Linux-Hardware Digest #287, Volume #9            Thu, 28 Jan 99 03:13:31 EST

  Forsale Computer Parts Liquidation  (PC'S & PARTS)
  Re: Dell XPS R with Linux? Sound card compatibility? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Modem volume (Jerry Lapham)
  Re: linux and k6 chip ("Mark Murray")
  Re: Don't post in HTML, it's bad manners (Jose Urena)
  Re: Fried system...maybe ("thui")
  Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC (Mark Butler)
  Re: HELP! Need Monitor (NEC D171) specs. HFreq and VFreq. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ESS-Solo 1 sound cards? (Tabman)
  Linux and VME? ("Rodney M. Bates")
  Snowblind Rio code ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95? (David Fox)
  Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95? ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E 
  Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95? ("SVS")
  Re: LINUX PPP on a SPARC10 (James Carlson)
  Newbie Soundblaster Help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 3C905 Problems: Card Does Not Function Under 2.2.0! (Owen Lloyd)
  Re: How to add new Video Driver to earlier version of XFree86 (Owen Lloyd)
  Re: Ethernet card for DELL Latitude CPi ("Charles D. DeVault")
  Re: Lightnux, the slim Linux (Scott Johnson)
  SB AudioPCI 64v and Redhat 5.1 ("Tom Gilbert")


Subject:  Forsale Computer Parts Liquidation 
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 04:17:21 GMT


Subject: Re: Dell XPS R with Linux? Sound card compatibility?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:34:11 GMT

In article <78ad5l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Devin Redlich) wrote:
> In article <785lhg$316$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I'm looking into the Linux compatibility of the Dell XPS R line (specifically
> >with RedHat 5.2), and have gotten a lot of answers, but I'm not certain of
> >sound card.  It looks like the options are:
> >
> >o Turtle Beach Montego II A3D 320 Voice PCI Audio Card (apparently a driver
> >in the works for the Montego?)
> >o Turtle Beach Montego A3D 64-Voice PCI Audio Card
> >o Integrated Crystal Wavetable
> >
> >Does anyone have experience with any of these?  Is support available?
> I can only comment on the Montego, and this card is not currently supported
> in any way, shape, or form.  Opensound ( is
> working on a driver (which will cost you a little money), and they claim
> it'll be ready around april or so.
FYI last July after I got the XPS 400 I looked at Opensound and they were
saying they expected a driver in August (98). At this rate it could take
forever.  The moral of the story is if you want sound in Linux on your
XPS 400 you may want to switch cards.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry Lapham)
Subject: Re: Modem volume
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:52:29 -0500

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 01/27/99 
   at 12:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben) said:

> While I am able to dial-up in Linux with no hassles, I am unable to turn
>  off the dialing tone (no volume control on my modem). Redhat 5.2 lists
> my  modem init string as ATZ, and the dialing commnad as ATDT. The modem
>  manual lists the volume string as M0. However, knowing this has not 
> enabled me to turn it off. Could someone please help me with sending the
>  string to the modem.

Try initializing with ATM0 instead of ATZ.

Jerry Lapham, Monroe, OH
Written Tuesday, January 26, 1999 - 10:52 PM (EST)
MR/2 Ice tag: kosher as a ham and cheese sandwich.


From: "Mark Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux and k6 chip
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:35:30 -0500

>Larry wrote:
>> hello one and all I was going to try and still am to build my own linux
>> with the k6 300 chip and I am seeing good and bad luck here,was just
>> wondering if I am going or making the right move with the k6
>> chip?????,,,,,,,,,larry


I've been running a K6-2 300 (Overclocked to 336MHz by running the front
side bus at 112MHz) for over 6 mos.  This  chip has been as solid as I could
ever hope for.  I've re-compliled the kernel several times (while continuing
to surf and do other stuff) and it never even hiccups.

Despite the fact that I'm overclocking it a little I only have the one fan
on the CPU heat sink.  Maybe I'm just lucky, but this chip has been able to
handle everything I've thrown at it.  I highly recommend the AMD K6-2.

