Linux-Hardware Digest #213, Volume #9            Mon, 18 Jan 99 21:13:55 EST

  Re: Asus P2BLS Motherboard (Arnaud =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ladri=E8re?=)
  Re: Which CPU to upgrade to? (John Auld)
  Re: Installing - "Recieved signal 11" (John)
  Fastrack [raid?] controller & related Q's ("Tom Emerson")
  Re: lp not configured -- parallel printer problems (Mike)
  Re: X Windows Display Problem (jedi)
  Re: Compiling kernel w/ AMD K62-350 (Clive DaSilva)
  Re: which distribution package do you recommend?
  Re: Support for RS/6000 250,320,520 + C10 (Nicholas Leippe)
  Re: Wacom Woes... (Guus Zijlstra)
  Re: Newbie: Can't Read CDROM properly ("Calvin Mitchell")
  Re: slow system clock ?? (Andreas Bombe)
  Re: System Beeps (Sprint)
  Riva TNT and BTTV (Norbert Goebel)


From: Arnaud =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ladri=E8re?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus P2BLS Motherboard
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:25:04 +0100

I run Linux perfectly with a P2B-S. The AIC 7890 needs the latest drivers to
work, but it only was a problem a few month ago, now every distribution includes
them. I dunno about the network thingy, though, but I guess it should be ok as
it uses standard (Intel) components.

John Basso wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with the ASUS P2BLS motherboard
> with Linux?  Specifically, integration with the on-board SCSI and
> LAN controller.

| _  //  Arnaud "Kador" Ladrière                     Amiga/Music/Linux/RPG  |
| \\//   IRC   : Kador on EfNet servers              ICQ : 18941762         |
|  \/    Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     |
| 156, rue Oberkampf 75011 PARIS - FRANCE |


From: (John Auld)
Subject: Re: Which CPU to upgrade to?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:41:33 GMT

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:38:14 +0000, Ruffian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm just too lazy and inexperienced to play with overclocking *g* this
>is my first attempt at upgrading/rebuilding.  C'mon guys, give a girl
>a break *g*

There is no need to overclock a Celeron 400, CPU's sit idle most of
theit anyway unless you do loads of graphics or games (or both at the
same time).

Being English, I only know the cost of a Celeron 400 in UK Stirling
which is about 125 GBP which is less than the cost of a PII 350 (140
GBP for an OEM). Given that it performs very close to PII 400, that
makes the PII' 35 and 400 an overpriced choice IMHO.

So have a break, save some money and enjoy the benefits.

Best of wishes

John Auld


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.anwsers,no.linux
Subject: Re: Installing - "Recieved signal 11"
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:22:34 -0500

I saw this when trying to upgrade to RH 5.1,  for some reason, both the
Linux swap and root partitions were reported as type "Amoeba" by fdisk.
When I used fdisk to change the System IDs of the partitions, swap to
Linux swap,
and the root to Linux Native, the upgrade succeeded.

john g

"Jørgen Spangen" wrote:

> I tried to install RH 5.0 on a IBM Valuepoint 486 33mhz 8 mb ram 320
> mb hardrive.
> When I try to install RH, I just get the error messages:
> install exited
> abnormally - recieved
> signal 11


From: "Tom Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Fastrack [raid?] controller & related Q's
Date: 18 Jan 1999 19:33:00 GMT

This is more of a hardware query, but I'm also interested in the software
side as well, so to both groups this question goes:

[background] I'm working on a project involving Non-Linear Editing (NLE) of
video tapes, as such I'm looking into newsgroups related to that topic and
I find LOTS of praise for the PROMISE "FASTRACK" PCI udma controller.  This
looks like it does some raid0 & 1 functions [multiple/striped disks, disk
mirroring]  [re: see various threads in REC.VIDEO.DESKTOP]

[the question(s)]

   1) WHO has successfully used the FASTRACK in a linux environment and are
you willing to share your experiences?  [BTW: I hate the "open ended"
version of this question "has ANYONE ...", of course, SOMEONE probably HAS
had success, they just aren't reading this newsgroup ;) ]

   1b) Although nobody has mentioned it on the other newsgroup(s), another
controller I've seen is the Adaptec 333 [I think] which is SPECIFICALLY
raid-oriented [and may even require a special MB], again, anyone willing to
share success/horror stories of getting it to work with Linux?

