Linux-Hardware Digest #417, Volume #9            Sat, 13 Feb 99 04:13:42 EST

  Problems with ATAPI-CDRW and cdrecord (root)
  Printer Problem (Adam Juda)
  Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell (Robin Walker)
  Mouse detection problem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Q (NIC): Linksys 100TX?? (Do-Hoon Kwon)
  Re: AdvanSys SCSI + Plextor CDR - opinions please (Road Runner)
  Re: TrueColor Video with overlays planes? (Lyle Taylor)
  Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell (Robin Walker)
  ATI Rage Pro Turbo 8mb (Robin Walker)
  Re: help SiS 8mb AGP Video on Linux ("David Calladine")
  Re: G200 Video Card install w/RH 5.1 (help) (Douglas Jerome)
  Re: Printer Problem (Mark Bratcher)
  Re: MODEM: how do I monitor PPP speeds? (Andrew Comech)
  Re: HP Laserjet IIP + linux (Julian Thomas)
  Pet Project with a Intel Columbus Server ("Wayne Ringling")
  SMP Support (Bucky4me)
  'Pro Audio Spectrum 16': Can't get 16 bit? (oak)


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with ATAPI-CDRW and cdrecord
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 21:13:41 +0100


cdrecord-1.6.1 refuses to work with my CD-RW (Philips 3610). While
working fine with NT4.0 there are always errors AFTER writing data to
the CD-R.
There is either a complete system crash when FIXATING or an error
occurs. ('Unknown error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable

I am using kernel 2.0.33, tried two different CD-Rs, first wrote an
image-file to the CD and then used a partition for mastering. But got
always the same problem.

Does anyone know how to fix that???




From: Adam Juda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printer Problem
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:28:39 -0500

         I have an Epson Color Stylus 600.  I am able to print to it (lpt1)
from both Windows95 and directly to the printer port from within an
ms-dos box.  However, I am unable to print directly to it through
Linux.  I have tried with both Slackware 3.6 and Redhat 5.2 but neither
one has allowed me to print.  Are there any ideas about how to fix my
printer at all?
        Below is what I typed to try to send a message to the printer, maybe I
just made a Really dumb mistake?

        ~# echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp0
        ~# echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp1

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks in advance!



From: Robin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 13:33:54 -0700


Did Dell make you buy a DVD-ROM with that ATI card?  That's what they're telling
me I'll need to do if I want the ATI card, and I was wondering how the install
would go with a DVD-ROM instead of using my familiar SCSI CDROM.

Also, did you go SCSI or EIDE with the hard drive?



Linnea & Scott Steinhorst wrote:

> I just bought the same computer (XPS R400) and am installing Red Hat 5.2.
> The video works great (same card - ATI XPERT 98D AGP). I bought Dell's 19"
> monitor. During the Red Hat install I set: Horizontal sync range "monitor
> that can do 1280x1024@76Hz"; Vertical sync range: "50-90"; Xconfigurator has
> error finding video ram -> I set manually to "8meg"; clockchip: "no
> clockchip setting (recommended)"; X-probeonly: clock probe failed,
> configuration proceeds with default values; Video mode: "24 bit 1024x768".
> Anyhow, works great. It does appear to use the XFree86 Mach64. Between the
> video card and the network card maybe it's worth trying Red Hat 5.2. Wish I
> could be more helpful but I'm a newbie and don't know much yet!
> My problems are getting the sound card to work - Turtle Beach Montego A3D,
> and printing on an HP Deskjet 870Cse. I've surfed and surfed and read and
> read and can't find any references to drivers for the HPDJ 800 series
> printers or the Turtle Beach Montego. Maybe I'm just uninformed and don't
> need drivers and it's a matter of properly configuring the proper things. I
> can believe the the Montego card is new and that's why there aren't drivers,
> but the HP 800 series printers have been out a long time (I bought mine >
> 1.5 yrs ago).
> Good luck,
> Scott Steinhorst ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >> > Justin White wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > I have a brand new Dell Dimension XPS R400 that refuses to cooperate
> >> > > with Caldera OpenLinux.  It has an ATI XPERT 98D AGP video card that
> >> > > isn't supported when I run XF86Setup.  I can't even get it working
> with
> >> > > a generic Mach64 setting.


