Linux-Hardware Digest #235, Volume #9            Thu, 21 Jan 99 08:13:30 EST

  Re: How do you uncompress a .tar.gz file in linux (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: irq 11 conflict/mitsumi problem, help! (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Christopher R. Barry)
  Hardware checking utility ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RAID (striping) using just MB ports ("Tom Emerson")
  Re: RedHat 5.2 and NE2000 (Andy Adams)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: SCSI Problem (AIC-78xx) (Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard)
  sndconfig and the SB PCI128 ("Timothy Farley")
  Re: Cirrus 5424 @ 16bpp? (John David Bowden)
  Re: Can't Dial out (Shihyu Yang)
  Re: Does linux support Dual CPUs? (Jose Urena)
  Re: 98 - Linux dual boot with a large disk - Help! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  tremblimg and vibrating X-Window Image with MatroxG200 AGP and ATI all  (Peter 
  Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors (Larry)
  DVD ("Paul Rimmington")
  Re: HP Deskjet 693c problems (Red Coral)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Shaun Lipscombe)
  Re: i740 and xserver ("Ken Farwell")
  HELP !!! with SCSI cd-rom's when LILO boot (Gonzo Zabijaka)
  Re: can't configure PnP GC560PCT modem ! (Rob Clark)


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you uncompress a .tar.gz file in linux
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:54:34 +0100

Flipster wrote:
> How does one uncompact the pcmcia-cs-*.tar.gz file.  I try with gzip
> but no luck.

tar -xzvf pcmcia-cs-*.tar.gz

> Also, how do I change my mouse driver.  I have it set to serial but
> need ps/2 for it to work.

Make sure that /dev/mouse points to /dev/psaux and that you have support
for PS/2 mouse compiled into your kernel. There is more information in
the Busmouse-HOWTO.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: irq 11 conflict/mitsumi problem, help!
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:59:53 +0100

Alan Mead wrote:
> A message to the console reports that it cannot get irq 11 for the
> cd-rom.  How do I resolve irq problems (what might be using 11)?

You could check which card uses irq 11 by doing "cat /proc/interrupts".
If you find that a PCI-card is using the interrupt you might be able to
reserve the interrupt to isa cards only in your cmos setup.

> when I do '/sbin/insmod mcd 0x340,5' noting seems to happen.

If you have problems using modules you could compile support for mcd
into your kernel. Then your cd will be autodetected with both address
and interrupt. However, the message about irq 11 make it seem as you
already have this.

regards Henrik
spammer strikeback:


Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher R. Barry)
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:54:30 GMT

Sven Utcke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Although I can't say that I agree with you:
> a) In English, so few words are capitalised at all, that it makes the
>    whole thing rather pointless.

Well, here in the United States we capitalize all proper nouns for
starters, and there are a great many proper nouns....


Subject: Hardware checking utility
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 18:29:16 GMT

I'm running Linux (Red Hat 5.0 first and 5.2 now) for almost a year, I had
some crashes with netscape 4.5 preview, but is all running fine now. No
crashes, no problems.

The only thing that doesn't work properly in my system is Winblows 98. It
blue screens on me each 5 minutes. Since Linux is running great, and there's
no problem with configurations, I think this might be some hardware problem
that doesn't affect Linux but crasshes Winblows all the time. (BTW win95 was
working fine)

This is my system:

MOBO Soyo SY-58T5
AMD K-6 233 MHz CPU
96 Mb Ram (32Mb 60ns timing and 64Mb 50ns)
NCR 53c815 SCSI card
- Quantum Firebal ST3.2 3.2 Gb HD
- Umax Astra 610s Scanner
Cirrus Logic 5446 Graphics card with 4Mb ram
Yamaha OPL3-SA sound card
24x generic ATAPI CD-ROM
LS-120 120 Mb floppy disk
A remote control card for my TVTap tv tunner built in the graphics card.
USRobotics 33.6 Voice modem jumpered in cua3

Is There any hardware checking utility, so I can test my hole machine and get
a report of what's wrong ?

Or this is just a lot off nasty bugs in Winblows 98 ???

Thanks in advance.

"If you can't find on the 'Net...
 ... it doesn't exist."

