Linux-Hardware Digest #346, Volume #9             Wed, 3 Feb 99 13:13:49 EST

  Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16) ("karlo")
  Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16) ("karlo")
  Re: Maxtor Diamond Max 13.6 (Peter Stein)
  Ouch! Now Printer goes haywire! (root)
  Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16) (Ken Witherow)
  Please explain IRQ2 and IRQ9 ("Rodney M. Bates")
  Re: ESS Sound Card Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Partitioning Hard Drive and Networking a Desktop and a Laptop (John Thompson)
  Re: Rockwell chip ("karlo")
  Re: BH6 Mainboard and "LI" boot problem (Dave Atkins)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  SUNOS Filesystem. SCSI DISKS (Sam)
  Re: IOMega Zip: PPA failed initialization (Guillaume Cottenceau)
  Linux Server (Del)
  Re: I'm loosing memory!!! ("J. S. Jensen")
  Tape drive recommendation ("Mr. Glenn Bunton")
  Re: Yamaha EIDE CRW4416E, SCSI CRW4416S ("ONL")
  Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/PCI ("Yorokobi")
  Re: PnP sound in the new pre 2.2 kernel (Andy Wendel)


From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16)
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:22:24 GMT

I have a sb32awe.
sndconfig set it up in 5.1 no problem
but in 5.2 it couldn't do it.
It must be broken.
why did they break a working thing.


> sndconfig, a util to do just this.
> Regards,
> dar


From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16)
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:24:31 GMT

> Get the isapnptools package. It lets you setup all of your plugnpray
> devices.

Please tell me where?
I tried pnpdump --config
It gave incorrent settings, noit the ones which the soundcard had been
configured to with wincrap. (ie not irq 10 wrong address)  as compter boots
it displys a message which says sound card is using irq 10.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Stein)
Subject: Re: Maxtor Diamond Max 13.6
Date: 28 Jan 1999 20:33:49 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This drive (the Maxtor Diamond Max 13.6 Gig) is advertised as a Windows
>only disk drive.  Will it work under Linux?  
>I'd love to hear from someone that actually has it working with no
>Note:  I am not dual booting.  I want to be able to install it,
>configure it and use it without a copy of Windows ever getting within 50
>feet of it.  
>Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>  We all enter this world in the same way: naked; screaming; soaked in
>  blood.  But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn't
>  have to stop there.  -- Dana Gould

I have the 17.2 GB Maxtor partitioned as follows:

c:        2 GB   (DOS & OS2 Warp maintenance - FAT)
d:        200 MB (Warp - HPFS)
e:        4 GB   (Warp data - HPFS)
/dev/hda7 4 GB   (Linux 2.0.36 - ext2)
/dev/hda8 6.8 GB (Linux data - ext2)
/dev/hda9 128 MB (Linux swap)

I use System Commander to boot multiple DOS setups, OS2, and Linux.
Linux, OS2 Warp, and System Commander all  support these large drives. 
Warp proved to be difficult to migrate from another drive, but migrating
Linux was trivial and trouble free. Everything has been working fine.

If this works for a 17.2 GB drive it will work for smaller drives as

Peter Stein


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.tyan,revue.linux-kernel
Subject: Ouch! Now Printer goes haywire!
Date: 3 Feb 1999 15:14:04 +0100

Hi folks:

        I used to run some dual PPro boxes and they'd served me well.
Now I decide to "upgrade" to a pair of PII333's on a Tyan Thunder II
(S1696, the monster-dual-CPU-with-sound-and-with-SCSI board).  This
move has been nothing but trouble since.  First, the dual on-board UW
SCSI refused to work.  [I am now using my original AHA-2940 adapter.]
Then after I disabled it, I cannot install from CD-ROM-- every time it
hangs when the RH 5.1 installer reaches the SCSI-scanning stage.  NOW
I get random garbage spewed to the printer some time after each reboot
of the machine.  I realise that this may just be a toasted board, but
can someone tell me if there is something that I can try other than a
BIOS update, which I already did?