Subject: Mouse detection problem?
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 11:35:03 GMT


I have a Pico (generic Taiwanese) laptop with a K6-2 333, 64Mb and a S3 Virge
MX+ 4Mb graphic card. I posted a message here earlier thinking that the
problem with my Redhat 5.2 linux box was that the MX+ was unsupported. Now I
believe it is the mouse since I can't get a mouse pointer on tty0.

The mouse is a PS/2 type according to Win98, running on IRQ 12 which I know
to be the default setting. I think it is the kernel which stops the mouse
working: linux cannot use it (even though there is no problem detecting a
ps/2 mouse nor with gpm) and after a warm boot to Win98, the mouse is not
found there - only a hard reset brings the mouse back into action.

X refuses to start, crashing before the mouse pointer comes on although
XF86Setup works fine (mouse pointer stays in centre with no response).

I have only had a little time to mess with the kernel but with no success.

Any advise with this problem would be appreciated.


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From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q (NIC): Linksys 100TX??
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 23:04:24 -0500

Dae wrote:
> Is anyone using the Linksys EatherFast 10/100 PCI LAN card?

 I'm using one and very happy with it. I bought it locally for U$30.
Just make sure you use the latest tulip driver. Setup couldn't be
easier than picking the tulip driver. :^)

Do-Hoon Kwon


From: Road Runner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AdvanSys SCSI + Plextor CDR - opinions please
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 16:48:06 +1100

i also have advansys 940U (i think thats the right model) with a
panasonic 8x/4x and it runs fine.
unfortunalty i dont have the bucks for other SCSI gear :(



From: Lyle Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TrueColor Video with overlays planes?
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 13:58:00 -0700

Daniel Ganek wrote:
> At work I use an HP workstation with an FX-2 board which
> is  1280x1024 24-bit true color for imaging with an 8-bit
> overlay plane for graphics.
> Does anyone know of an equivalent PCI board that I can
> use on my home PC?  A P133 running RH 5.2
> /dan

The Number 9 Revolution supports overlays like that.  It's a bit too
slow for my tastes using overlays, but it's there.  There probably is a
better card for it, though.




From: Robin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 14:09:24 -0700


Did Dell make you buy a DVD-ROM with that ATI card?  That's what they're telling
me I'll need to do if I want the ATI card, and I was wondering how the install
would go with a DVD-ROM instead of using my familiar SCSI CDROM.

Also, did you go SCSI or EIDE with the hard drive?



Linnea & Scott Steinhorst wrote:

> I just bought the same computer (XPS R400) and am installing Red Hat 5.2.
> The video works great (same card - ATI XPERT 98D AGP). I bought Dell's 19"
> monitor. During the Red Hat install I set: Horizontal sync range "monitor
> that can do 1280x1024@76Hz"; Vertical sync range: "50-90"; Xconfigurator has
> error finding video ram -> I set manually to "8meg"; clockchip: "no
> clockchip setting (recommended)"; X-probeonly: clock probe failed,
> configuration proceeds with default values; Video mode: "24 bit 1024x768".
> Anyhow, works great. It does appear to use the XFree86 Mach64. Between the
> video card and the network card maybe it's worth trying Red Hat 5.2. Wish I
> could be more helpful but I'm a newbie and don't know much yet!
> My problems are getting the sound card to work - Turtle Beach Montego A3D,
> and printing on an HP Deskjet 870Cse. I've surfed and surfed and read and
> read and can't find any references to drivers for the HPDJ 800 series
> printers or the Turtle Beach Montego. Maybe I'm just uninformed and don't
> need drivers and it's a matter of properly configuring the proper things. I
> can believe the the Montego card is new and that's why there aren't drivers,
> but the HP 800 series printers have been out a long time (I bought mine >
> 1.5 yrs ago).
> Good luck,
> Scott Steinhorst ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >> > Justin White wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > I have a brand new Dell Dimension XPS R400 that refuses to cooperate
> >> > > with Caldera OpenLinux.  It has an ATI XPERT 98D AGP video card that
> >> > > isn't supported when I run XF86Setup.  I can't even get it working
> with
> >> > > a generic Mach64 setting.