   1c) [not that I'm expecting much of an answer at this point...] I've
also seen another raid-specific SCSI controller at Fry's, but cannot think
of the name of it offhand...

   2) I know there are various implementation levels of RAID [0,1,3, & 5
being the most popular], even talked about them in school, but "it's been
awhile" and my mind is getting foggy on the details :)  Specifically, for
raid-STRIPING, which is better/easier: IDE or SCSI?  I suspect the FASTRACK
will stripe to one device on each IDE interface first, then both devices on
each device for a total of four devices in the "stripe set"; when dealing
with SCSI, there is only one interface/cable, although each device can
more-or-less run independantly of the processor, so does this affect the
overall capability of the system?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: lp not configured -- parallel printer problems
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:38:55 GMT

On 18 Jan 1999 19:52:33 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Todd) wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,
>        This is a followup and attempt to consolidate a series of
>postings about lp configuration problems that a number of people have
>experienced -- including me.  I browsed several lists trying to find
>a solution, but it appears that none has yet been found.  I hope that
>by pooling our experiences we might find the source of the problem and
>a solution.
>        The problem is characterized in the most simple way
>as failure of the printer system to print in Linux.  A check with
>                lpc status
>shows that the printer daemon is running but that it is waiting for
>the printer to come offline.  If you check with
>                grep lp /var/log/messages
>you find the message that "lp not configured".  If you check
>/proc/interrupts and /proc/ioports, you find no entry for lp.
>        I've seen the following solutions proposed and found the
>corresponding results:


>        If anyone has ideas for other possible solutions, please
>respond to the list so that dejanews can capture the idea for
>others.  If any of us figure it out, please post to the lists so
>we can all try it out.
>        TIA for any help you can offer.

Sorry, I can offer no help, but I did have a similar problem. I have
an old compaq 486 66 and it bahved the same way as you described. I
was running RedHat 5.0  It refused to recognize my printer port about
half the time so I finally just decided to le the thing run all the
time. It is Linux after all, and you really don't need to shut it
down. I just figured it was crappy hardware by Compaq that was causing



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: X Windows Display Problem
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:18:56 -0800

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 23:49:18 GMT, Andy Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I recently installed Red Hat 5.1 Linux.  I'm a newbie for Linux, so I
>don't know much.  I started X Windows, and display height is too large.
>The width is fine on my monitor, but the height reaches about a
>half-inch above and below the display area.  I've selected different
>drivers during install for my video card, but the results are always the
>same.  The video card I use is an ATI Mach64 VT.  My monitor is a one
>not on the list (Packard Bell PB 8538SV), so I selected generic in setup
>(I doubt the monitor is the problem... I don't have the display problem
>in the shell prompt).  If anyone knows how to fix this, please email
>me.  Any help is appreciated.

        Run xvidtune while under X. You'll have to paste the lines
        that it generates into your /etc/X11/XF86Config file manually.
        However, this will let you resize your monitor at the video
        driver/X level.

        Just replace the similar looking lines.

Modeline "640x480"     31.5   640  680  720  864   480  488  491  521

would be replaced by something like

Modeline "640x480"     31.5   640  680  ???  ???   ???  ???  ???  ???

Just be very careful & have a safe backup of XF86Config.

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clive DaSilva)
Subject: Re: Compiling kernel w/ AMD K62-350
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 21:09:06 GMT

hello scott

i have almost the same setup AMD K6-ii 300mhz cpu
i used pentium when i upgraded my kernel (Slackware 2.0.34) ->36
good luck

"Scott M. Cooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I just got me a new AMD K62-350 chip and board and it runs great,
>clocking in at 701 bogomips.  I've always used cyrix or amd chips, so
>i've always compiled with the 386 processor type in the kernel config
>since the clone chips have piping errors if you compile as a Pentium or
>My question is, can I compile a kernel with this chip as Pentium or PPro
>or do I need to stick with selecting 386?
>please email me.