        Details of box: Dual PII/333, 256MB of ECC SDRAM DIMM's, RHL
4.2, kernel version 2.2.1 (the problem does not seem to happen with
kerne; 2.1.129, the reason why I posted to the kernel list); AHA2940
with two 4G UW-SCSI drives, a plextor CD-ROM, a panasonic CD-R, and a
640MB SCSI MO drive.  I am also using a logitech trackball, but not
the PS/2 kind.  Printing from another machine, with the same cables,
seem to do fine.


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From: Ken Witherow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16)
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:54:46 GMT

karlo wrote:
> > Get the isapnptools package. It lets you setup all of your plugnpray
> > devices.
> Please tell me where?
> I tried pnpdump --config
> It gave incorrent settings, noit the ones which the soundcard had been
> configured to with wincrap. (ie not irq 10 wrong address)  as compter boots
> it displys a message which says sound card is using irq 10.

--config tells it to use what it determines to be safe settings. You'll
need to manually edit your /etc/isapnp.conf I've included mine for you.
Also, if your BIOS has an option for PNP operating system, turn it off
or it will screw with your linux installation

(READPORT 0x020b)

# Card 1: (serial identifier c9 00 00 de a3 00 16 b0 4e)
# SUP1600 Serial No 56995 [checksum c9]
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
# Version 1.# ANSI string -->SupraExpress 336i PnP Voice<--
(CONFIGURE SUP1600/56995 (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x03e8)) (INT 0 (IRQ 11 (MODE
  (ACT Y)

# Card 2: (serial identifier e5 ff ff ff ff 70 00 8c 0e)
# CTL0070 Serial No -1 [checksum e5]
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string -->Creative ViBRA16C PnP<--
# Logical device id CTL0001

(DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))  (IO 0 (BASE 0x0220))  (IO 1 (BASE 0x0330)) 
(IO 2 (BASE 0x0388))
 (ACT Y)

# Logical device id CTL7001
#     Compatible device id PNPb02f
#     ANSI string -->Game<--
(CONFIGURE CTL0070/-1 (LD 1 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0200))
 (ACT Y)

# Returns all cards to the "Wait for Key" state


From: "Rodney M. Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please explain IRQ2 and IRQ9
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 15:44:34 GMT

What is the story on IRQ2 and IRQ9, i.e. what are the consequences
of the cascading?  Can I use neither of these for a device?
One or the other but not bothfor different devices?  
Only a specific one?  

Rodney Bates


Subject: Re: ESS Sound Card Problem
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:57:01 GMT

In article <795s4g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Harper) wrote:
> > > Sndconfig detects the card fine, but when it tries to play the sample
> > > it quits because the 'device or resource busy'.  Grrr.
> sndconfig is broke.

My sndconfig does the same thing, but it's not because sndconfig is messed
up. I can't even insmod sb or modprobe -a \* because "device or resource
busy".  If you find an solution, please e-mail it to me!

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From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitioning Hard Drive and Networking a Desktop and a Laptop
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 18:48:48 -0600

Ahmed Abukmail wrote:
> Hi Guys, I ordered a Laptop last night from DELL (Insp. 3500), and I am
> going to configure it with Linux. I would like to know how I can network
> the laptop with the desktop that I have also a DELL. I know that it can be
> done the cheapest way via serial connection. I would appreciate any detail
> that anyone might know to do this, since all I would need is a serial cable
> (NULL modem) from Radio Shack.
> Also, my second question is that the laptop comes with a 6.4G harddrive
> non-partitioned, and I would like to partition it w/o wiping out windows
> 98, and do a dual boot.
> Thank you very much, I appreciate any responses.

Although you can network the two machines via a serial
connection it's not likely to be very satisfactory. With the
price of NIC's (even PCMCIA NIC's for the laptop) and hubs
as low as it is now you really ought to consider even cheap
10base-T ethernet over any serial networking.