From: Robin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATI Rage Pro Turbo 8mb
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 14:15:53 -0700

Does anyone have any experience to relate with the ATI Rage Pro Turbo
8mb Card?  I'm considering buying a Dell Optiplex system that has that
card, and will be loading RedHat 5.2 on to it.




From: "David Calladine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help SiS 8mb AGP Video on Linux
Date: 12 Feb 1999 11:54:04 -0600

I had the same problem, I guess we all bought the same mother board.  I got
it to work by going out to the Xfree86 site and getting the latest release.
 I think it's 3.3.3 or something like that.  I should mention that I'm
running Redhat 5.2, I set it up running their X configurator.  I had to
select Custom and enter my own info.  But It worked!

Stephan Skrodzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Brent Freeman wrote:
> > 
> > You're not alone....AGAIN...
> > I can't get it to work either with mine.
> > Do you also have built on sound?...and if so do you know if that works?
> > I can't seem to get my network card to work with this mb either...
> > PLZ let me know if u figure this out...
> > thnks,
> > Brent
> What Mainboard do you have? PCCHips works fine with 16 Bit and:
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier        "PCChips 100 AGP"
>     VendorName        "PCChips"
>     BoardName "pc100"
>     Chipset   "sis6326"
> #    Option      "no_bitblt"
>     Option      "no_bitblt"
>     Option      "sw_cursor"
>     DacSpeed  175
> #    Option      "fast_vram"
>     Option      "edo_vram"
> #    Option      "pci_burst_on"
> #    Option      "noaccel"
>     VideoRam    8192
> EndSection
> For getting the sound running, I've tested and bought OSS...
> Regards
>  STeve
> -- 
> | Stephan Skrodzki                                   "Nobody expects
> the    | 
> | Mannheim, Germany                                   Spanish
> Inquisition!" |


From: Douglas Jerome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: G200 Video Card install w/RH 5.1 (help)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 23:24:56 -0700

Man...  All you need is the XF86_SVGA server; you can probably
find an alreadu-compiled binary executable server at

David A. Frantz wrote:
> Bob;
> I can't supply all the steps but I can pass on the following.
> You are  right Xfree 3.3.3 is needed if you want to run the Xfree server.
> While the upgrade to Redhat 5.2 may be worthwhile you will still have to
> upgrade the Xfree supplied with it.    It may be possiible that the newer
> CDs from RedHat may have the latest version of Xfree, I don't know.     My
> CD dose not have 3.3.3 it is a recent improvement.
> If you get your Xfree distributiion from RedHat it should be relatively easy
> install.    Some of the first servers available for the G200 took a bit of
> effort to install properly.     The important thing is to upgrade your Xfree
> files then run a configurator program to set every thing up.     It may be a
> good idea to save reccord your current settings for your monitor.
> Dave
> Bob V wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hi Linux folks,
> >
> >I am going to upgrade my existing PCI Diamond 3D 3000 card to the
> > Matrox G200  ( AGP ). I have been hearing that I need to get Xfree
> >3.3.3 installed
> >in order to support this card. Can someone briefly list the steps
> >involved as far
> >as what I need to do to get Xfree86 3.3.3, the steps on configuring the
> >new card
> >using xconfigurator, and whether I need to execute some type of
> >uninstall steps for
> >the card I am removing. I currently have Red Hat 5.1. Would this be more
> >straightforward if I just go out and buy Red Hat 5.2 and follow the
> >upgrade steps?
> >I am new to Linux and I don't want to break anything. I probably would
> >have a
> >hard time troubleshooting things if I got myself in trouble during this
> >process.
> >
> >Thanks in advance,
> >
> >Bob V
> >

Douglas Jerome


From: Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printer Problem
Date: 11 Feb 1999 20:55:35 GMT


Adam Juda wrote:
>          I have an Epson Color Stylus 600.  I am able to print to it (lpt1)
> from both Windows95 and directly to the printer port from within an
> ms-dos box.  However, I am unable to print directly to it through
> Linux.  I have tried with both Slackware 3.6 and Redhat 5.2 but neither
> one has allowed me to print.  Are there any ideas about how to fix my
> printer at all?
>         Below is what I typed to try to send a message to the printer, maybe I
> just made a Really dumb mistake?
>         ~# echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp0
>         ~# echo "hello, world" > /dev/lp1

The printer's also going to need a form feed to kick out the text (or
pressing one of the front panel buttons might do it).



