Linux-Hardware Digest #877, Volume #10           Thu, 29 Jul 99 11:13:29 EDT

  Remount Fujitsu 2048 MO (Gerber van der Graaf)
  Re: Epson Stylus Color 600 ("Peter Christy")
  Re: x (David)
  Re: AMD K6-3 vs. Dual Celerons ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: Tekram DC-390F with Linux (Mattias Bergvall)
  Re: Tape interface for SCSI driven HP35470 DAT (Richard Bumby)
  Re: It's Fixed (Was: Why Has My PC Card Modem Quit Working?) ("Jonathan L. Parker")
  Intel Ether pro 10 hangs PC (phil bull)
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 on a 386 (donald-martin)
  Linux and my Versa LX ("killingu")
  Another quick question ("killingu")
  Configuration of Macronix MX98715 ethernet card (JB Daskiewicz)
  Re: [Q] OnStream ATAPI tape drive? (Richard McClary)
  print format problem (Chris Stegmaier)
  Re: IBM Netfinity 5500 and Caldera 2.2 Problems (Antonino Iannella)
  Re: spin down HDD (xander)
  Re: [Q] OnStream ATAPI tape drive? (Jeff McWilliams)
  Re: Dual Pentium - compatibility? (David Fox)
  Re: ATi Rage Fury
  Re: Tekram DC-390F with Linux (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Configuration of Macronix MX98715 ethernet card (JB Daskiewicz)
  startup disk ("christos karayiannis")
  Drive Status Error (Jason Robert Antevil)


From: Gerber van der Graaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Remount Fujitsu 2048 MO
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:09:51 +0000

I have the next question; during booting my Fujitsu MCC3064AP, ATAPI
drive is recognized when using kernel 2.2.10. I implemented SCSI emulation
in order to read
and write a 640 MB (2048 bytes/block). If a 640 MB disk is in the drive
during booting, the drive is mounted and works well. Unmounting the disk
and remounting of a 640 MB disk works well until a 230 MB disk (512
bytes/block) has been mounted. After that I tried to remount a 630 MB
disk, but this gives the error: bad superblock, wrong filesystem. Is there
a way to specify the blocksize during mounting? I tried:
mount -o blocksize=2048 /dev/sd0
but thisdid not work.

Of course, the 640 MB disks have been formatted with mke2fs -b 2048
/dev/sd0 in order to specify the blocksize during formatting
Gerber van der Graaf


From: "Peter Christy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson Stylus Color 600
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 09:52:54 +0100

I'm using a Stylus 600 under SuSE 6.0, and haven't had any problems at all!
I installed apsfilter, which converts postscript files into something the
printer recognises, and selected stcolor as the printer type and bingo! It
all just worked straight away!

apsfilter came with SuSE as part of the distribution, but no doubt its
available seperately.



Subject: Re: x
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 11:11:14 +0200




From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD K6-3 vs. Dual Celerons
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 04:50:13 -0500

Jeremy Fincher wrote:

> I know there was a recent huge argument in this newsgroup about this topic, but
> it was huge and hard to read.  Can anyone give me (as objectively as possible)
> the sides of this argument?  I'm considering both right now since Athlon costs
> a wee bit too much for my taste and isn't out yet.
> I do have a slight slant toward AMD (rooting for the underdog  :-) )

In the short:

A Celeron chip is cheaper and slightly faster at FP for a given clock.

AMD goes bankrupt and your next CPU will be more than "a wee bit" too much for
your taste.

The Prisoner's Dilemma comes to mind...

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: Mattias Bergvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Tekram DC-390F with Linux
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 11:34:54 +0200

Tapio V=E4=E4tt=E4nen wrote:

> "WARNING: 256 Heads, 64 Sectors Parameter is expected..."
> (I don't remeber the actuall numbers, but they differ
> from whats said in User's Manual, see below)

I think there's a setting (on the DC-390F) that you can change to stop
it whining about the disk being too large. It's probably called
something like "large disk", "1024 cylinder", or something similar. It's
in the manual.

