Linux-Hardware Digest #319, Volume #9            Sun, 31 Jan 99 08:14:35 EST

  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (Richard Steiner)
  Re: New CAD System for LinuxPPC (Frank Miles)
  two sound cards? ("Tony Faradjian")
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (was  3COM "support" (was: any voice capable/fax 
modem software for use in warp4?)) (James Himmelman)
  Re: raid scsi solution (John Thomas)
  Re: Motorola BitSurfr with PPP ("Colonel Panic©")
  Diamond Stealth II S220 Users I need help!!! (Mike Pelayo)
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (Richard Steiner)
  Re: RIVA TNT + XFree86 (texx)
  wrong memory config with Linux (Martijn van weert)
  CDRW Buy Decision - HP 8100I vs Plextor PX-R412CI (No Spam)
  Re: How to build a router ??? (Philip Hirschhorn)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Tim Smith)
  The 3com Etherlink ("Jim Ray")
  STB PCI TV blue screen or snow. (Jens Sorensen)
  Re: The 3com Etherlink (Sonnik)
  Asus v3400TNT & Linux ("Stephane Ciceron")
  Looking For Intel Pro 10+ ISA Drivers... (iBNSLo)
  Re: hjälp!!
  ALS100 sound chips? (McZapkie)
  2.2.0 or 2.2.1 and OPTi931 --- any problems getting the card to work? ("Jesus M. 
Salvo Jr.")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:14:55 -0600

Here in comp.os.os2.misc, "¨g¤H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake unto us, saying:

>That's one reason SysOps love USR Couriers...

Sysops mostly loved Couriers because USR had an intelligent marketing
department who developed some incredible deals for them.  And with so
many BBSes using USR modems, a lot of users purchased them because the
BBSes did.  Particularly back in the HST days.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
       OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris +
        WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
               "Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles)
Subject: Re: New CAD System for LinuxPPC
Date: 31 Jan 1999 00:17:42 GMT

But before paying these spam artists, you should check out the
responses in DejaNews.



From: "Tony Faradjian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: two sound cards?
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:22:59 -0500

Is it possible to have two sound cards in my PC? I want Win98 to use my TB
Montego and Linux to use a Soundblaster. Will this work? It'd be great to
know soon, since I'm supposed to buy the Soundblaster by tomorrow 10am...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Himmelman)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (was  3COM "support" (was: any voice 
capable/fax modem software for use in warp4?))
Date: 31 Jan 1999 00:23:54 GMT

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999 22:21:08, "¨g¤H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >And just is this higher connect rate? 46-49k for the Couriers vs. 45-48k
> >for  the average v.90 modem? At least these are the real-world  connect
> >rates  that I've seen most often posted for these modems.
> >Still want to claim that Couriers aren't over-hyped yuppie status symbols?

Where do you get this "status symbol" crap? Are YOU going around 
comparing modems with people? It's like you have some weird 
inferiority complex or something.

Let me spell it out for you. I bought a Courier back in my BBS calling
days because that's what my favorite BBS used, and I got great 
performance with it. At the time, a new "standard" had just come out 
(28.8k). Because 28.8 was new, even "cheap" modems that supported that
rate were selling for about $100, so the price difference was not as 
great as you make it out. Then, when 33k arrived, it was a FREE 
software upgrade for me, while most people with their "cheap" modems 
had to go out and buy another modem.

When that Courier got fried in a thunder storm, I decided to try a 
cheaper modem this time. First I picked up a ZOOM. Again, with a 
standard that was pretty new (33k), the ZOOM (and other "cheap" 
modems) was selling for about $100 at that speed. Because of my 
problematic (noisy) phone lines, I was getting connect rates of 24k 
and 26k and suffering lost carriers. I returned it and tried a 
Cardinal (again, about $100). Same problem. I returned it and tried a 
Sportster, figuring that it might use the same technology as the 
Courier even though it was cheaper. It was better than either the ZOOM
or Cardinal, but still not connecting at 33k most of the time. I 
returned THAT one and bought a Courier (about $200), and connect rates
were back up to 33k, and were once again reliable. It was WELL worth 
getting rid of my headaches. And because my work requires lots of 
transfers over the Internet, every bit of speed was important. $100 
extra was a small price to pay.