From: Andrew Comech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MODEM: how do I monitor PPP speeds?
Date: 11 Feb 1999 17:02:26 -0500

Actually, it sometimes seemed to me that I do not always enjoy
my 33.6Kb/s in PPP, but you may check this with ftp: after the file
transfer, it reports the transfer speed (fileSize/totalTime).
Well, this is actually what you *have* when you transfer files.

Again, the CARRIER 33600 or whatever message only means that you've
had this rate at the moment of the connection, and then the rate
may have dropped.

One day I should prod regarding cable modems...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Julian Thomas)
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet IIP + linux
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 16:25:46 -0500

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 02/11/99 
   at 12:01 AM, Chris Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>is anyone using an HP Laserjet IIP successfully under linux ? i've used
>RH's printtool to configure it but it prints garbage for the most part.

I have a LJ 4P and am not totally happy with the output.  I posted here
(and elsewhere) earlier, and didn't get much info.

The printer is actually on this OS2 machine, but it's running LPD and
printing text from the linux machine (networked to the os2 machine) works
well.  I used printtool to set things up.

The problem is with postscript.  I originally had the version of
ghostscript that came along with my RH 5.1 cdroms.  No settings here
worked, all PS output came out as a bunch of smudges.  I upgraded to gs
5.50-2 (and gsfonts 5.50-1) which I pulled off of a U wisc site. This
still didn't work with the ljet4 specification, but with laserjet it
produced recognizeable output; the problem is that the font rendition is

I haven't seen any fora for discussion of ghostscript problems.
 Julian Thomas: jt at epix dot net
 Boardmember of - Phoenix OS/2 Society, Inc
 In the beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country of New York State!
 -- --
 Error #33: (A)bort this mess (R)etry last mistake (S)kip to new mess-up.


From: "Wayne Ringling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pet Project with a Intel Columbus Server
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 01:26:48 -0500

    I am doing a project for my self involving a Intel Columbus Server with
dual Pentium Pro's 200 MHz processors.  It has built in 10/100 nic and Ultra
Wide SCSI.  I plan to install 128 meg dimm and a 9.1 gig UW SCSI drive.  I
was wondering if anyone has done a install on this type of machine before
and maybe could let me know of the pit falls before I start this plunge into
the unknown.  I will be installing hopefully the current Debian Linux
version and I have a few other apps also.  Any comments would be greatly



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bucky4me)
Subject: SMP Support
Date: 11 Feb 1999 20:46:52 GMT

I recompiled my kernel for smp but do not know how to check if the OS see's
both.  How can I do this?



Subject: 'Pro Audio Spectrum 16': Can't get 16 bit?
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 08:47:36 GMT

Anyone know why I can't get 16 bit from my 'Pro Audio Spectrum 16'
sound card? 8 bit works fine but not 16 bit. The Sound Howto says:

>6.26.  My 16-bit SoundBlaster "compatible" sound card only works in
>8-bit mode under Linux.
>16-bit sound cards described as SoundBlaster compatible are really
>only compatible with the 8-bit SoundBlaster Pro. They typically have a
>16-bit mode which is not compatible with the SoundBlaster 16 and not
>compatible with the Linux sound driver.
>You may be able to get the card to work in 16-bit mode by using the
>MAD16 or MSS/WSS driver.

But linux supposedly supports 'Pro Audio Spectrum 16' and I included 
support for it, as opposed to soundblaster in the kernel when I 
compiled the kernel. I might have also enabled sound blaster
'compatibility'....would that affect this? Anyone know what's going
on?  Is there a way to check that 'Pro Audio Spectrum 16' is actually
there in the kernel?



 Abbreviate - af 2 millenia, a btr wy t rd n wri.



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