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From: "Tom Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RAID (striping) using just MB ports
Date: 20 Jan 1999 19:02:47 GMT

Recently I wrote and asked if the Promise Fastrack [raid] controller worked
under linux, and the basic answer I got was well, sort of, but Promise
doesn't promise to support it... 

SO, now I'm curious -- most motherboards out there nowadays come with dual
[u]DMA IDE ports, so can they be used for a stripe set?  [I presume I would
have to use BOTH ports and set both drives to be the "master"]  This would
[probably] preclude the use of slave devices on each channel [unless I
wanted to extend the striping to a second set of drives], and I certainly
should NOT consider placing a CDROM on either channel [but, perhaps a
sound-card based IDE would work?]

Is there a FAQ/howto/mini-howto on setting up raid striping under linux? 
Do I need to compile in kernel support? [are any of the pre-compiled
kernels from the "popular" distributions compiled with this support?]

Can the "root" directory be "striped"? [egad, I JUST thought of how much of
a mess THAT would make, how does the system BOOT if the "boot" section
is/can be striped?]


From: Andy Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RedHat 5.2 and NE2000
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 13:15:33 -0600

Roho wrote:

> I am a complete Linux novice.
> During my installation of the RedHat 5.2 distribution I get asked about my
> NIC. I have a genuine NE2000 in the machine. It claims that it cannot be
> detected, even if I feed it the IO and IRQ manually.
> What is the way to proceed?
> How and where can I specify the NIC after completing the rest of the
> installation?
> I need the network to be up and running so I can test the networking
> capabilities.
> Rob Hofker

I usually like to compile a custom kernel.  When you compile the kernel
you can select which drivers you want to include.  I've used NE2000 cards
on both ISA and PCI busses with no problems.  If you need more info on
kernels take a look at
(all of the stuff under will be VERY useful)

Did the redhat install program configure a module for the NE2000?  A module
just something that you can plug into the kernel after its already running.
When you first boot, do you see any messages about the NE2000.  My
machine with NE2000 on PCI says:
ne2k-pci.c: PCI NE2000 clone 'Winbond 89C940' at I/O 0xdf40, IRQ 10.
eth0: PCI NE2000 found at 0xdf40, IRQ 10, 00:20:78:14:5B:16.

I didn't specify any ioports or irqs.  I just recompiled the kernel to
include the
driver, reconfig and reran LILO, and rebooted.

My 486 with NE2000 on ISA bus says
======== clip =======
ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 80 ad 1c 4c bd
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 5.

Both of these machines have the drivers compiles into the kernel.  I haven't
used modules for this but I think you should get the same messages.

If you AREN'T getting these messages then the installation probably didn't
configure the system to use the NE2000 module.  Check the HOWTO's
or post a message asking how to configure this by hand because I'm not sure.

Hope this helps



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 20 Jan 1999 17:20:37 GMT

Frank da Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Remapping the keyboard is perfectly viable in Linux, but what if you have
>a PC on which you need to boot lots of operating systems, and don't have the
>time or inclination to learn how to remap the keyboard in each and every one?
>(Or you want to leave these systems in their vanilla configuration for some
>There actually are keyboards on the market that still have the keys in the
>right place for those of us (like EMACS users) who still use the Ctrl and Esc
>keys a lot.  Here's one:
>It also has a Meta key (it says "Alt" but it works like Meta).  The placement
>of backslash, tilde, and Delete are a bit unfamiliar to PC keyboard users,
>but other than that, the layout is great.  Also, it's not quite as long as
>a canoe paddle, so saves you some desktop.
>- Frank
>P.S. It does not even *have* a Caps Lock key.

I can remember when I was forced to switch to the standard PC
keyboard, and hated it for months.  However, I guess the
geometry of my hands is such that when I eventually got used to
where the keys were, they don't bother me at all by being in
those locations.  In fact I much prefer to have both a control
key and and a meta (alt) key on both sides of the space bar.
(Note that I am NOT thinking of a keyboard with an ESC key on
the upper right side, which is too disgusting to even talk

All of which brings to mind the biggest problem with using a
non-PC keyboard on anything...  the simple fact that virtually
everything else is indeed going to have a PC style keyboard on
it.  Maintaining a habit with any other style of keyboard would
make my life absolutely miserable, given that in any day I am
forced to use several different keyboards and do NOT have the
option of replacing any of them much less all of them with
something that suits my odd tastes.