The warning only makes sense to DOS users.
As soon as the kernel is loaded, linux won't give a damn about how large
the disk is, or how many cylinders it has.

Just make sure you have a /boot partition in the lower part of the disk.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Bumby)
Subject: Re: Tape interface for SCSI driven HP35470 DAT
Date: 28 Jul 1999 19:03:41 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson) writes:

>What's the best interface for a SCSI driven HP 35470 DAT tape backup. 

>I got to admit, some of the TAR switches are a bit confusing to me, but
>I'd like to be able to set up a disaster recovery set of boot disks.

>Also, I'll be also backing up FAT, HPFS and EXT2.  Since this is my
>first DAT unit, I don't know if they all require different tape formats
>or not. Anyone know?

>And I'm not opposed to a retail backup package as long as I don't have
>to sell my first born to pay for it.

>                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First rule:  back up each filesystem from the OS that knows it best.
In particular, linux won't understand any extended attributes in your
HPFS system and other systems won't understand linux permissions.  You
should be able to write tapes, but there will be a problem if you need to

Tar should work in all systems and is free.  In particular, the OS/2
version has worked very well for me.  Look for a matched set of gtar
(the tar program) and gtak (the driver and tape utility package) in
hobbes or LEO.  In linux, you should have tar and mt as part of your

Although I had been using gtar/gtak for some time when I added linux
to my OS/2 box, it took a while before I felt comfortable with the
tape drive in linux.  You need to use the "non-rewinding" tape driver
(typically /dev/nst0) in order to experiment with the tape.  There are
many options that can be set using mt, and performance can suffer if
you don't set them correctly (I only recently noticed that you need to
set them all at once -- settings are not cumulative).  Also, when
using tar, you need to skip certain directories.  Not only do they not
contain anything that you want to back up, but trying to send their
contents to the tape can cause difficulty.  The main example is /proc,
but you may also want to skip /dev.  Non-native filesystems, and
scratch areas can also be skipped.

Some distributions (e.g. Red Hat and Caldera) include a license for
BRU2000.  This seems like a good system, but I felt that I needed to
pay $25 to get the BRU folks to send me a printed manual.  I have
written a couple of tapes with it, but I haven't done any tests yet to
check that I can retrieve things from those tapes if necessary.  (On
my OS/2 system, I have successfully recovered from typing "rm *" in
the system root when I thought I was on a floppy, so I *know* that
gtar/gtak works.)

R. T. Bumby **  Rutgers Math || Amer. Math. Monthly Problems Editor 1992--1996
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       ||   
Telephone:    [USA] 732-445-0277 (full-time message line) FAX 732-445-5530


From: "Jonathan L. Parker" <jlparkerDON'[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: It's Fixed (Was: Why Has My PC Card Modem Quit Working?)
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 09:33:39 +0000

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade, and do (other such) things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard."

-John F. Kennedy, at Rice University, Houston, September 12, 1962


From: phil bull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Intel Ether pro 10 hangs PC
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:56:22 +0100

I'm running Red Hat 6.0 on an Intel P90 PC box. I have an oldish ISA
Intel Ether Pro10 network card. It's a combo card with 10BaseT, BNC and
AUI connectors. The chip is marked FA82595TX.

The PC hung during Linux installation when it tried to probe the card,
so I substituted and old NE2000 card, which worked fine until it
suffered hardware failure. So I'm having to try the Intel card again.
I've changed the conf.modules file to read:

    alias eth0 eepro
    options eepro io=0x230 irq=11

which ties in with a response I saw to someone else's posting. However,
the PC hangs during boot when it tries to start eth0.

I also have a newer ISA Ether Pro10 Combo card at home that we have
never got to work with RH5.1, SUSE6 or RH6.0, though WD cards work ok.
I've checked out the HOWTOs, etc, which suggest that I shouldn't have
any problem.

