3.3.2 and 
3.3.3, as some accelerator functions are not used. Attached e-mail to
Xfree86 mailing list does some software optimization for those cases.
This might be applicable for other cards as a CL GD5465.

Klamer Schutte, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electro-Optical Systems, TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory
Tel: +31-70-3740469 -- Fax: +31-70-3740654 -- Home phone: +31-79-3423924
Content-Type: message/rfc822
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Content-Disposition: inline

Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 12:02:52 +0100
From: Klamer Schutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i686)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Optimisation in cfbUnnaturalStippleFS (24 bits mode)
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------0740D11D9ACAD12F0B203985"

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Using Xfree86 3.3.3 (and 3.3.2) on my Cirrus Logic GD5465 AGP card,
I noticed considerable delays (about a second) for certain drawing
operations when using 24 bpp. These operation are well characterised 
with the x11perf -osrect500 test program. Rates I get are:

Xfree86 3.3.2, with option xaa_no_col_exp (needed to get it stable):
1.4 per second
Xfree 3.3.3: also 1.4 per second
Accelerated X 4.1.2: 132 per second
Xfree86 3.3.2, without xaa_no_col_exp (not usable for normal work):
121 per second.

A huge performance hit can be seen for the xaa_no_col_exp option,
which seems to be standard for a CL5465 with Xfree86 3.3.3.

The main problem seemed to be in the cfbUnnaturalStippleFS function.
Here, for every 4 pixel accessed 6 read operations to the frame buffer
are performed, and 6 write operations to the frame buffer are performed
(thus 3 R/W operations per pixel.) For the "standard" opaque stipple
operation for every four pixels only 3 R/W operations are needed (thus
3/4 R/W operation per pixel) assuming proper optimization. Also, this
enables some short cuts in the code.

This comes to the following speed for XFree86 3.3.3:  10.5 per second

Diff is attached

Klamer Schutte, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electro-Optical Systems, TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory
Tel: +31-70-3740469 -- Fax: +31-70-3740654 -- Home phone: +31-79-3423924
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="diff.UnnaturalStipple"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="diff.UnnaturalStipple"

diff -cr xc/programs/Xserver/cfb/cfbfillsp.c ../xc/programs/Xserver/cfb/cfbfillsp.c
*** xc/programs/Xserver/cfb/cfbfillsp.c Mon Dec  9 12:50:54 1996
--- ../xc/programs/Xserver/cfb/cfbfillsp.c      Fri Dec 11 13:13:29 1998
*** 426,431 ****
--- 426,443 ----
      int                           *pwidthFree;    /* copies of the pointers to free 
      DDXPointPtr                   pptFree;
      unsigned long         fgfill, bgfill;
+     register unsigned long *pdsttmp;
+ #if PSZ == 24
+     /* While processing a line buf stores prev_bytes which are located on the
+        right location */
+     int prev_bytes;
+     union long_bytes
+     { 
+       PixelGroup l;
+       unsigned char b[4];
+       unsigned short s[2];
+     } buf, fb;
+ #endif
      if (!(pGC->planemask))
*** 508,518 ****
        if (*pwidth)
            width = *pwidth;
            while(width > 0)
                int xtemp, tmpx;
                register unsigned long *ptemp;
-               register unsigned long *pdsttmp;
                 *  Do a stripe through the stipple & destination w pixels
                 *  wide.  w is not more than:
--- 520,533 ----
        if (*pwidth)
            width = *pwidth;
+ #if PSZ == 24
+           prev_bytes = 0;
+ #endif
            while(width > 0)
                int xtemp, tmpx;
                register unsigned long *ptemp;
                 *  Do a stripe through the stipple & destination w pixels
                 *  wide.  w is not more than:
*** 582,594 ****
                tmpDst2 |= tmpDst1;
  #if PSZ == 24
!               putbitsrop24(tmpDst2, tmpx, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop);
                putbitsrop(tmpDst2, tmpx, w, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop);
                x += w;
                width -= w;
--- 597,667 ----
                tmpDst2 |= tmpDst1;
  #if PSZ == 24
!               if ((rop == GXcopy) && (~ pGC->planemask == 0))
!                 { /* Simple, much used case */
!                   union long_bytes src;
!                   switch(tmpx)
!                     { case 0:
!                       buf.l = tmpDst2;
!                       prev_bytes = 3;
!                       break;
!                     case 3:
!                       if (prev_bytes == 0)
!                         buf.l = *pdsttmp; 
!                       fb.l = tmpDst2 << 8;
!                       fb.b[0] = buf.b[0];
!                       *pdsttmp = fb.l;
!                       prev_bytes = 0;
!                       break;
!                     case 2:
!                       if (prev_bytes == 0)
!                         buf.l = *pdsttmp; 
!                       src.l = tmpDst2;
!                       buf.s[1] = src.s[0];
!                       *pdsttmp = buf.l;
!                       buf.b[0] = src.b[2];
!                       prev_bytes = 1;
!                       break;
!                     case 1:
!                       if (prev_bytes == 0)
!                         buf.l = *pdsttmp; 
!                       src.l = tmpDst2;
!                       buf.b[3] = src.b[0];
!                       *pdsttmp = buf.l;
!                       buf.s[0] = (unsigned short) (tmpDst2 >> 8);
!                       prev_bytes = 2;
!                       break;
!                     }
!                 } else /* general case... */
!                   putbitsrop24(tmpDst2, tmpx, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop);
                putbitsrop(tmpDst2, tmpx, w, pdsttmp, pGC->planemask, rop);
                x += w;
                width -= w;
+ #if PSZ == 24
+           switch(prev_bytes)
+             {case 0:
+               break;
+             case 1:
+               fb.l = pdsttmp[1];
+               fb.b[0] = buf.b[0];
+               pdsttmp[1] = fb.l;
+               break;
+             case 2:
+               fb.l = pdsttmp[1];
+               fb.s[0] = buf.s[0];
+               pdsttmp[1] = fb.l;
+               break;
+             case 3:
+               fb.l = pdsttmp[0];
+               buf.b[3] = fb.b[3];
+               *pdsttmp = buf.l;
+               break;
+             }         
+ #endif