With that said, I should point out that when buying a new
computer, I first look for the best keyboard and monitor that I
can possibly afford, and budget for those before even looking at
cpu's, memory, hard disks and all of the other areas where it
might make sense to skimp a little.  It makes no sense whatever
to skimp on a keyboard or monitor if they are going to be used
for hours a day.


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Pictures of the North Slope at  <>


From: Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI Problem (AIC-78xx)
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:40:10 +0100

Thanks for your help but I only have one connector, which is plugged to the
Best regards,

Philipp Lohmann wrote:

> Hi,
> if the output of the kernel is correct, you are using all three
> connectors of your scsi adaptor which is forbidden by scsi specs. Make
> sure that this is not true or build your scsi system conformant to
> scsi spec.
> Regards, pl

Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard
4, rue de la Bourse
75002 PARIS


From: "Timothy Farley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sndconfig and the SB PCI128
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 11:52:41 -0500

Hello, I am running RedHat5.2 , When I run sndconfig and it detects my modem
it trys to use it as if it were an es1370 chipset, this plays sound, but the
playback rate is slooooow, almost too slow to understand what is being said!
The worst part, when I try to configure my card manually in sndconfig as the
proper es1371, it says device or resource busy (but fuser -v /dev/dsp
doesn't show anything using it) at boot time, my computer recognizes it as a
es1370, which is WRONG, any ideas? please email me if you think you can

Thanks in advance
- Tim -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John David Bowden)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,nf.comp.linux
Subject: Re: Cirrus 5424 @ 16bpp?
Date: 21 Jan 1999 11:18:28 GMT

It has enough Video RAM (1meg) to go up to 800x600@16bit, which is how I'd
like to run it.  But according to the X docs, it says if I have a Cirrus
5424 in an ISA slot, and more than 16megs of system RAM, I can't run the
card higher than 8bit.

I even tried appending "mem=16M" to LILO, but that didn't help.

Any suggestions?


Colin Cameron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: John David Bowden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: : I have some trouble getting my video card working.  It's a Cirrus 5424.
: : It runs fine at 8bpp, but I can't get any higher than that.  I've read the
: : Xfree86 documentation, and discovered that for some reason, X can't run
: : that card any higher. (It's an ISA bus, and I have 24mb ram)

: Why can't X run at higher depths? (It's not because the video card has 
: insufficient RAM, is it?)

: : Is there some way to get around this?  Patch? New X Server? Or new Video
: : Card?

: : John

: : --
: : Clones are people two.
: : ******************************************************************************
: : John Bowden                                 Memorial University of Newfoundland 
: : ******************************************************************************

: --
: -------------------------------------------------------------------
: Latest tally:
: Number of former Windows users who have switched to Linux: millions
: Number of former Linux users who have switched to Windows: zero
: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Clones are people two.
John Bowden                             Memorial University of Newfoundland 


From: Shihyu Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Dial out
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 13:07:59 -0500

My modem is internal. If I use 'minicom' to dial, the xterm will
freeze and I have to kill it. I checked the irq and address by
setserial. They are the same as the modem's settings. I doubt it
may be the software problem since it runs OK in my old PC with
slackware 3.0.

Andri Saar wrote:
> Mitch wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I install my old modem, Digicom connection 192DF, on my new PC with
> > Redhat 5.1. It seems that Linux can detect the modem but it can't dial
> > out. When I type 'AT' to check it's status. It shows 'Garbled time'.
> > What does it mean? It runs Ok in my old PC, 486DX66 with slackware > 3.0.
> hmm... serial conflict maybe? does it say 'Garbeld time' or show lots
> of weird symbols on your screen?
> is the cua port right?
> internal or external modem?