Clive DaSilva CMA       


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: which distribution package do you recommend?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 20:53:41 GMT

red hat or suse.  i think red hat is better for newbies while suse has a
better installation program.

joe lerch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 00:34:33 +0100, M. Wimmer wrote:

: >Hi!
: >
: >I collected some general information about linux on the internet, but I must
: >admit, that I am a 100% newbie in this field. I would like to "learn by
: >doing" about this powerful operating system.
: >Can you recommend a distribution package?
: >It should cost less than about 20 Euros.
: >It should be run off my second, smaller SCSI - HD (Controller NCR C810 is
: >supported).
: >It must support my Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM graphics card and Panasonic CR
: >581-M CD-ROM drive.
: >Maybe there is a package with a very comfortabel user interface?
: >I am a medium experienced USER of Windows 95.
: >

: I am a newbie also, using Redhat 5.1 & 5.2 and SuSe 5.3.
: I found SuSe a little easier to use, and the x servers that
: SuSE includes set up and work better than the Redhat 
: distributions.

: Although RedHat gets all the publicity , I would recommend
: trying SuSe as well. - or
: you can get them from or

: good luck

: (please remove "nospam" from email address)

Perry Fecteau
Milhouse Consortium


From: Nicholas Leippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Support for RS/6000 250,320,520 + C10
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:28:07 +0000

Al wrote:

> >>Al wrote in message ...
> >>Er, sorry.
> >>
> >>I'm knew to Linux - I know some AIX and HPUX, but as far as Linux goes
> >>it's something new.
> >>
> >>I have obtained some hardware from the company I work for, and I want to
> >>ditch the AIX and have a bit more control over the software.
> >>
> >>OK, the C10 is not a problem as it uses (I think a 68k) a RISC chip.  As
> >>for the antiques - well - I don't know what processors they use so I was
> >>wondering if anyone knew if any flavours of Linux will run on them.
> >>
> >>As for configuring - support for MCA?
> Richard Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >umm...No. I believe that all the machines you have listed there
> >are built around IBM's Power series of processors. This pre-dates
> >the current PowerPC boxes. Unfortunately there is currently no
> >port of Linux to these boxes. There is some Linux MCA work but
> >I have been told it may or may not work for RS/6000 MCA (don't
> >know why, just repeating what somebody had said to me).
> Bugger. :(
> >
> >--
> >Rich Payne
> >(Speaking for myself, not my employer)
> >payner at timken dot com
> >
> >Looking for Alpha-Linux info?
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Mother's got a brand new leaning post, it's made of words and pages,
> It says 'God gives us our daily toast', but dad still earns the wages.
> Al

You can check these sites:

which list available and in progress porting projects and the specific
hardware involved.




Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:44:32 +0100
From: Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Wacom Woes...


Thanks for the xinput link. My tablet does not seem to be supported.
It's a rather new line, I think. Intuos, they call it.

I should have known about RH, though. Considering that I got two
sets of cd's from them lying here. But I'm running Debian stuff these
days. That's my excuse.


howie wrote:

> Guus Zijlstra wrote:
> >
> > Howie,
> >
> > I'm trying to connect a Wacom GD-0405 with no success.
> > Know anything about that?
> >
> > Btw, I have no clue what you guys mean with RH.
> RH = Red Hat - check out
> For setting up a tablet, I started by looking at:
> good luck,
> --------------------Howie


Reply-To: "Calvin Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Calvin Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie: Can't Read CDROM properly
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:47:34 -0800

How do I mount a joliet filesystem?

