Linux-Hardware Digest #804, Volume #13           Sun, 29 Oct 00 10:13:05 EST

  SIIG UDMA board woes - attached hard disks won't init.  Help?? (Kinnison)
  Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops (Jan)
  Re: 10base2 hubs, where can I find one? (B'ichela)
  Re: Linksys still won't work Please help (Marc D. Williams)
  Re: cd writer problames ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: APM Question (Leandro Gelasi)
  Re: Promise Ultra100 (Brian M Briones)
  Re: Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops (Dr. Unk)
  Re: Promise Ultra100 ("Vik Heyndrickx")
  Re: Netgear Nic Problem ("Robert Davies")
  Problems formatting SCSI hard drive (Gregory Propf)
  Re: Configuring 2 Com Ports? ("Imedia, Jan Humme")
  Re: RH7 Install Problem (Jan Johansson)
  Re: Linux firewall information, where (Bernd Eckenfels)
  Re: Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops (Philip Armstrong)
  when i quit from linuxconf, the computer halt. ("Jerry")
  Re: Which one is IDE patch for linux kernel 2.4.0-test9? ("Robert Davies")
  Re: UltraATA-100 ("Robert Davies")
  Re: Tape streamer for Linux ("Robert Davies")
  Quiet Low Power Homebuilt - Run Linux, be firewall / SMTP /  NTP /  WWW Proxy / 
fetchmail etc ("Robert Davies")


From: Kinnison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SIIG UDMA board woes - attached hard disks won't init.  Help??
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:23:02 -0700

I've bought a SIIG UltraATA/66 PCI board, and for various reasons had
to install it as the only active board in my system.  Windows 98
(after a little jiggering and swearing and the accidental loss of some
nontrivial data) boots from the new controller and works fine.  Now to
install Linux.

I've already found the UDMA howto, and it gets me right up to the
point where the drives are supposed to init and be recognized.  What I
get is

probing with STATUS(0x00) instead of ALTSTATUS(0x51)
probing with STATUS(0x01) instead of ALTSTATUS(0x51)
no response (0xa1) 
resetting drive

and it does this for both /dev/hde and dev/dhf (which would be all the
hard disks in the system).

The CD-ROM drives on the secondary IDE controller on the card appear
to be working fine, but the hard drives won't initialize.  Anybody got
any idea why, and what I could do about it?


Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 09:13:55 +0000
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops

I have just bought an Advansys SCSI card (2930U+ it
says on the box), and it detects the three (elderly)
disks I have connected to it without problems.

But when I build a kernel (2.2.12) with advansys enabled in
'SCSI low-level', the kernel oopses as soon as it tries
to do whatever it does to to /dev/sga. Is this a well
know problem? And is there a fix? Or should I post 
some more information?

Thanks for any help - and sorry for crossposting, but
I'm not sure if this is a hardware or a system question.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: 10base2 hubs, where can I find one?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 02:09:15 -0500

On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 18:08:22 -0400, The Old Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Aha!  You're familiar with working with coax and probably cable TV 
>coax with F-type connectors.  These are a piece of cake to put on 
>coax, unlike the BNC connectors used for 10base2.  The BNC has 
>three or more pieces, needs to have its center pin crimped in a 
>separate motion that crimping the body, etc.
        No thanks! I think I will stick with the BNC plugs! Really its
not that Bad, Yes there is the three steps. I have not yet done one
but I HAVE done F-59s that use the two parts. as well as one piece
F-59 and F-56 connectors. I plan to play with a few next weekend as I
need to fix a bumm plug that came with pre-assembled cable (GADS! some
of those cables don't make good connection at ALL!) If I am gonna do
one end.. I am gonna fix the other too and make some smaller cables.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Williams)
Subject: Re: Linksys still won't work Please help
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 10:15:26 -0000

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:54:33 -0500, Clifton T. Sharp Jr. wrote:
>Marc D. Williams wrote:
>> Once that's fixed you'll probably need to load pci-scan.o before
>> the tulip driver.
>>   modprobe pci-scan
>>   modprobe tulip
>Only if you use insmod. Modprobe will find the dependency and load the
>pci-scan module automatically. I've done only your second step many times.

Ah yes, that's right. On the other machine I am using insmod
in rc.modules. Must have modprobe on the brain for some reason.