My phone company, after many phone calls from me, has finally "cleaned
up" my phone lines.

When 57.6 arrived, X2 was first out of the gate. since my Internet 
provider immediately started supporting X2, I went and got one for my 
computer. That, of course, meant USR. With my "cleaner" lines, I had 
pretty good luck with the first Sportster (48k to 52k connections), so
I bought another one (I have two lines to this system). I didn't 
imagine that a Courier would do much better. My wife, with her 
computer on the same line, using a "Winmodem", RARELY achieves a 
connection at 48k (although occasionally), and connects most often at 

I never discussed with anyone which modem I purchased (until now), so 
the idea of a modem as a "status symbol" is ludicrous. The Courier 
worked better than the competition, and the added performance was 
worth the purchase price to me. Why you have a problem with that is 
one for a psychiatrist to uncover.

[[[ James Himmelman - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]]]


From: John Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: raid scsi solution
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 08:42:53 GMT


for the drivers.

"Gottfried J. M. Grosshans" wrote:

> Hi,
> we use aVortex GDT Controller without any Problems yet.
> Beware with Compaq stuff.
> Guido Dolci wrote:
>> Which is the best hardware raid scsi solution for a linux box?
>> Thanks
>> Guido
> --
>   Herzliche Gruesse aus Berlin
>    Gottfried J. M. Grosshans
> -------------------------------
> Mailprocessing powered by Linux


From: "Colonel Panic©" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Motorola BitSurfr with PPP
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 02:08:07 -0500

yeah...but why didn't you post the solution for us???

Scott L. Foglesong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Scott L. Foglesong wrote:
>> I am having problems getting an external Motorola BitSurfr Pro to
>> connect with PPP. My system has two modems, an analog one on /dev/cua0
>> and the Motorola BitSurfr on /dev/cua1.
>> >> "Too many notes, dear fellow, too many notes."
>> -----------------------------------------------
>I'll thank myself--I fixed it.


From: Mike Pelayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diamond Stealth II S220 Users I need help!!!
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 07:16:00 GMT

This card, Stealth II S220, doesn't seem to be
listed in Red Hat 5.2.  I have tried to substitute
the card for something else on the list of cards
given but to no avail.  Every time I go "startx"
it just turns black and I get alot of error
messages. Also, if anyone out there can tell me
how they configure the XF86Config I would gladly
appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.  Please respond
through email cause I will be busy for the next
week.  Thanks again in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:17:51 -0600

Here in comp.os.os2.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Lee)
spake unto us, saying:

>So what? Couriers still aren't worth $250.00.

I paid $249 for mine a couple of years ago.  When I purchased it, it
was only a 28.8kbps V.FC modem.

Since then I've gotten free firmware updates for:

  V.34   (28.8kbps)
  V.34+  (33.6kbps)
  x2     (56kbps)
  V.90   (56kbps)

I think I got my money's worth.

Is a Courier worth $250 now?  It depends on where your priorities lie,
I guess.  Personally, I've moved on to RADSL, so I'm in a different
situation.  To me, however, good connectivity is worth something.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
       OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris +
        WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
        Second childhood?  I haven't finished with the first one.