Any advice would be welcome. Thanks,



From: donald-martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat 5.2 on a 386
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 11:01:40 GMT

Carl Baines wrote:

> Has anyone ever loaded this version RH5.2 on a 386 machine? It has
> a CD and 8meg of ram. It says on the box that it would load on a 386
> if installed properly. I would like to try it but I don't want to waste a
> lot
> of time.

I have 2.0.27 (from a Slackware distribution) running on a 386-20SL with 8
megs of RAM.  No reason RedHat shouldn't load, just look for the
installation to be REAL slow.  Don't even try to run X on it.  It's a good
little machine for 'lynx', though.  Also, I understand a lot of people are
setting them up as routers and firewalls.


From: "killingu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and my Versa LX
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 06:39:14 -0500

I'm a relative newbie and all, and I've looked at all the sights (that I
could find) for information with this little problem.  I've got a NEC Versa
LX with a ATI Rage Pro LT vid card in it.  The problem seems to stem from
the monitor more than the vid card, though.  Whenever I try to start X
Windows (I'm using Redhat 5.2 straight out of the box.. no 2.2x kernal or
anything) it sounds as though the X windows server is starting, but my
display blanks, and it will not come back, even if I try to go to a virtual
console (if that is the correct term).  I went to Linux Laptops, and they
had a rousing article about how to get a NEC Versa LX to work by typing in
startx and then partially closing the monitor and then sneaking a finger
inside to strike the Enter key, but I was wondering if perhaps there was a
better solution.  This one didn't work for me anyway.

I've had linux on my home pc, and it worked great, but I was REALLY wanting
in on my laptop so I could develop web pages under Linux.  Any help on this
would be most appreciated.



From: "killingu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Another quick question
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 06:40:52 -0500

If you read my post below......

I've also got a LS-120 drive on my laptop, and cannot get it configured to
read either 1.44 floppies or superdisks (I hate that word...).  Again, any
help would be appreciated.



From: JB Daskiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Configuration of Macronix MX98715 ethernet card
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 13:59:12 +0200


      I'd try to install Linux on my PC, but my ethernet card wasn't
recognize. It is a Macronix MX98715 card, and I don't now with
      which card it is compatible.

      If somebody can help me, or tell me what can I do ??

      Thank you for your help, and sorry for my english.



From: Richard McClary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Q] OnStream ATAPI tape drive?
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 07:14:58 -0500

When I was shopping for a tape system, I went to the RH site (among
other places).  They mentioned that neither the ATAPI nor the SCSI
drives would work with RH linux (as of a couple of months ago).

Too bad- the drive looks like a bargain otherwise!

"Scott J. Bertin" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Dan Delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is anyone successfully using one of the new OnStream ATAPI 15/30 gig
> > tape drives that use their new "ADR" technology? Are there even any
> > Linux drivers for this drive?
> From the FAQ on the OnStream web site
> (
> Will OnStream develop support for its Digital Storage drives with Linux?
> OnStream has identified Linux developers to write drivers and tools to attach
> OnStream digital drives to systems[etc deleted]


From: Chris Stegmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: print format problem
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 07:56:34 -0400

I've recently solved a problem regarding my print driver with the
wonderful help
from this newsgroup.  Thanks to all the knowledgeable people who give
the answers!

My printer (epson stylus color 400) now prints characters correctly,
however it
is printing them in a landscape format.  Can you tell me where to change
from the
landscape format to the portrait format?

Thanks in advance,



From: Antonino Iannella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: IBM Netfinity 5500 and Caldera 2.2 Problems
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 21:44:18 +0930

There is little support for the IBM netfinity / Serveraid controller.
Officially from IBM, Linux does work on their servers,
and they even provide a white paper on how to install it.
They have released their own kernel drivers (still in beta)
for the serveraid controllers.
The fun part is that you must patch an existing, working Linux
You may have trouble with the ethernet card, since it probably
is not detected under linux.