No problem with the dual-boot.  Most, if not all linux
distributions come with FIPS, which can non-destructively
repartition your Windows drive.  Install lilo with linux and
you're ready to rock.




From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Rockwell chip
Date: 3 Feb 1999 01:29:00 GMT

I use an internal 28.8 rockwell modem with no problems.


From: Dave Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: BH6 Mainboard and "LI" boot problem
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 02:13:00 GMT

Let me know if you ever get it to work reliably.  I've gone through 8
motherboards now and it seems like I never get the same results twice. 
I now have three Tyan boards.  One boots fine, the other two go into
infinite loops rebooting.  I used to get your error too and someone told
me to use fdisk to mark the first partition as bootable and that seemed
to fix the problem...but now, I am back to square one again.

One board was working fine until I put the cover back on.  I am about to
go insane trying to get this crap to work.

> Hello All,
> I am trying to migrated my working Linux system from a FIC-2007 to a BH6
> motherboard with a Celeron processor.
> I can't get it to boot into Linux as it did before.
> I got a new 8Gig dirve and did a new install
> of Linux. Everything worked OK until I went to boot.
> It reports "No active partition on HDD" .I then installed DOS-5.0 on the same
> drive and it booted DOS OK.
> Reinstalled Redhat 5.1. on drive.At bootup it stops at "LI".
> Booted into Linux using tomsrtbt ok. Can mount the hard drive OK
> and everything is there. run lilo to reinstall the boot record.
> On bootup same problem "LI".
> I've run out of ideas. Has anyone had problems with the BH6 Motherboards?
> All suggestions welcomed.
> Thanks for your time.
> Sam Kex
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Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 29 Jan 1999 01:31:23 +0100

FWIW, I like /both/ kinds of music, *and* I came to like angry fruit
salad.  Does that make me a schizophrenic?  Hm.

Abort this operation?   [Abort]  [Cancel]


Subject: Re: 2.2.x PnP sound card (SB 16 / Vibra 16)
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:54:53 GMT

I recently upgraded to the 2.2.1 kernel and ran into some problems.  I have a
real SB Vibra16 PnP, and mine does the same exact thing.  It should be IRQ 5,
with all the other stuff set to defaults.  I don't think any of my other
cards could have taken that IRQ.  My modem is an USR 56k with the jumpers set
to  Com 4 If I remember correctly.  It works fine though.  Other than that
there's just my video and scanner cards.  Linux has always ignored the SCSI
scanner card before because I didn't bother to set it up.  The sndconfig
program that comes with Redhat detects my card fine, but it can't "modprobe
-a sound".  If I "insmod sb" or "modprobe -a \*" I get an error message like
"sb.o: init_module: Device or Resource busy.".  The soundcore.o and sound.o
modules load just fine. I'm not sure how to fix this, but ANY solutions are

In article <793su0$hjk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I have a Soundblaster 16 PnP clone (detected as Vibra 16). I don't want to
> set up DOS / Win95 to find the settings for it. I thought the 2.2.x (2.2.1 in
> my case) kernel had some kind of extended support for these devices? I know
> that my network card has "stolen" IRQ 5, so I can't use standard settings.
> How can I find the IRQ from Linux? Do I have to set it up in the BIOS?
> I have checked the HOWTOs as usual, but I think a lot has changed in the 2.2
> kernel?
> Grateful for any useful responses to my stupid question! :-)
>  - Kian Spongsveen
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Subject: SUNOS Filesystem. SCSI DISKS
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 08:17:12 -0800


I am using Linux 2.0.34-0.6 from REDHAT 5.1
I have  2 SCSI hardrives with SunOS filesystems and
would like to read them.  I can see them on the SCSI
chain but get the following error when I try to mount any
of them.
     mount -t ufs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sun1
     mount -t ufs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sun2

same error for both.
    ufs_read_super: can't grok byteswapped fs on dev */1
    mount : wrong fs type, bad option, bad super block on /dev/sda*

   I have configured the kernel to support ufs type file systems with
Sun disklabels
   and I have turn BSDfree  off to avoid confusions.