Mark Murray


From: Jose Urena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Don't post in HTML, it's bad manners
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:57:48 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear Mircea, from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is also bad manners to change thread topics in the middle of a
and to post blank messages

all my post are in plain ASCII + attached mime/HTML --I am going to get
a lot of flames for wasting Bandwidth  :-)
if you see the html and not the ascii, it is because your newsreader
preffers to see html: netscape 4.x comes to mind

Mircea wrote:


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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Dear Mircea, from&nbsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<p>It is also bad manners to change thread topics in the middle of a discussion
<br>and to post blank messages
<p>all my post are in plain ASCII + attached mime/HTML --I am going to
get a lot of flames for wasting Bandwidth&nbsp; :-)
<br>if you see the html and not the ascii, it is because your newsreader
preffers to see html: netscape 4.x comes to mind
<p>Mircea wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;</blockquote>



From: "thui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fried system...maybe
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:39:22 GMT

You didn't mention what type of hardware you were using so i'll assume it
is x86 stuff.  If you don't post and the computer make a series of beeps it
is very likely you toasted your video card.  If you have an extra card,
plug it in and see if you can post.  You should also test if you've toasted
your bus slot.

Aaron Dershem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<78m0np$4u9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hi, all.
> I just got Linux (RedHat 5.2) up and running a couple of days ago.
> Everything was working fine until I decided to do a couple of system
> upgrades.  I wanted to use all the cool GNOME stuff, so I used GLINT to
> install the packages.  Well, GLINT told me that the installation failed
> because of some missing dependencies, so I figured, "No big deal, it
> probably didn't copy things or install anyway."  Stupid, stupid, stupid!
> (As you can tell, I'm kinda new to this)  Oh, BTW, I set the init level
to 5
> so I could get the cool logon screen.  Anyway, when I shut the machine
> to go to bed, I was cozy with the thought that I could fire up the box
> all will be well.
>     The next day I fired up the old machine, it started up cool - going
> through all the initialization screens - it said it was mounting the file
> systems, and then when the logon screen was supposed to show itself,
> The monitor had funny gobbledigook all over it and it had itty-bitty
> blinking things on it.  I thought, "Hmmm, let's try going to a different
> virtual console to straighten things out."  No dice.  I turned th machine
> off to reboot and look at the log as it was powering up, but now I can't
> a signal from my video.  'Cause of that, I don't think the POST will
> complete.  My monitor is still good (I hooked it up to a different
> computer - all's well), so I think I may have fried something else.
> Anyone got any clues???
> Thanks a bunch
> Aaron.


From: Mark Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:35:46 -0600

Martin Schultz wrote:


>   If anyone managed to run the card with the cloned chip, then
> !!!PLEASE!!! tell me how to do it. Otherwise I am going to return it to
> the vendor early next week.

It might just be simpler to return it.  My experience with this card has
been very good.  I have the 'clone' type that IDs as 'LITE-ON PNIC' in
machines.  I've used it under 2.0.29 and with 2.0.34 using the driver
comes on the floppy with the card.  This is at both 10Mb and 100Mb.  I
haven't noticed any speed problems, but then I'm not trying to get the
baud out of it either.  The 100Mb transfers about 8-10 times faster than
the 10Mb, so I'm happy.  The only finagling I had to do was the standard
stuff out of the Multiple-Ethernet HOWTO for the firewall.

Mark Butler
"these opinions are mine and not my employer's"


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: HELP! Need Monitor (NEC D171) specs. HFreq and VFreq.
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:33:15 GMT

Are you sure you have the model correct? Please send or post the year it was
made and I am sure I have the info but that model # doesnt seem to be correct.
If this is a Mutltisync monitor then the info is avaialble at
In article <78gge8$q36$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Alan Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need major help on acquiring Horizontal and Vertical Frequencies for my
> NEC D171. It was given to me without manuals and I can't find any support
> (that I can read) for the monitor on the net. If anyone know the specs for
> this monitor please e-mail me. My X-windows is not performing correctly.
> Thanks.
>                                 Alan Wong

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tabman)
Subject: Re: ESS-Solo 1 sound cards?
Date: 28 Jan 1999 06:39:33 GMT

On 27 Jan 1999 18:59:55 GMT, Jose L. Gomez Dans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  I've just bought a ESS Solo 1 PCI soundcard (bundled with a video card;
>dead cheap). I am running Debian, and I would like to know if any drivers
>exist for this card, or if it can be made compatible somehow.