Robert C Flisik wrote:
> We have Netfinity 5500's and would like to move from NT to Linux. We
> purchased the 2.2 distribution of Caldera. Each time we try to load in the
> install, the system will hang at the load kernel message. Afterwords a hard
> reboot is required.
> We have tried the shipped install floppy, and well as LISA - both with
> similar results - a lock up at the LILO message.
> We would like to use the Caldera distribution, but I have read that RedHat
> does support the ServeRaid II controller in the Netfinity series. Can
> anyone help?
> Details:
> 450 PII, 128MB, (2) 9GB drives.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Bob Flisik
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


Antonino Iannella               Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Consultant                      Phone: 0408 800 007, +61 8 8303 4990
Consulting division             Fax  : +61 8 8303 4403
Camtech SA Pty Ltd              WWW  :


From: xander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: spin down HDD
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 14:36:50 +0200

problem is bdflush. kick it out.
bdflush flushes every now and then.

note: if power fails, you end up getting lost information,
especially if you have large amounts of memory installed (64Mb+),
make sure you 'sync' everytime you install or save something important.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff McWilliams)
Subject: Re: [Q] OnStream ATAPI tape drive?
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 12:43:10 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard McClary wrote:
>When I was shopping for a tape system, I went to the RH site (among
>other places).  They mentioned that neither the ATAPI nor the SCSI
>drives would work with RH linux (as of a couple of months ago).
>Too bad- the drive looks like a bargain otherwise!
>"Scott J. Bertin" wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>         Dan Delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Is anyone successfully using one of the new OnStream ATAPI 15/30 gig
>> > tape drives that use their new "ADR" technology? Are there even any
>> > Linux drivers for this drive?
>> From the FAQ on the OnStream web site
>> (
>> Will OnStream develop support for its Digital Storage drives with Linux?
>> OnStream has identified Linux developers to write drivers and tools to attach
>> OnStream digital drives to systems[etc deleted]

I REALLY wish they'd come out with this already.  I bought the drive several
months ago and tried it on my Asus P5A motherboard under Windows NT.
While backup/recovery speeds were okay, the installed software causes NT
to blue screen alot.  I've thus uninstanned the software.  This makes the 
tape drive useless.  I've since inherited a DEC 2G 4mm DAT drive so 
using the Onstream mech for backups isn't as critical as it used to be.
However, I would like very much to put this thing to use.  It's currently
a $300 doorstop.

Here's hoping the secret Linux development team is listening and working
diligently on drivers.

OR as an alternative, anyone interested in a slightly used DI30?


Jeff McWilliams - Advanced Development Engineer, ACE Technologies


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium - compatibility?
Date: 29 Jul 1999 05:39:34 -0700

"Wayne Bradney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just inherited a dual PII motherboard. I already have one PII 400 CPU, and
> from posts here, it seems I'll need to get another that "matches". Is this
> absolutely true, and if so how do I find out the Step number of my existing
> CPU so that I can find another just like it?

I have heard this advice a lot, but I haven't ever read a post from
someone actually trying two unmatched CPUs.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


Subject: Re: ATi Rage Fury
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 13:48:04 GMT

I have a friend that got it working... give him an email @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and he oughta help you... I would just point you to his web page, but I 
don't remember it off the top of my head.


On 28 Jul 1999 21:30:35 GMT, fIPS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hellraisr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anyone get X Windows to run with ATi Rage Fury video card? If so, HOW?
>Once again...
>NO !..There is no native XFree-support for any Rage128-card yet.
>You can either demolish your eyes with the VesaFB-Xserver. That way
>you get your card run at any resolution that's supported by VESA2.0
>..The big disadvantage : it will only run at 60Hz !!
>The second possibility:
>Buy AcceleratedX 5.0, this one does fully support the Rage128 card.
>Big disadvantage: This X-Server does not support overlay, which is
>important if have a WinTV-card like me.
>Hope this helps,
>       fIPS

David H. Calvarese
"To thine own self be true."
ICQ #:5068465


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Tekram DC-390F with Linux
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 Jul 1999 09:32:10 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tapio Väättänen) writes:

