Linux-Hardware Digest #800, Volume #10           Tue, 20 Jul 99 04:13:27 EDT

  PnP Rockwell fax/voice/v.90 - how come things went so smooth.. (Kristin Aanestad)
  LINUX:  Can't get ASUS P2B-DS to Recognize RAID for Redhat 6.0 install (Robert A. 
  Re: MSI 5169 and K6-2/450 ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: ATX Cases? ("William B. Cattell")
  Re: HP false advertising!!!! (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2 (John Patrick Krut)
  Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2 (John Patrick Krut)
  Re: recognizing all my RAM (ACK!!)
  Re: Sony SDT-2000 Can't mount KDE's tape backup. ("William B. Cattell")
  [Q] 440BX/GX/LX and others (Robert J. Sprawls)
  Tape Backup Questions ("Eric Sandvik")
  Re: US Robotics External Modem (gATHIS)
  Weird crash due to sunsite or myself? 8<< Help!!! Thanks!!! (Davis Eric)
  Help! Xircom REM56-100 nd IRQs ("Holger Götz")
  bizarre Linux fdisk problem (Philip Hardin)
  Weird crash due to sunsite or myself? 8-<< (Davis Eric)


From: Kristin Aanestad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PnP Rockwell fax/voice/v.90 - how come things went so smooth..
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 04:41:01 +0000

Just replaced a 28.8 modem with a new and dead cheap external k56/v.90
fax/voice modem - Rockwell based. (Was sold as a "CommBridge", made in
Taiwan, but that name wasn't mentioned on the box or in the manual. It
only seems to retail under that name in Scandinavia.)

Installing in Windows with the usual pomp and circumstance i realized it
was a PNP modem. So I visioned a little headache under Linux where I
didn't have neither clue nor driver. After booting Linux, before i
enganged braincells to mess with isapnp and init strings I tested a
connect to my ISP "as is" - just for fun. And it worked! Lots faster
than the 28 modem, yet using the same (admittedly minimalistic)
modemstring the 28,8 used. It went into a handshake routine I've never
heard before - after some initial howling it started humming like an
accellerating electric toy-car, ever higher pitched till it settled for
something. (I hope the comparision makes sense.) However: since I
haven't changed a thing I suspect I got away with things a little too isn't really *supposed* to be that smooth is it? Or do these
modems have "hardcoded" modem strings? I believe it's flashed to the
local v.90 standard already but I don't know if it connects as v.90 or
k56. Clues to this and other places I may have gone wrong are welcome -
along with "real" modemstrings of course.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert A. Hayden)
Subject: LINUX:  Can't get ASUS P2B-DS to Recognize RAID for Redhat 6.0 install
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:05:28 GMT

I am in the process of setting up a new Redhat 6.0 server and I am having
some problems getting it to properly boot from the hardware RAID array I


Motherboard:    ASUS P2B-DS Dual PII mobo w/ on-board 
                Adaptec 7890 Ultra2 Controller Built in
Processors:     2 PII-400s
Memory:         256MB
DRIVE:          18GB RAID5 Array connected to a CMD external
                RAID controller (UltraWide)
The installation recognized the RAID disk just fine as ID:0:0 and is able
to install all the software.  However, when I boot the RAID disck, I end
up getting the following in LILO:

    "L 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20"

I do have a 100mb /boot partion as /dev/sda1.

I get the same results if I boot with a floppy.

I am assuming that the issue is related to limitations in LILO's ability
to address large hard drives and the way the 7890 controller addresses
these large drives.  However, Adaptec's support information stinks and I
haven't an clue where to go next.

FYI:  The motherboard is running the latest BIOS.

I would rather not add a stand-alone disk to boot off of, as IMHO that
defeats the purpose of the RAID.

Any thoughts on what to do next?

Robert Hayden                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       UIN: 16570192


From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MSI 5169 and K6-2/450
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 00:08:04 -0500


>         Well, mostly successfully assembled. I upgraded the BIOS to version 3.1
> so that the board would support the chip at 450 MHz (actually, the
> preceding BIOS release would have done it too), but the chip still
> doesn't do the right thing at 450 MHz. If I try to do anything
> memory-intensive at 450 the chip fails on me with signal 11 errors (and
> occassionally other kin to signal 11.) If I set the jumper settings on
> the motherboard down to what they should be for a K6-2/400, though (100
> MHz bus speed, 4.0 multiplier and 2.2 V internal processor voltage
> instead of 2.4 V), though, the system is rock-solid. For the heck of it,
> I also tried running 450 MHz at 2.2 V, but that didn't work either.