From: Jose Urena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does linux support Dual CPUs?
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:52:34 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I hope that you did will not get a dual pentium system to run DOS, Win98
or Win95
Because Windows 95/98 will not even acknowlege the existence of the
second CPU
(Talk about expensive door stoppers)

If you do get a Multiprocessor sytem make sure to use it with a real OS
that can use the added CPU;  Linux , and other

Doug Braun wrote:

> OK, a newbie, possibly FAQ here, but anyway...
> Let's say I'm running two large CPU-intensive jobs simultaneously
> on a Dual CPU (say Pentiums) linux system. Without any "special
> programming"  how fast (wall clock time) will both jobs run,
> if each job takes, say, an hour on a single CPU system?
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Frank Herrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> > Programs need to be written in a special way .
> > You should gain only little speed improvement because one
> > processor is handling the environment and the
> > other is fighting with your application.
> >

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I hope that you did will not get a dual pentium system to run DOS, Win98
or Win95
<br>Because Windows 95/98 will not even acknowlege the existence of the
second CPU
<br>(Talk about expensive door stoppers)
<p>If you do get a Multiprocessor sytem make sure to use it with a real
OS that can use the added CPU;&nbsp; Linux , and other
<p>Doug Braun wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>OK, a newbie, possibly FAQ here, but anyway...
<p>Let's say I'm running two large CPU-intensive jobs simultaneously
<br>on a Dual CPU (say Pentiums) linux system. Without any "special
<br>programming"&nbsp; how fast (wall clock time) will both jobs run,
<br>if each job takes, say, an hour on a single CPU system?
<p>In article &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Frank Herrmann 
<br>> Programs need to be written in a special way .
<br>> You should gain only little speed improvement because one
<br>> processor is handling the environment and the
<br>> other is fighting with your application.



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 98 - Linux dual boot with a large disk - Help!
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:21:24 GMT

In article <_P1p2.5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Preston Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, after earlier attempts to triple boot I've decided just to do a dual
> boot do to NT compatibility problems with my system and the fact that I have
> a second computer I can put NT on. What I want to know is how I should
> partition and setup my 13GB drive to handle a 98/Linux dual-boot. Every time
> I go to setup Linux after setting up 98 Linux sees the whole extended
> partition (11GB) and I only want to give it about 5. So should I partition
> the whole drive before hand? Will Linux be able to drop the OS onto one of
> the logical drives? And in this kind of situation
> ...... do I still install 98 first ......

These suggestions assume you are okay with complete restart.
ALL data will disappear.  Poof.  Gone.

> ...... do I still install 98 first ......
Yep. Use your existing (running?) Win98 to create a StartUp Disk (from
  CtrlPanel..Add/RemovProgrms..StartUpDsk-tab, then boot from that flpy.
Do manual 98 fdisk, wipe the existing allocations out and use,
  repeatedly, FdiskMainMenu #4 to View your deletion progress.
  You'll eventually get to where you're creating main partn..MainMenu#1
  Careful! say NO to "use all available" ... then, for your
  98 needs, pick megs or percent, BUT remember to mark Active partition
  (Fdisk_MainMenu option 2) before leaving fdisk.  Again, View what
  you've set up from Fdisk_MainMenu_#4 ... before you mark the
  98 partition as active there will NOT be an "A" in PartnStatusColumn
  & once you've done the "set active partition" Status will be A=active.
  Proceed with 98 install.  Once 98's stable and tested hold off
  from installing too much on the 98 side until you've installed
  Linux.  You'll want to be sure LILO can actually load Linux
  and its partitions from what I expect will be a partition that
  will be outside the pesky 1gigabyt boundary that is problematic
  from certain systems' BIOSes.  During install, LILO must be told
  which will be the default boot partition.  That means you turn
  the system on, and if you don't touch the keyboard
  (down-arrow, or spell out keyword like "linux" or "dos") it will
  "fall-through" to certain OS (chosen at install.) My Win-side system
  answers the phone, etc. so my default is to boot win; that way
  if I'm away and power fails, when power is restored,  appropriate
  OS can answer the phone.  You may prefer Linux if that's where
  you're spending most of your time ... bla bla.