From: texx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RIVA TNT + XFree86
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 23:41:15 -0800

PERSON654 wrote:

> Where can I get an accelerated XFree86 server for my TNT-based video card?
> Using the standard SVGA server just gives me a partial desktop in 640x480.
> Matt

Go to www.Xfree and upgrade to version  Everything you need
to know is there


From: Martijn van weert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wrong memory config with Linux
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:00:11 +0100


I'm having trouble configuring my recently installed linux-configuration
(red Hat 5.1).
I installed Linux on my Compaq Armada 1700 laptop (PII 233 with 64MB
when I type FREE, linux says there is only 14676 K of memory in stead of
64 MB.
What can I do to correct this?
When I run x-windows and start netscape it takes forever to start.


martijn van Weert


Subject: CDRW Buy Decision - HP 8100I vs Plextor PX-R412CI
Date: 31 Jan 1999 11:06:08 GMT

x-no-archive: yes

I want to buy a new cd-rw drive which is cheap ($300 or less), fast (I'd
like 4x write, at least 10x read), and linux and beos-friendly.   I'm
going to use the drive for primarily for backup and a second hard
drive.  I'm also going to use it for recording audio and video cds.  I'm
be using the drive under Windows NT, Linux and Beos.  I've my choices to
the Hewlett Packard 8100I and the Plextor PX-R412CI.  The two are both
$300 on, and 4x write, and are both supported by xcdroast (does
this mean they're supported  by Linux and Be?).

I have a few questions before I buy - HELP!!!

The plextor is scsi and the hp is EIDE - how much does this matter in

I'm confused about the speed of the two drive, the Plextor is 12X/4X
and the HP is 24X/4X/2X - i know that they're both 4x write but what
does the rest mean?  Which drive is faster?

The plextor drive has one feature that the HP doesn't - CD-Resq, which
"which allows you to make a bootable, mirror image of your hard drive
for easy restoration of crashed systems.".  What this means to me is
that I can make
a copy of my hard drive, and boot from a cd - am I right?
Does HP offer this also, and if not, should I make this a basis of my
decision (can I make a bootable disk in another way)?

Does anyone have experiences with either of these drives or

Does anyone have a general recommendation on which drive to buy, or
any alternate drives that fit my feature list?



Hewlett Packard 8100I:

Plextor PX-R412CI



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Hirschhorn)
Subject: Re: How to build a router ???
Date: 31 Jan 1999 07:59:46 GMT

Michael D. Schleif ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I want to build a router.  It is to sit between my MediaOne cable modem
: and my home network.

: It seems that this should be a simple implementation of Linux, since I
: already know how to implement routing on my existing boxes.

: However, I want a dedicated box, I want it to be secure and I want that
: box to do *nothing* except this one (1) routing job.  I am looking for
: suggestions.  Some of the issues I need to examine are:

You can setup your Linux box to do IP Masquerade (so that it appears
to the outside world that you have only one computer), and you can
make it a firewall to allow/disallow whatever you like.  For detailed
instructions on this, take a look at

: [a] How *little* Linux need I install and configure to meet these and
: *only* these requirements?

: [b] What are the minimum hardware requirements to implement this
: *without* sacrificing performance?

If you want minimal, then you have to take a look at the Linux Router
Project; it's amazing.  They give you a "Router on a single floppy"; I
think this will even do your masquerading for you.  I think that if
you really wanted to run off a singe floppy, then you'd need enough
ram so that you don't become a bottleneck, but for a low-throughput
home network this probably isnt' a problem (and in any case you have
at least a small hard drive to use).  Take a look at

They're pretty impressive.

Good luck,

Philip Hirschhorn          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Smith)
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 29 Jan 1999 21:13:49 -0800

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Erik Naggum  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  case is an important property of a word.  randomly capitalizing words
>  just because they happen to start sentences destroys valuable information
>  about that word.

Since the usual rule is not to *randomly* capitalize, but rather to capitalize
all words that begin sentences, no information is lost.  Think of it as an

What information did you think was being destroyed, anyway?