> Hello,
> I just installed Tekram DC-390F to my Linux system.
> The host adapter found my Seagate ST-32107N 
> (SCSI-2 Fast, 2.1GB) drive with no problems. 
> I got the system boot from SCSI and everything seems
> to be OK, except... On SCSI BIOS setup on boot, 
> I got following warning: 
> "WARNING: 256 Heads, 64 Sectors Parameter is expected..."
> (I don't remeber the actuall numbers, but they differ
> from whats said in User's Manual, see below)
> Similar warning is mentioned in User's manual. So I did
> low level format the drive and got rid of the warning,
> but it came back after I partitioned and formatted the drive. 
> (the warning didn't exist at the first time before I partitioned
> and formatted the drive with Linux fdisk.)
> It seems that this is some what Linux related problem.
> Since I'm totally new to SCSI, I really don't know how to solve
> this. It's not a major biggy, everything works very well, but
> I still want to get rid off the warning.

If you are willing to reformat the disk and reinstall, I believe you can get
around this by using fdisk (not cfdisk, not disk druid).  First print the
number of heads, sectors, and cylinders ('p' command).  Multiply all three
together, and divide the result by 16065 (which is 255*63).  Then go into the
advanced section of fdisk ('x'), and change the # of heads ('h' command) to
255, the # of sectors to 63 ('s' command), and the # of cyliniders ('c'
command) to the result of the above division.  Then write the table to the disk
('w' command).  If you use RedHat, it contains fdisk as an option to use
instead of Disk Druid.  For other distributions, you may need to install a mini
linux, do fdisk on the live disk, and reboot immediately.

Once fdisk exits, then reboot the system, and hit F2 to go into the DC-390F
bios.  Format the disk (I believe this will work, it may undo setting the
heads, sectors, cylinders, in which case you need to redo the fdisk again --
its been some time since I've done it).

After that, reinstall Linux.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


From: JB Daskiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuration of Macronix MX98715 ethernet card
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 16:45:45 +0200

Thank you for your answer, I dowload the files, it's write : it's work for
Macronix card but I don't undersand how can I install these drivers.




From: "christos karayiannis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: startup disk
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 17:33:25 +0300

I tried to create a second copy of my startup disk using the diskcopy
utility from DOS. It is the only one I know that copies disks sector by
sector. I didn't make it - I took a message illegal operation or something.
Is there another way to make it from Windows or Linux ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Robert Antevil)
Subject: Drive Status Error
Date: 29 Jul 1999 07:42:19 -0700

Hello Folks,
My computer has a Seagate 3.2GB UDMA IDE Hard Drive (Model 33221). I have 
had Linux on the drive for one year, since I purchased the drive, and it has
always worked fine. But on bootup, dmesg produces odd error messages related
to DriveStatusError and DriveReady SeekComplete Error. As I say, the drive 
has worked fine in spite of that error, but I would like to know what the 
problem is and how/whether I can solve it.I would be grateful for advice
from any hardware experts out there.
Jason Antevil
P.S. I have appended the relevant sections of dmesg here:
Linux version 2.2.5-22 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
(gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) 
#1 Wed Jun 2 09:02:27 EDT 1999
Detected 300694276 Hz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 599.65 BogoMIPS
Memory: 127648k/131008k available (996k kernel code, 412k reserved, 1568k data,60k 
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.4.0 initialized
CPU: AMD AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor stepping 00
Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf0560
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
. . . . .
RAM disk driver initialized:  16 RAM disks of 4096K size
PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 78, VID=10b9, DID=5229
PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
PCI_IDE: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide0: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
PCI_IDE: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide1: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
hda: ST33221A, ATA DISK drive
hdc: FX322M, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: ST33221A, 3077MB w/128kB Cache, CHS=781/128/63
. . . . .
Partition check:
 hda:hda: set_multmode: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: set_multmode: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
 hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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