    Hi Jose.

    The ESS Solo 1 chip is supposed to be SoundBlaster compatible (
according to the ESS Web page. ) You might want to try setting it up as a

    I tried that with my on-board ESS Solo-1 on my motherboard ( ASUS P5A ),
but so far I've been unsuccessful.

    BTW, the ALSA library supports the ESS Solo-1.  Check it out at:

    Have you been able to get it going in DOS ? I've been trying, but to no

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| "If you make people think they are 
Tabman           You may answer in |  thinking, they will love you; if you 
           english, french, german |  make them think, they will hate you."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 - Don Marquis


From: "Rodney M. Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and VME?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:18:20 GMT

Is there a platform which runs Linux and which can be
configured to interface to VME devices?


Subject: Snowblind Rio code
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 06:12:15 GMT

There is a new release of the Rio code written by the snowblind alliance.
You can now download files from rio.

Get it at:

Happy listening!

Jim Regovich

<This message encoded with double-rot13 for data security and integrity.>

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From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95?
Date: 27 Jan 1999 21:18:18 -0800

"TURBO1010" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My Diamond V.90 works great in Linux.
> d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) wrote in message ...
> >Can anyone find a better price than $55.95 on a modem listed as
> >working with Linux on, or
> >otherwise known to be compatible?  At I found the Best
> >Data #56SF for $55.95.  Its not "V.90", is that important?  Test your
> >surfing/shopping skills!

I'm guessing it cost more than $55.95, though...
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: whistler<blahblah> (Paul E Larson)
Subject: Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95?
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 07:00:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . 
e d u (David Fox) wrote:
>Can anyone find a better price than $55.95 on a modem listed as
>working with Linux on, or
>otherwise known to be compatible?  At I found the Best
>Data #56SF for $55.95.  Its not "V.90", is that important?  Test your
>surfing/shopping skills! has 
some inexpensive modems - external and internal.


Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


Subject: Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95?
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 00:34:26 -0600

d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) wrote in message ...
>"TURBO1010" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> My Diamond V.90 works great in Linux.

>I'm guessing it cost more than $55.95, though...

Diamond SuperMax V.90 costs $39. Not sure it's the same one.


From: James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX PPP on a SPARC10
Date: 27 Jan 1999 13:56:00 -0500

"Chenard, Sylvain [CAR:VS13:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
> clean:
>  Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
>  Jan 18 21:30:15 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Exit.

This is a seriously frequently asked question.  See any of the
archives.  If you see this, then the other side is most likely not
running PPP.

>  Even if I put the debug option in "options" file, I got nothing more...

That means that your syslogd is misconfigured.  You'll need to send
*.debug to the file.

>  send ATQ0V1E1X4\r
>  wait OK 5
>  dial T*70,,*67,,555-1212 #As an example
>  sleep 1
>  send \r
>  send \r
>  wait Userid: 15
>  send e(myunixID)\r
>  wait Password? 15

Most ISPs do NOT want you to do that if you're using PPP.  Instead,
they want you to just dial in and start using PPP, since that's what
Windoze does.  If you start chatting a user name at them, then they'll
usually assume you don't speak PPP.

The problem here is most likely in the chat portion, not in PPP.  Run
chat with the "-v" flag to get debug messages in syslog.

>  The Sparc uses both different UART and irq than PC. The following shows
> you what I got:

These are completely different architectures.  You can't compare them.

James Carlson, Consulting S/W Engineer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IronBridge Networks / 55 Hayden Avenue  71.246W    Vox:  +1 781 372 8132
Lexington MA  02421-7996 / USA          42.423N    Fax:  +1 781 372 8090
"PPP Design and Debugging" ---


Subject: Newbie Soundblaster Help
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:02:09 GMT

I have a Sound Blaster Vibra16X and this was recognized by Redhat 5.2
beautifully. Now, the card is then registered as having a bad or missing DMA
channel. Also, the bootup screen shows the soundcard is busy of is in use. The
other hardware is a 3com 3c509b network card, an ISA modem (plain, old), and a
Creative Labs 3D Exxtreme graphics card.  Please can, anyone help.