It may be a problem with overheating.  I put a K6-III-450 on a different board,
and saw signals 4 & 11 when I compiled big stuff like the kernel, WINE, and Mesa.
It turned out to be a cooling problem, which I cured by putting in a bigger CPU
fan and mounting it with thermal grease, and adding a spurious disk-drive cooling
fan for the sole purpose of forcing more air through my case.

One guy here reported an innovative way of verifying the problem: he took the
cover off his case and put a high-velocity room fan blowing directly onto his CPU
and tested the result.  If you are getting the signals on CPU-intensive activities
like large compilations you might want to try his trick, and if that works, try
the fan upgrade and thermal grease.

OTOH, if you're sure it's memory usage rather than CPU usage, you might want to
consult this page and see if it helps:

Good luck,

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATX Cases?
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:36:22 GMT

Neville wrote:
> What are good ATX cases for building a cheap Linux box?
> I'm looking to spend somewhere near $50 (incl. power supply) and I would
> like a small tower (I believe this is the mid or mini form factor but
> correct me if you know of something different/better).
> I've heard many good things about the In-Win cases but I'm not sure which
> one I need to get, and, most importantly, where to buy them. Regardless
> of the brand, I would love some recommendation of which online stores
> sell cases at reasonable prices.
> Thanks,
> - Neville
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

I picked up an ATX full tower case from Aventec for about
$80.  I'm sure they have other ATX cases in your price
range.  I don't recall their URL but they are on the web. 
Check out C-Net - they usually are listed in there.


Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: HP false advertising!!!!
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:00:04 GMT

David J. Topper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hey folks,
: I've already posted once before about my lame experience with HP and
: their OMNIBOOK line.  Basically, they shipped me the wrong unit and took
: their sweet time about doing it (eg., no next day air).
: Here's the kicker.  Check out the following web page:
: It says the machines are available with the new 400mhz processor.  Well
: that's a bold faced lie!  I was just told by an HP sales rep. that they
: ARE NOT available with the 400mhz processor.
: Isn't that false advertising?  Isn't that illegal?  Do I (we) have a
: case?  What's the deal?

Calm down and get a life.  



From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 13:59:43 -0400

Much Thanx - I will give it a shot tommorrow...

Rajat Datta wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 01:05:46 -0400,
> John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have the same card and am running RH5.2 - "Get the distribution from
> >" just doesn't cut it - I need to know the the names of
> >the specific files to download - previously I wrote:
> >        > I downloaded and installed the rpm using
> >        > rpm -ivh XFree86-SVGA-3_3_3_1-1_1_i386.rpm
> >This did not work for me as I could not find the specific card in the
> >list in Xconfigurator or xf86config - could someone please let me
> >know all the specific names for the files to download?
> The file to download is RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386-dyn.tar.gz.  The
> XFree rpm you mention isn't from nvidia's site, is it?  The RIVA* file
> I mention is.  It contains an X server (also glx module and the Mesa
> library needed for running opengl applications) called XF86_SVGA.
> Basically, I just reused the same XF86Config file I had been using
> with my Matrox G200, just replaced the video card definition.  With
> most of the modern video cards, I find that the modelines more reflect
> the performance of the display than the video card.
> The video card definition I use is:
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "Diamond Viper 770"
>     VendorName  "Unknown"
>     BoardName   "Unknown"
>     Chipset     "RIVATNT2"
> EndSection
> rajat


      HaveAGoodLife * * * * * * * ResistanceIsFutile
* * * * * * * * * * * * * -jpk- * * * * * * * * * * * * *


From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Diamond Viper 32MB V770D NVIDIA TNT2
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 14:05:35 -0400

To answer your question, the file I used came from
which (somehow) I managed to find from one of the files
(FAQs?) associated in the nvidia site...

Thanx again.

Rajat Datta wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 01:05:46 -0400,
> John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have the same card and am running RH5.2 - "Get the distribution from
> >" just doesn't cut it - I need to know the the names of
> >the specific files to download - previously I wrote:
> >        > I downloaded and installed the rpm using
> >        > rpm -ivh XFree86-SVGA-3_3_3_1-1_1_i386.rpm
> >This did not work for me as I could not find the specific card in the
> >list in Xconfigurator or xf86config - could someone please let me
> >know all the specific names for the files to download?
> The file to download is RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386-dyn.tar.gz.  The
> XFree rpm you mention isn't from nvidia's site, is it?  The RIVA* file
> I mention is.  It contains an X server (also glx module and the Mesa
> library needed for running opengl applications) called XF86_SVGA.
> Basically, I just reused the same XF86Config file I had been using
> with my Matrox G200, just replaced the video card definition.  With
> most of the modern video cards, I find that the modelines more reflect
> the performance of the display than the video card.
> The video card definition I use is:
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "Diamond Viper 770"
>     VendorName  "Unknown"
>     BoardName   "Unknown"
>     Chipset     "RIVATNT2"
> EndSection
> rajat