Subject: Re: cd writer problames
Date: 29 Oct 2000 05:16:25 -0500

Johnbus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> cant get my hp cd writer plus 7100i working under linux even with the
> correct settings in the hernel, is there any mod's that i need to
> install other than ide-scsi, the howto's dont give enough info

I have mine in the kernel, not mods ... but you need:

SCSI CD-ROM support.
IDE-SCSI translator.
Generic SCSI driver (with vendor extensions?).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leandro Gelasi)
Subject: Re: APM Question
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 10:56:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hey everyone,
> I have a linux box thats used mostly as a router/proxy.  Since HD use is
> rare, i'd like to have the hard drives spin down when they're not being
> used.  Anyone know how to go about doing that?
> Thanks
> Andy

You can use hdparm.

man hdparm for more info

Leandro Gelasi
V year Computer Science Engineering student at Siena University

Gilles Villeneuve will live forever


From: Brian M Briones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra100
Date: 29 Oct 2000 11:10:52 GMT

: I have a Promise Ultra100 controller - which is detected fine during
: boot, but only enables PIO mode. Now I wonder, how to activate DMA ?
: I am running a 2.2.17 kernel with the appropiate ide patch.
: For some reason, the patch does not offer me the Ultra100 (thought it
: should be supprorted), just the Ultra66 (which I do not have selected).
: I also wonder, wether the patch is needed at all then.

Sorry to ask such a stupid question, but I'm wondering how you got the
Promise Ultra100 controller to work when installing Linux?  I'm trying
to install Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4 on my PC but the install program
doesn't want to recognize any of my HDD linked up to the Ultra100.  Can
you tell me where to get the driver and such for getting the install
program to work with the Ultra100 PCI controller?  Could you also tell me
how I could configure the controller to work optimally under Linux
too?  Thank you in advance for your help!
Brian M. Briones
E-mail:  (primary)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
         (university)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ #/Nickname:  16331096/Decepticon
Dilbert:  In the year that we've dated, Liz, you've often mentioned
various problems in your life.  I have compiled those problems into a
list of requirements and developed a comprehensive set of solutions.

Liz:  How thoughtful.  I didn't even know I was broken.

Dilbert:  No, no, not broken...  Just a bit buggy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 11:18:46 GMT

> But when I build a kernel (2.2.12) with advansys enabled in
> 'SCSI low-level', the kernel oopses as soon as it tries
> to do whatever it does to to /dev/sga. Is this a well
> know problem? And is there a fix? Or should I post
> some more information?

I don't know if this will help, but I am using an Advansys Ultra SCSI
ABP940U, which works just fine on my Alpha (which should work the same
on an x86).  Try using a newer kernel.
Take two shots of vodka and call me in the morning.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Vik Heyndrickx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra100
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 11:33:37 GMT

"Andrey Vlasov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> investigation I recompiled kernel and I got instead 3KB/s - 24KB/s on
> Promice UDMA100 + 20GB UDMA HDD.

That would be rather slow ;-)



From: "Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netgear Nic Problem
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 12:25:07 -0000

I had similar problem with both 3Com and Netgear cards.  I see you are on
SuSE 6.3.
Well I had RH 6.2 and the problem went away (I think) when I upgraded to
2.2.16-3 kernel.

Try downloading kernel rpms from SuSE and see if that helps, there's been
tulip driver fixes :)

Have a lot of fun


"Thomas Hartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello to all
> I have a very big Problem with my NIC (its a 10/100 MBit/s from Netgear)
> I have make a point to point connection with an Cross-Over Cable.
> So the autosensing from the nic set the card to 100MBit/s and FullDuplex
> The Problem is:
> When i restart one of the two PC's i don't can use the network befor i
> restart the Network on the other machine.
> Who can help me???
> Greetings,
> -Tom
> PS:
> Distri: SuSE 6.3
> --
> ----------------------------------
> Linux-inside
> ::::::::::::
> Thomas Hartmann
> URL:
> ----------------------------------


From: Gregory Propf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Problems formatting SCSI hard drive
Date: 28 Oct 2000 16:11:09 -0400

I have an old Mac with a 1 gig SCSI drive.  I recently moved it into an
intel Linux machine and decided to reformat it for Linux.  I made a
partition table on it with fdisk and then I tried to check it for
badblocks.  This caused a kernel panic repeatedly.  Then I just tried to
just build a filesystem without doing the read-write badblocks check
(but still using a read-only test).  This seemed to work and I was able
to mount the new filesystem.  I then tested the disk by copying a few
large files over and checking their md5sums to see if they had made it
over OK.  They did not, the md5sums didn't match, indicating that the
files had become corrupted.  

My question is: Am I doing this right at all?  I don't really know much
about SCCI disks under Linux.  Is it OK to use standard fdisk or do I
need a special formatting tool just to SCSI disks?  What about building
the filesystem and checking for badblocks?  Any special tools needed
there? The disk is pretty old and might have gone bad but I need to know
if I'm jumping through all the right software hoops before I throw the
disk out - Greg


From: "Imedia, Jan Humme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring 2 Com Ports?
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:54:09 +0200

Jim Broughton wrote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>John wrote:
>> Hi Group;
>>     On Com port 1 I have my ISDN Modem connected and working fine. I
>> would like to get the
>> 2nd Com port working, but am having problems.
>>   On Com Port 2 I have connected an APC Back-Ups 400 and installed the
>> current version of
>> Linux software from APC for this device. I keep getting this error
>> message " Port set up for local control
>> -- must be set for modem control", just what does this mean? and can you
>> guys help.
>> Thanks ahead!!
>> John
> Hmmm on an odd guess I would say you would have to comunicate with it
>as though it were a modem. Ie maybe use pppd for communication with it.