From: "Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XFree86_P9000
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 20:57:48 -0600

Doubt I can help you much, but I was having trouble with a Diamond P9000
under RH5.1. I was getting a blank screen. I had been trying to use
XConfigurator, but switched in desperation to xf86config. After that, I
tweaked the XF86Config file a bit to get 800X600x16 bit default, and it's
functioning fine. I don't know if this will help you or not..

Gary Strength wrote in message ...
>Hi yah,
>    I'm building a Linux machine on an old 486 spare. I brought up Red Hat
>5.1 with a mono card. After I figured out how to access my floppy and
>I picked up a color monitor and installed an Orchid P9000 card I had, since
>it appeared in my Red Hat manual as supported. After going through
>XFree86Config, X windows came up as a bunch of vertical stripes. I could
>move a bright white line around with my mouse, but that was it. Back to the
>manual- worked over config file, found screen and display, searched net for
>more on P9000 and got things looking right. Better, but no cigar. Tried
>XConfigurator; it reported XFree86_P9000 server not installed. Makes sense.
>But, reading over Red Hat, I don't understand how to go about installing
>only one part of a package. As I understant it now, I need XFree86_VGA and
>XFree86_P9000 to match up with the VGA and SVGA display and screen setups
>config, but I don't find anything like XFree86_P9000 on my CDs. O.K., maybe
>they're part of a different package. I tried rpm -qf, but it says
>XFree86_P9000 not part of any package. Am I looking in the wrong place?
>because XFree86_P9000 is listed in my Red Hat manual doesn't mean it's on
>the CD?
>    Figuring I may need to download these things separately, I looked into
> This seemed to echo what's in my manual, which is pretty
>Also looked into, but didn't get any sense of how to find thses
>    So, now I'm wondering; am I drifting off course because I don't
>understand something simpler earlier in the process, which is leading me to
>ask the wrong questions? Where should I look to find a more in depth
>explanation of RPM that will help me find and install the pieces I need?
>    I will appreciate any help you can offer. I'm a broadcast and post
>production engineer, so maybe I can offer electronics and video experience
>in return.
>    Although Linux can be frustrating, it's also very interesting. I think
>this is going to be a very rewarding educational experience...if I live
>through it!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harry McGregor)
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
Subject: Re: P55T2P4 and AMD K6-2-350
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 03:21:42 GMT

Try setting the board to 2x without the wire.  If you have one with
the new core, it might turn out to be 6x



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harry McGregor)
Subject: Re: 400MHz versus 350MHz...
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 03:18:16 GMT

I forgot the exact number, do a seach in Deja News in the group  It's a number etched on the chip.
Also you can download the kernel patch to support it even if your bios
does not support it (I would recomend a bios flash as well, if you can
do it).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dmitri A. Sergatskov)
Subject: Re: [Fwd: SMP problems...]
Date: 12 Jan 1999 00:05:16 GMT

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 14:14:52 -0800, 
Alessandro Giachino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>bogomips        : 4.28

You did not tell us wich kernel you are using. The problem should be
fixed in 2.0.36 From

Handle buggy SMP BIOSes with bad MTRR setup
  Some BIOSes for MP1.1/MP1.4 SMP machines fail to set the MTRR
  registers in the chips up correctly as the specification and Intel
  rules require. If you have a PPro or later SMP and one or more CPU's
  report a value of about 2-3 bogomips enable this.