  I tried also fdisk on these devices. fdisk seems to see these are
  block devices and I think is seeing multiple partitions, but can not
  recognize the filesystem.

   Does anyone have any ideas?



From: Guillaume Cottenceau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IOMega Zip: PPA failed initialization
Date: 03 Feb 1999 17:54:05 +0100

Jonathan Meeks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [1  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
> I'm Caldera OpenLinux v. 1.3 (2.0.35) and am trying to mount a parallel
> port zip drive.  I had to recompile the kernal b/c the ppa module wasn't
> built.
> Now, I get the following:
> >insmod ppa
> ppa: Version 1.42
> ppa: Probing port 03bc
> ppa: Probing port 0278
> scsi: 0 hosts.
> Initialization of ppa failed
> My machine has an AST BIOS v. 2.1 (if that should matter).
> The zip drive is connected and a zip disk is inserted, too.
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Jonathan Meeks
> [2  <text/html; us-ascii (7bit)>]

To install my ZIP drive I had to add to the kernel :

1) SCSI support
2) SCSI disk support
3) SCSI low-level driver : Iomega Parallel Port ZIP

(works with linux 2.2.1)

  Guillaume Cottenceau, 4eme annee informatique, I.N.S.A Rennes.


Subject: Linux Server
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 17:03:45 +0000

I am looking to build a linux server, spec:

duel PII 450mhz
256mb RAM
etc, etc...

can anyone recommend a PC manufacture who could supply such a machine
which is guaranteed to be completely compatible with Linux ???..Compaq
is definitely not !!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Could you direct any reply to my e-mail as I don;t get much time to view



From: "J. S. Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: I'm loosing memory!!!
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 09:05:46 -0700

"F. Javier Heredia" wrote:

> The problem is that I'm loosing memory when I compile a FORTRAN
> application. Before the first compilation the output of the "free"
> command is:

No, you most likely are /not/ loosing your memory (your mind, maybe
:-).  What is happening is the system is using this memory as a cache
and buffering all your data into memory, therefore allowing faster use
of memory vs. disk.

When binaries require more memory, the mm (memory manager) will allocate
appropriate space and decrease the buffers and cache size to accomodate
the increased memory need, and/or swap what it doesn't immediately need
or have resources therefor.

J. S. Jensen


From: "Mr. Glenn Bunton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tape drive recommendation
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 12:08:25 -0600

I need a quick recommendation for what tape drive to order for our linux
intranet server. We're running slackware 3.6

Please email any recommendations or warnings as soon as possible.

Mr. Glenn Bunton
Systems Librarian for Internet Technologies
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia     
(757) 683-5952


Subject: Re: Yamaha EIDE CRW4416E, SCSI CRW4416S
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 01:59:52 -0000

I'm successfully using a 4416S. I am told SCSI is the more reliable of the
two - that seem to be the general view. Mind, they say a SCSI hard disc is
best; yet my EIDE Maxtor works fine. Perhaps the gap between SCSI and EIDE
in performance terms for everyday users is negligible. Buying an EIDE would
mean you don't need to buy a SCSI card - assuming you don't have one.

Jon M. Pearsall wrote in message <794ca6$om5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>x-no-archive: yes
>>Anyone have any experiences with the Yamaha EIDE CRW4416E, or the Yahama
>>SCSI CRW4416S?   I'm thinking of buying, so any opinions would be
>I just got my new 4416S last week.  I've burned about a dozen CDs so far,
>problems yet.  The 4X is great.