I'm currently running linux kernel 1.2.x, but will be upgrading to RH
5.(latest) soon.

fred smith wrote in message ...
>Calvin Mitchell - Pacbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>: I wrote some ftp files on a cd-r disc using an HP CD-R 7200.
>: When I mount the disc on my linux or openstep system, files that are
>: a certain size show up as multiple copies.
>: Help!!
>I saw what may be the same problem recently, tring to use a CD with
>MS's Joliet filesystem on it on my old RH 4.1 system. When viewed under
>Windoze it looked like normal files. When mounted on 4.1 and viewed there
>there were three copies of each file, each with identical names, each one
>third the size of the files that showed up on Windoze. when mounted on
>RH 5.2 (which supports Joliet, 4.1 didn't) it looks just like it did
>on Windoze. So  apparently Joliet is weird, makes multiple physical
>files serve the duty of a single combined file, perhaps?
>And perhaps your CD is a Joliet cd and you didn't mount it as a
>joliet filesystem.
>---- Fred Smith --
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------
>   "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged
>   sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and
>              it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
>---------------------------- Hebrews 4:12
(niv) ------------------------------


From: Andreas Bombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: slow system clock ??
Date: 7 Jan 1999 20:31:28 +0100

Christian Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Linux Gurus,

> I have an Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 on a Pentium II, 300 MHz machine with an

> ASUS P2L97-Board.

> The system-time in the BIOS is correct, but the System returns always
> the wrong
> time.
> on startup  "date" gives BIOS-Time,
> after 15 seconds "date" just counts five seconds more.
> This means, that my Linux needs three hours for one !!!!
> Is anybody out there how can imagine whats wrong, and what I could
> probably do ???
> (LISA says I have a i686-processor with 299.x Bogo-Mips;
> The KDE-Systeminfo says "unknown Processor")

Probably more interesting would be if that happens only while running
X11 or always and which graphics card you use.  There is a known
problem with XF86-3.3.3 and the Permedia driver.

I heard that on the gnome mailing list, I have no experience with that
(I don't have a Permedia board), so don't ask me.  To quote from the
mailing list:

| Note: If you are running XFree86-3.3.3's 3DLabs GLINT or Permedia
| servers, this problem is in the XFree86 FAQ (Q.F15)

Andreas E. Bombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PGP 1024bit ID:0x886663c9 fingerprint: 30EC0973847B5583 C47A91D99DC54BB0
    2048bit ID:0xF62D5CC1 fingerprint: 136BBC1536B8B77A 200558E86FAAF8ED


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sprint)
Subject: Re: System Beeps
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:47:45 GMT

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 08:11:12 -0500,  mrdata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
, decided to say:

Pull the memory and see if the beeps are identical with and without
it.  If so try different memory.


>Perhaps this will help.
>========== :^)
>Ashley Drees wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am trying to build a new system, I have FIC VA-503+ M/B and a AMD K6-2
>> chip with 64 Meg Mem.  The Bios is an Award Bios (1997).
>> When I try and run the system all the fans start, the CPU gets warm and
>> the system beeps continuously.. about one a second between each beep..
>> and does not stop at 11.  The only thing left in the case (now) is the
>> M/B and the VGA card, (I have tried three VGA cards, two keyboards and
>> two mice).
>> I have searched for beep sequences on the net, and the only reference I
>> have to continues beeping is bad power supply, I have replaced that and
>> no change.
>> Before I go mad and have to take all this stuff back to the shop, is
>> there anyone who can enlighten me on what the beeps mean.
>> Yours in confused anguish.
>> Ash

Digital Enchantment - Web Page and Graphic design
Looking for a new computer system tailored to YOUR needs?   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Norbert Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Riva TNT and BTTV
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:16:58 +0100

Ok, =

I got Suse 6.0 running almost perfect, but have still a problem with the
I tried to compile the bttv package, and than start xtvscreen, but this
only gets me some wired output on the screen. It looks like it displays
rows 1,5,9,... in the xtvsvcreen Window, 2,6,10,... directly to the
right of it, 3,7,11,... next to this and the other rows nex to that. So
I have "4" TVs on the screen, but everyone only displaying 1/4 of the
picture. If I use xawtv, everything works just fine. I also tried the
kernel bttv module but this doesn=B4t change anything.

I am running the xserver at 1152x864x32 (on a Creative Labs Riva TNT).
Has anybody an idea what I am doing wrong?

And one last question, does xserver for TNT cards support overlay,
because I wonder why I can=B4t activate overlay in xawtv, but in Windows
9x it=B4s no problem to use this feature?

Thank you for answers.

Norbert Goebel



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