Be careful about creating DosExtended partition.  The LogicalDrive(s)
  you might then create under that DosExtdPartn will show up as ...
        DriveLetters   D:    E:    F:    etc.
That's not a problem so much as the DriveLetterDependencies you'll slowly
   develop as you save _DATA_ onto those other (non-DriveC) drives.
   That is somewhat manageable under need or desire to add a new
   hard disk, but any _APPs_ you install onto a DriveD or DriveE will
   be a bitch to uninstall from Win9x registry, especially when you
   notice your respective uninstall helper files didn't survive your
   recent search and destroy thru the /temp directories or otherwise
   "just aren't around anymore"
Extra DriveLetters aren't really unworkable ... just a caution :)
  I suppose on a huge-gig drive like yours, there will be
  some arguments to using DosExtdPartn and LogicalDrive(s) under it.

__Back To ADVICE__
Don't expect Linux to be as much a WorkStation as Win9x platform (yet)
   The GUI, Xwindows has quite a bit of growing-up to do for that...
   Netscape is great, Lynx text-net-browser is cute(works in tiny ram)
   However, do read the Halloween I & II documents, leaked from MS
   last fall, to see, in MS' own words, where Linux really rocks!
   Those system applications tend to be as Servers, where the
   Linux box is separate from your workstation(s).  Start looking
   and budgeting for a (low-end) 2nd box (share the Monitor) and some
   cheap Ne2000 etherCards; suggest coax=BNC (a server should
   use a better card than Ne2000, but ...) in the meantime...
   try, as root ...
            cd /
            ls -RalF > allfilez    (same as dos:  dir /s/a > allfilez)
            less allfiles      (text viewer; search with slash "/" )
                               ( "q"  will quit)
and (RedHat)... cd /usr/doc/HOWTO      ......lots of text files to read
then maybe... grep "some search phrase" * | less  ..[note SomeFileName(s)]
followed by... less SomeFileName
... man less    ...will show how to use less to view stuff.

However you choose to install Linux now, you'll learn lots about the
  world of TCP/IP & the Net & how everybody else (except MS) has been
  building on, and evolving standards instead of ignoring/avoiding them.


[ This sentance has three errers. ]
[ This sentence refers to itself. ]
[   This sentence does naught     ]

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From: Peter Kuppelwieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tremblimg and vibrating X-Window Image with MatroxG200 AGP and ATI all 
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:48:06 +0100

With X-Widows The Image on Screen is not stable. it is trembling and
vibrating on Harddisck and CPU activity

I have tried various Timings and driver Settings, resolutions and color
I have tried an other Video Hardware (ATI all in wonder pro AGP) --same
I have tried to upgrade XFREE to Xfree 3.3.3-8 --same effect
I upgradet the bios of my motherboard -- sane effect

My Hardware:
Pentium II-266
ASUS P2L-97S    Motherboard with ONBOARD UWSCSI of Adaptec
Matrix Millennium II G200-AGP
Suse-Linux 5.2
XFREE auf XFREE 3.3.3-8  upgraded.

What is wrong??
All works fine with Windows!!!

Thank you, Peter


Subject: Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors
Date: 20 Jan 1999 21:16:35 GMT

On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:13:13 -0500, David R. Bergstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>If it helps at all, I am also seeing similar paging request errors under
>linux 2.0.36 with an AMD K6-200 and 128MB RAM.  I will need to change
>my syslog.conf to obtain a dump next time it happens (will post).
>> Suffering from an unstable system.
>> K6-400 (stepping 12), Motherboard FIC PA-2013 (VIA MP3),
>> 256 MB Ram (PC-100), (the board allows to downclock the RAM to 66 Mhz, what I
>> did),
>> AGP Matrox G200, 2 SCSI-Controller, EATA-DPT (only Disks)
>> and ncr53c825 (DDS-3, CDROM ).
>> RedHat 5.2 Kernel 2.0.36 and I tried as  well all 2.2.0-preXX. the last
>> 2.2.0-pre7ac2.
>> The system keeps chrashing.
>> I am trying to fix the system now since christmas. Getting frustrated....
>> Any ideas, suggestions??
>> Thanks in advance
>> Mario Dix
>> This is from 2.0.36:
>> Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address e8f7ce98
>> current->tss.cr3 = 083ac000, %cr3 = 083ac000
>> *pde = 00000000
>> Oops: 0000
>> CPU:    0
>> EIP:    0010:[<00125af0>]
>> EFLAGS: 00010202
>> eax: 28f7ce98   ebx: 08c30814   ecx: 00000400   edx: 00000025
>> esi: 00000814   edi: 00067831   ebp: 00000400   esp: 0313de68
>> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
>> Process tar (pid: 3707, process nr: 53, stackpage=0313d000)
>> Stack: 08c3f398 00067831 00000814 00000002 00000000 00000025 0012702d 00000814
>>        00067831 00000400 0313df18 00002484 00000000 0dfddf00 00067831 00000814
>>        00000100 08c3f498 036c0814 00000000 08c3f498 08c3f418 036cf918 0313df14
>> Call Trace: [<0012702d>] [<001274af>] [<0011d25c>] [<0011d341>] [<0011d6b4>]
>> [<00123c70>] [<0010a941