From: "Yorokobi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/PCI
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 19:50:07 -0700

    I have the Linux-Mandrake/Red Hat version 5.2 and it cannot detect my
PnP Intel EtherExpress Pro 10 (PCI)  Is there something I don't know (I am a
newbie so that's probably the case :)  What is the best solution to get
Linux to detect/use my ethernet card?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Wendel)
Subject: Re: PnP sound in the new pre 2.2 kernel
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 02:53:04 GMT

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 18:15:36 +0000, David Barnard

>Somebody please help me!  I've been loosing sleep for three days
>staying up all night compiling kernel after kernel trying to get the new
>pre-2.2 kernel to find my PnP Sound Blaster card.
>  I've recently acquired a new Sound Blaster PCI128 sound card for my
>machine which is running RedHat 5.1.  The card is basically an SB(16?)
>PCI PnP card with fancy software.  My BIOS alledges to support PnP, and
>I've had it recognize other cards when I used to have an MS
>partition(which was sacrificed to the bit-bucket in favor of kde)  The
>BIOS gives me a message right before the LILO prompt which appears to
>denote that it recognizes a "multimedia device" on IRQ 7.  I was doing
>some reading and found that PnP was supposed to be supported in the new
>(2.1 & 2.2) kernels.  I got the source, compiled with PnP support
>activated.  I compiled in all the usual sound goodies and installed the
>new kernel.
>  The kernel boots, but doesn't seem to recognize the card.  Do I have
>to do something special to get the kernel to actually LOOK for a PnP
>card, or is it supposed to do it automagically?
>  If someone could send me a step by step outline of what I need to do
>in order to get the card to be recognzied by the OS, I'd appreciate it.
>  Please if possible list:
>1) any files which may need to be tinkered with (full paths of where
>they are "supposed" to live?)
>2) exact (or near to it) options to be compiled into the kernel for a
>real Sound Blaster card.
>3) Steps neccessary aside from building a new kernel
>4) URL's of any relevant documentation on PnP support in the new kernel,
>getting sound to actually work under Linux, and/or getting the new
>kernel to actually recognize and configure a PCI PnP device
>  If you need ANY information to help you diagnose what I'm doing wrong,
>please don't hesitate to ask.  Please if possible reply to
>  Here is a cat of my /dev/sndstat and a uname -a
>  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
>  Millions and millions of thanks in advance.
>  David
>uname -a:
>Linux felix.geeks_R_us 2.2.0-pre8 #6 Thu Jan 21 12:30:47 CST 1999 i586
>cat /dev/sndstat:
>Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
>Kernel: Linux felix.geeks_R_us 2.2.0-pre8 #6 Thu Jan 21 12:30:47 CST
>1999 i586
>Config options: 0
>Installed drivers:
>Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
>Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
>Type 2: Sound Blaster
>Type 29: Sound Blaster PnP
>Type 7: SB MPU-401
>Type 36: SoftOSS Virtual Wave Table
>Type 37: Loopback MIDI Device
>Card config:
>SoftOSS Virtual Wave Table
>(Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 7 drq 1,5)
>(SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 1 drq 0)
>(OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0)
>Loopback MIDI Device drq 0
>Audio devices:
>Synth devices:
>0: SoftOSS
>Midi devices:
>0: Loopback MIDI Port 1
>1: Loopback MIDI Port 2
>0: System clock
>1: SoftOSS
ok.. update time... I just did a compile on the 2.2.1 kernel...

This depends on one thing... which ensonique chip is on your board-
the 1370 or 1371... MY PCI128 has the 1370 on it... ymmv.. in the
kernel configurator (I used menuconfig from the terminal) enable sound
support (as a module... it seems to choke when built in... again, your
milage may vary) and then choose 137x for the ensonique board...
again, depends on which chip you have... again, compile as a module...
for ease and convenience, I have the kernel load all my modules at
boot time, and I remove them manually if I need to (haven't yet)...
all I can say is that personally, this has worked far better than
anything I ever did under 2.0.36 or before... and it seems to be
better than the OSS program... no crackling noises at boot time...



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