>I included SMP and SMP_PROFILE in kernel.
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ Why?


Hope this helps.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter S. Frouman)
Subject: Re: soundbalster live or other good card (Linux) ?
Date: 12 Jan 1999 10:02:12 GMT

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 06:22:06 GMT, Yves Dorfsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi !
>I got a soundblaster live value with my pc, but browsing through dejanews
>I found that there is no driver for it for linux.
>It is not clear if a driver will become available (and if it does that
>would be q2 99, from rumour in dejanews). Does anybody know for sure that
>a driver is been (will be) worked on ? There is a rumour that creative
>live won't release enough information to make it feasable.

Yes, Creative is working on a driver. See the following message from the
linux-kernel list.
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jan 12 03:54:59 1999
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 19:25:02 -0800
From: Jacob Hawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Linux (Kernel Reflector)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: You question about drivers for Linux

Creative intends to put out two equally important pieces for the Linux

1) An OSS Binary driver that can be used in the next few months from a company
called 4Front.  This will allow Linux users to begin using their SB-Lives
immediately, while Creative becomes more familiar with Linux.  This solves the
immediate issue of a SB-Live working on Linux.

2) Longer term we will produce a library(.LIB) that can be linked into ALSA,
OSS, or what ever.  This library will expose the features of the chip and will
allow for additional functionality to be added.  I suspect this is what most
people are actually asking for.  In addition, we will write some form of
programmers reference guide to the chip so that anyone not interested in using
the library can program their own driver.  We will likely put this out as a SDK,
which will include some sample source code for initializing the chip.

The timing on item #1 is as soon as possible (probably in the next few months),
and the timing on item #2 is probably 6-9 months, depending on how long it takes
me to hire engineers that are proficient at Linux & audio.

I have added myself to this reflector so please feel free to contact me through
that or through [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jacob Hawley
Sr. Manager, Custom Engineering
Creative Labs, Inc.

-Peter Frouman | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zippy says:
I want you to organize my PASTRY trays ... my TEA-TINS are gleaming in
formation like a ROW of DRUM MAJORETTES -- please don't be FURIOUS with me --


From: "Hasse Häljeskog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound problems with OPTi 82C930
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 11:17:45 +0100

Hi everybody!

I can't my HOT-235 sound card (with OPTi 82C930 chip) to work with Linux
kernel 2.0.34. It is supposed to be compatible with Windows Sound System,
Soundblaster Pro, AdLib, MPU-401, OPL-3 etc..

Does anyone have a clue what to do? I've tried the OSS/Linux trial package
and that works fine but I want the driver to be compiled with the kernel.



From: "Billy Boy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
Subject: Re: P55T2P4 and AMD K6-2-350
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 11:09:13 +0100

Hello Roy,
my board is rev. 3.0, CPU is k6-2-350 (CXT core) 2.2V . The system runs
solid at
5x75MHz = 375 MHz and BIOS settings at 60ns  .Try to run the CPU with a
little bit higher voltage than the recommended 2.2V (max 2.4V).Use a huge
fan and thermal grease. Somtimes this helps to get the system work stable.

for 2.2V you had to set jumpers  2.5 & 2.7
for 2.3V you had to set jumpers  2.5     &       2.8
for 2.4V you had to set jumpers            2.7 & 2.8

I'm not responsible for any damage that may result from using
this information.


Roy Batty schrieb in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello Kurt,
>I'm experiencing the same problems with exactly the same
>setup (the only difference is that my board is rev. 3.0).
>The best stable combination that I could find is
>5x66 MHz = 330 MHz and BIOS settings at 70ns auto.
>This sucks, because the CPU is supposed to run at 350 MHz
>(or more), and the RAMs are definitely 60ns-chips.
>When I try 60ns-auto in the BIOS (worked fine with the old
>Pentium-166) the machine wont't boot.
>If you find a better stable combination, please let me know.
>- Roy


From: Patrick M. Geahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on Pentium Pro?
Date: 12 Jan 1999 03:36:46 GMT

Jim Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Will Linux run on a Pentium Pro machine? How about a dual Pentium Pro?
: What would be the advantages or disadvantages of running Linux on a Pentium
: Pro/dual machine?

I run RH5.1 on a PPrp 150, without a problem.

          Patrick "I'm a graphical cheek ant" Geahan 


Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 19:54:26 -0800
From: Raymond Lillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape drive recommendations

Yan Seiner wrote:
> I am looking for a tape drive with at least 10GB uncompressed.  Speed is
> not really an issue as long as it can back up and verify 10GB in 4-6
> hours or less.

I have been using SCSI 4mm DAT for several years.  If you can cut your
requirement to space 8GB, you could get the HP-1599 for around US$800.
Both Sony and HP support the newer 24GB format (DDS-3 I think) for
somewhat heavier bread.




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