I was getting this type of error with a cyrix p166 and finally took the
processor fan off and cleaned it and the fins and put it back together and 
VOILA, it's been working famously ever since.


From: "Paul Rimmington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DVD
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:05:11 -0000

Does anybody know if Linux supports DVD-ROM drives.
Thanks in advance


From: Red Coral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP Deskjet 693c problems
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:34:13 +0800

Use laserjet driver.

Dustin Jones wrote:

> I have a hewlet packard deskjet 693c and i need to know if there are any
> drivers for it?  If there arent is there a generic printer driver that will
> allow me to print using linux.  I have the Debian 2.0 distribution.
> Thanks
> Dustin


From: Shaun Lipscombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 21 Jan 1999 10:42:13 +0000

i also, always choose a good monitor and keyboard.  As you rightly
state, if you don't wish to suffer from repetitive strain injuries, or
such like, it is a neccesity.

(o_  (o_  //\
(/)_ (/)_ V_/_   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Ken Farwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i740 and xserver
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 06:52:00 -0500

Download the xf86config file from there site and use that.


karlo wrote in message
<01be4436$da849f80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Has anyone got hte xserver working available at precisioninsight?
>all went well except xf86config?  It doesn't list the 2 tested i740 cards??


From: Gonzo Zabijaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP !!! with SCSI cd-rom's when LILO boot
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:59:11 +1000

Hi to all.

I have a problem with my SCSI CD-ROM and CD-R.
Ok the problem is that when i install linux from the cd-rom it crush
sometime on the installation, anyway after few attempts i did install
linux, but then the real problem happens when the LILU boot up it is
detecting my SCSI controller card which is ADAPTEC AIC-7850 PCI, so
after he detect the controller card it is looking for my cd-rom's. So
far so good it is displaying the the cd-r's and then it is crushing no
message error nothing the computer is restarting !!!! ( sometime i get
½¼¡«æÆôï all over the screen and then restarts ) ??

Some info on my cd-rom:
Sony CD-ROM CDU625

My connection to the cd-rom's and the jumpers at the back are:
The fires devise on the SCSI cable is my CD-ROM ( test mode OFF,
prevent/allow ON, term OFF, ID select is set to ID5, parity ON )
The second devise on my SCSI cable is my CD-R ( term power ON,
terminator ON, parity ON, ID selector is set to ID6 )

Ps: The strange think is that i was installing about 2 months ago the
same linux on the same computer and i didn't have all these problems !!!

The only hardware i added was a voodoo2, so i did plugt off my voodoo2
and it still was not working.

THANKS to you all for you priceless TIME.

With Regards


Subject: Re: can't configure PnP GC560PCT modem !
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:55:08 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Brezeanu Calin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I have a GC560PCT pnp modem and I can't configure it. I tried with
>the isapnptools. The pnpdump works ok, I modified the pnpdump output
>conforming with my config (port 0x2e8, irq 10), after that run isapnp.
>But when I run the setserial /dev/cua3 port 0x2e8 irq 10 autoconfig and
>setserial /dev/cua3 I've got an unknown UART.

The problem is that you don't have a UART at all, it's a Winmodem:

Unfortunately, without the Windows software to back it up, this is not a
fully functional modem.




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