I see that there is a patch to the Linux Kernel 2.0.36 that regards the
Soundblaster Vibra 16X does request a DMA of 0.  Is this what I need?

Linux Man!@!

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From: Owen Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: 3C905 Problems: Card Does Not Function Under 2.2.0!
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 03:39:41 +0000

John Rinderle wrote:
> My 3Com Fast Etherlink XL NIC does not seem to function under the new 2.2.0 kernel.
> However it works fine under 2.0.36. I tried compiling the driver both as a module and
> building it into the kernel. This is an SMP box, but I also tried the driver with a
> non-SMP 2.2.0 kernel to no end. The driver appears to load properly but my DHCP 
> fails to setup the interface. Any ideas would be appreciated. Oh, my distribution is
> RedHat 5.2.
Hmm I have not tried one of these with Linux, but hey behave oddly under
DOS and NT too.  I find that running the config that comes with the card
to disable PNP fixes this (driver loads, but you can't do anything):-

3c90xcfg configure /pnp:disabled

Then power off and on again.

It may be completely unconnected, but thats my $.02 anyway.


[MN] - ICQ - #13276665
                              Powered by Linux 2  


From: Owen Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to add new Video Driver to earlier version of XFree86
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 03:48:34 +0000

fred mertz wrote:
> The release of XWindows bundled with RedHat 5.2 still does not support my
> Diamond Stealth II S220. The latest version of XFree86 ( does.
> However, when I downloaded and installed it whacked a whole bunch of
> stuff (technically speaking) in my RH 5.1 install. Then I went to RH 5.2,
> but it apparently contains a version of XFree older than 3.3.3.x.
> Question: Can I install the video support for the Diamond card (XF86_SVGA)
> from XF to my current RH 5.2 system?

The bit you need is just the actual X display server (/usr/X11R6/bin/X)
which is usually a symlink to the XF86_SVGA or whatver server you're
using.  So just extract that file from the archive and place it
at the above location.  I only ever download that usually.
[MN] - ICQ - #13276665
                              Powered by Linux 2  


From: "Charles D. DeVault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ethernet card for DELL Latitude CPi
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 20:14:52 GMT

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We've got Latitude CP/CPi's, and I'm currently using a 3C574TX(10/100
PCMCIA), and on my first install, I believe it recognizes it, since it's
in the config file listings.

Will update later on this item...

BTW:  Dell's 3C905x's used in their docking stations work just fine, as
far as I can see.

Georges Heinesch wrote:

> I'm looking for an ethernet card for the DELL Latitude CPI. Which
> card runs with Linux 2.2.0 and what does it cost?
> --
> Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
>     PGP 2.6.3i / 5.1i public key on request and on public servers
> ... N1, TO/GA, 80 KTS, V1, Rotate, V2

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adr:            1708 McCarthy Boulevard;;;Milpitas;CA;95035;U.S.A.
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          Technical Support Engineer
tel;work:       +1-408-490-6336 Direct
tel;fax:        +1-408-490-6770
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From: Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lightnux, the slim Linux
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 23:11:08 -0800

Gereon Wenzel wrote:
> If you want just text, use a Terminal(VT100) or Terminal emulator
> software,
> for Graphics use an X-Terminal Tektronix( or NCD are Common.

Actually, Tektronix ain't in the Xterm business any longer.  That
part of Tek was sold off to NCD a couple of months ago.  (Most of the 
personnell of the Tek Network Displays group are now employed by NCD as

If you  want to see Linux in an NCD terminal, drop a line to your
friendly neighborhood NCD sales rep....



From: "Tom Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SB AudioPCI 64v and Redhat 5.1
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 20:22:44 -0000

(Kernel v. 2.0.36)

Anyone succeeded in setting this up? Or maybe a PCI soundcard in general.
I've tried everything, including everything mentioned in the Sound-HOWTO.

pretty soon I'll just have to buy a crappy soundcard, just 'cos I know i
could get it to work...




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