      HaveAGoodLife * * * * * * * ResistanceIsFutile
* * * * * * * * * * * * * -jpk- * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Subject: Re: recognizing all my RAM
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 02:07:59 GMT

This is still one of the most posted questions in the universe and
that is okay it is good to know that good people are coming around to
Linux.  However, people could search dejanews first before posting.  

No, Matter what you do about the kernel and everything else the real
solution to the problem is found right here in this bit

>Regardless, you could also add the following line to the kernel boot
>sequence in your lilo.conf file
>next run /sbin/lilo
This always works period and end of story. 

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other
invention in
human history, with the possbile exception of handguns and tequila."
- Mitch Ratcliffe


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Sony SDT-2000 Can't mount KDE's tape backup.
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 05:41:13 GMT

Spotillius Maximus aka \"Spot\" wrote:
> So far, I'm slowly getting the system where I want it.  I tried mounting it
> with /dev/st0 or /dev/tape and it say's it can't find tape.  Is there a
> driver needed for this drive?  Thanks again for the help.
> Ed

I was seeing the same message when logged in as myself.  It
can mount a tape if I start the program up from the root
account though.  Try to log in as root or su to it.  It
works both ways for me.

Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert J. Sprawls)
Subject: [Q] 440BX/GX/LX and others
Date: 20 Jul 1999 05:52:34 GMT


       I read on that SuperMicro supports Linux well. I
went to their site and was reading about the MBs and saw that they
have varying chipsets. Is there a real difference between the BX, GX,
LX and any other chipsets? I'm doing some research for a future
machine purchase.


From: "Eric Sandvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tape Backup Questions
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:09:54 -0500

I'm looking at performing some routine backups of my system.  I'm looking at
a colorado backup 8 GB tape drive.  Anybody have any problems with it?

Also, what do you recommend I use for backup software, cpio, afio something

Thanks in advance,


Subject: Re: US Robotics External Modem
Date: 20 Jul 1999 06:31:08 GMT

Bob Martin wrote:
> Shane Aldrich wrote:
> > 
> > I have recently installed Red Hat 6.0 on an old Pentium 120 system. A
> > friend gave me a US Robotics 28.8 Sportster external modem and I am
> > having troubles getting it to work.
> > Can somebody point me in the right direction.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Shane
> Could you give a little more details as exactly what problem you are
> having ?

If you want my  litle mini-HOWTO file about USR external faxmodem
instalation on RedHat 6.0 mail me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird crash due to sunsite or myself? 8<< Help!!! Thanks!!!
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 06:50:53 GMT

Hi, there,

I think this RHL 6.0 box crashed although I do not like to think so.
Please. Help!!!!

Let me first calm down and then tell you what happened. It may be
disastrous to this box.

I just introduced one of my friend to buy a computer and then installed
RHL 6.0. Everything was ok. After he transfered his files from his old
machine and then deleted them from that machine, he asked me to install
one chinese software to read chinese in his xterm(yes he is a chinese
guy). So, I downloaded the Chinese-Tools***( I forgot the following
name) from sunsite. And put it into his box.

First I  su root from his account and put this program into /usr/local
and then untared it. But I found it created usr/local/chinese in
/usr/local, i.e I got /usr/local/usr/local/chinese. So, I deleted the
sub tree of usr  by using rm -r usr. I don't think it was wrong.

But later I decided to directly login as root not su root. Then the
disaster happened. First, I could not startx as root(it is supposed to
be gnome). It told me could not use the default font of "fixed". After
my failure of starting X as root. I logged out. Then I tried to log in
again using his accout to see whether X could be started using his
account. But, another weird thing after my login happened. It gave me
the following error message:

-bash: id command not found
the same line repeated many times..
-bash: [ too many arguments
and some other things

and then X can not be started either using his account.