--Tim Smith


From: "Jim Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The 3com Etherlink
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 02:51:59 -0500

Are the drivers for the Etherlink III (3c900B-TPO) compiled in the kernel
that is included with Redhat 5.1?  Yes, I'm very much a newbie, but I went
out and bought this ethernet card and now it doesn't seem to want to work.

to reply via e-mail remove ".nospam"


From: Jens Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: STB PCI TV blue screen or snow.
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 08:38:02 GMT

Hi ,

I got a  STB PCI TV card as a gift and would very much like to get it to
work unde linux.
I downloaded bttv-0.5.22.tar.gz and compiled the stuff. I then launched
xawtv but all im
getting is a blue screen or snow.  What am I doing wrong?

My System:
K6-2 350 Mhz
Sound Blaster Live
Redhat 5.2, kernel 2.2.0
KDE 1.1pre2


From: Sonnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The 3com Etherlink
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 02:50:37 -0700

Had the same problem...

According to a mini-faq I found @, Linux probably doesn't like the
plug-and-play features of your card.  Get the setup program, if you don't have
it already, and disable the plug-and-play.  Linux should be able to recognize
the device.  However, Windows may need to install ISA drivers for your card
after you boot into Windows the first time after that.  After this, Windows
and Linux should be able to use the Ethernet card in harmony.

Jim Ray wrote:

> Are the drivers for the Etherlink III (3c900B-TPO) compiled in the kernel
> that is included with Redhat 5.1?  Yes, I'm very much a newbie, but I went
> out and bought this ethernet card and now it doesn't seem to want to work.
> Thanks!
> Jim
> to reply via e-mail remove ".nospam"


From: "Stephane Ciceron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Asus v3400TNT & Linux
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 10:22:55 +0100


Does anybody know xhere I can find a linux driver for my V3400TNT ?

Thanks very much


Subject: Looking For Intel Pro 10+ ISA Drivers...
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 03:47:41 -0800

Looking For Intel Pro 10+ ISA Drivers...
Any suggestions on where to look?????



Subject: Re: hjälp!!
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:43:15 +0100

In article <31vq2.34818$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Lamer´n" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Jag har ett problem som jag inte har någon vuxen att prata med om.
>Är det överhuvudtaget möjligt att få igång X Window (XFree86),
>med mitt sugande ATI Rage Pro Turbo AGP 4Mb,
>som Siemens svetsat fast på mitt moderkort?
>RedHat 5.0 kanske är av intresse?
>Kör jag SuperProbe får jag veta att det är ATI unknown chipset,
>0 kbytes memory och nånting typ:signatur data : 333f003c(please report)
>Kör jag startX får jag däremot veta att det är en ATI Mach 64 video adapter
>detekted,IBM RGB 514 or similar RAMDAC och programmeble clock generator
>detekted och att det är 4Mb videoram.
>Men inte satan startar det.
>Vad är fel, jag orkar inte vara vaken många dygn till?

Heisann ...

Du trenger en nyere versjon av XFree86 ... Versjon 3.3.3 er siste.
Men, hvis du har Redhat 5.0 vil jeg anbefale å finne tak i en nyere
versjon av Redhat - 5.2 er siste.

Xfree kan d/l fra ...

Cato M. Olsen


From: McZapkie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ALS100 sound chips?
Date: 31 Jan 1999 11:52:08 GMT

Are Avance Logic 100 ported into linux?
ALS007 from RedHat doesn't work.

OSS is not porting both of them.

Regards -

Maciej Czapkiewicz               s
Dept.of Electronics              i___O    KEEP
UMM Krakow,Poland                g   |\_  YOUR  This signature 
voice/fax:(12)6172596                |    INET  exceeds 4 lines 
E-mail: delete this:            | |  /\_  TIDY  but is fully
.DELETE.THIS before reply!      |_| |           recyclable!


From: "Jesus M. Salvo Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: 2.2.0 or 2.2.1 and OPTi931 --- any problems getting the card to work?
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 10:02:28 +0000

Now that I had my Opti931-based sound card work a few days ago using the
2.0.36 kernel, has anybody out there using an opti sound card had any
problems with the 2.2.x kernels in getting the card to work?

Are the steps the same? Easier? Better?


John Salvo



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