Then I madly rebooted this mad box using shutdown -r now. And then
another weird thing, it told me some partition was not cleanly umounted.
It is trival compared to later more weird but disastrous thing. When it
started other modules such as httpd and sound, unusual many failed. And
then it even halted when started INND. 8-<<<

My god, I had thought to help my fried but you know, at present time. I
am really shameful. I even feel guilty. What the heck with this box? I
don't think there may be some problems in that program named
Chinese-Tools*** in pub/Linux/apps on sunsite ftp site because so many
guys use the programs in sunsite. But I don't know what the heck is
going wrong. The fact is his machine crahed due to my "help".

Any one can fix this problem?? I have already that program out of his
box. But it still could not boot up. Mad me have no solution to this mad
machine. 8-<<

Help!!! Please!!! Thanks!!!


I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:01:21 +0200
From: "Holger Götz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Help! Xircom REM56-100 nd IRQs


Is there sombody familiar with pcmcia irq sharing?
i've got a irq-sharing problem with the Xircom REM56-100 PCMCIA card.
pcmcia-services/module (3.0.13) works fine, the recognise int3 for eth0 and for
ttyS1 (or ttyS3 with out excludes in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts.
The problem is that the irq from the modem is not recognised, or called. If i
use setserial to set the irq = 0
(polling mode) minicom happily talks to the modem. (btw. eth0 is NOT connected
to a network at the moment)
The kernel is compiled with serial-irq sharing on.

Any help would be very apreciated!!



From: Philip Hardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: bizarre Linux fdisk problem
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 02:56:41 -0500

I'm having a bizarre problem with Linux fdisk.  It won't run on
one of my two hard drives.  If I try

  fdisk /dev/hdc

it responds with the very uninformative error message

  Unable to read /dev/hdc

This problem is awfully weird, because
1.  I can _manually_ read the contents of this hard drive, just by
    doing "cat /dev/hdc"
2.  Linux fdisk runs fine on my other hard drive, /dev/hda
3.  The file type, ownership, & access permissions are identical
    between /dev/hda & dev/hdc
4.  DOS fdisk runs fine on this hard drive (/dev/hdc)
5.  (now this is where it gets really weird) Linux fdisk _used_ to
    work just fine on this hard drive!  In fact I installed Red
    Hat 4.1 on it a year ago.  Now, with the same RH 4.1 CD,
    installation fails because fdisk fails.

There's some strange info in the diagnostics printed during Linux
boot-up, which may provide some clues:

hda: [..snip..] 958MB w/ 64kB Cache, CHS=973/32/63
hdc: [..snip..] 1888MB w/ 256kB Cache, CHS=4092/15/63
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 >
 hdc: [PTBL] [240/255/63] hdc1 hdc2 < hdc5 hdc6 hdc7 >

First of all, hdc is a 6.4GB drive, not 1888MB as Linux claims.
Second, the partitions shown under "Partition check" are correct,
but why is that "[PTBL] [240/255/63]" stuff being shown for hdc
and not for hda?

It seems to make no difference whether I configure hdc in the BIOS
as LBA, Large, or Normal.  The boot-up diagnostics don't change,
and Linux fdisk fails in the same way.

I upgraded my motherboard & cpu recently, could that possibly be
why RH 4.1 used to install, but doesn't now?  Could my new
motherboard's (FIC 503+) BIOS be giving Linux bad info on the
hard drives?  Could Windows 95 (which is also installed)
have messed with hdc's master boot record as a result of the
MB upgrade, in such a way that Linux fdisk won't work now?

Not to drown you in details, but here's a hex dump of the
partition tables for hda & hdc:

hda (the one that fdisk runs ok on):
8001 0100 061f 7fe5 3f00 0000 01f3 0e00
0000 41e6 051f ffcc 40f3 0e00 20fb 0e00

hdc (the one that fdisk claims is "unreadable", and yet I can
     read it with a simple "cat /dev/hdc"):
8001 0100 06fe 3f3f 3f00 0000 01b0 0f00
0000 0140 05f3 7fc5 40b0 0f00 069a 5f00

What other info can I give...I'm running Mandrake Linux 6.0,
kernal version 2.2.9.  I've got Mandrake installed on hda, and
I'm trying to install it on hdc, which is when this problem
cropped up.

Does anybody see what the problem is?

Much TIA,
Philip Hardin

   Philip A. Hardin    |                BattleBall 2.0
Unmangle email address |  a 3-D single/multiplayer game for X11 Windows
   before replying     |


From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird crash due to sunsite or myself? 8-<<
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 06:58:29 GMT

Hi, there,

I am sorry. I forgot to say that same error message that -bash: id
command not found was aslo prompted when the system rebooted.

I am sorry for borthing you with this but I am halfly insane right now.

Sorry again.


I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.



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