I suppose that your APC Back-Ups 400 software uses hardware flow-control

Check your COM-ports settings using "stty -a /dev/ttyS1" or similar, and
look into the settings for CLOCAL and CRTSCTS (man stty for details). I can
never remember the meaning of +/- flags here, but I believe that your
settings should be -clocal and +crtscts.

Jan Humme.

>Jim Broughton
>(The Amiga OS! Now there was an OS)
>If Sense were common everyone would have it!
>Following Air and Water the third most abundant
>thing on the planet is Human Stupidity.


From: Jan Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: RH7 Install Problem
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 13:36:53 GMT

>I have looked in the RH errata and I cant find any boot images at all! (I
>looked at Surely there must be a way
>for me to install Linux onto a drive that is on a UDMA100 controller!

Not Out-of-the-box, but if you are up for a lot of magic, here goes.


From: Bernd Eckenfels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux firewall information, where
Date: 29 Oct 2000 14:22:58 GMT

In Ronald Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

and for a list of free IT Security solutions and a
project to activate them and make them work together.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Armstrong)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Advansys SCSI gives kernel oops
Date: 29 Oct 2000 09:39:19 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have just bought an Advansys SCSI card (2930U+ it
>says on the box), and it detects the three (elderly)
>disks I have connected to it without problems.
>But when I build a kernel (2.2.12) with advansys enabled in
>'SCSI low-level', the kernel oopses as soon as it tries
>to do whatever it does to to /dev/sga. Is this a well
>know problem? And is there a fix? Or should I post 
>some more information?
>Thanks for any help - and sorry for crossposting, but
>I'm not sure if this is a hardware or a system question.

You could try putting the oops through ksymoops and posting it to
linux-kernel. But it's more likely to be a hardware problem. Is the
scsi bus terminated? Have you tried each drive individually?

Something is probably corrupting filesystem data and feeding duff data
to the kernel.


-- .oOo. public key:


From: "Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: when i quit from linuxconf, the computer halt.
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 22:29:49 +0800


My machine is Redhat 6.2 and linuxconf is linuxconf-1.17r2-6,
everything when i quit from linuxconf, the computer halt.
then i need to manually reboot the machine,
how can i solve this and why does it happen ?

Jerry 嵐       ICQ#24202044

魔女 - 想愛又不能愛,對愛情的執著而被世人啜棄,故被稱為魔女。




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From: "Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which one is IDE patch for linux kernel 2.4.0-test9?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 14:50:35 -0000

"檜蝓ь" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8t8tn4$kru$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Which one is IDE patch for linux kernel 2.4.0-test9?

You shouldn't need it, Andre Hedrik's IDE stuff is integrated into the
development kernel, it's not backported to 2.2 series, which is why you need
a patch.


From: "Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UltraATA-100
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 14:57:31 -0000

Actually Debian does to.  You have to select a kernel with Andre Hedrik's
IDE patches, works a treat.

"David Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <8ssnqh$1q5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Sergi Antonino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Is there any Linux distribution that supports this hard drive technology?
> >
> >Antonino Sergi
> >
> All distributions will support these drives when used with the on-board
> controllers. This uses the drive at 33 MHz transfer rate. To take
> of the 100MHz transfer rate you will need a controller such as the Promise
> Ultra 100. However, only SuSE 7.0 includes kernel patches needed to make
> it work out of the box. You can use other distributions if you can install
> to a drive connected directly to the on-board controller. Kernel patches
> a 2.4.0-test kernel can be built later to support the Promise controller.
> Dave


From: "Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape streamer for Linux
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 15:01:21 -0000

The Onstream 30GB IDE drives, support Linux and Windoze.
They are the price / performance leaders at present and have nice

"John-Paul Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Neil Durant wrote:
> >
> > I'm considering buying a tape streamer for backing up my little 2-PC
> > network.  Ideally I would like a 10Gb+ tape streamer, perferably IDE
> > (although I do have a SCSI interface) and preferably internal.
> >
> > It must work on Linux, and preferably also NT.
> >
> > Anyone got any suggestions/recommendations?
> >
> > Neil
> > --
> > ===================================================================
> > Neil Durant
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        Fax: 08700 520159
> > ===================================================================
> I use Seagate's TapeStore 20GB model.  It's tapes (Travan
> TR-5, NS-20) hold 10GB native, or perhaps 20GB compressed
> (if you believe Seagate).  It was cheap (under $450
> Canadian, even though it was a special order from my
> favourite computer shop) but it's slow.  It comes in IDE and
> SCSI versions (I use IDE), and works reliably under Linux.
> I don't know about NT but my unit came with software for
> various Windows versions.
> Anyway, that's just my $0.02.
> HTH,
> J-P Stewart


From: "Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quiet Low Power Homebuilt - Run Linux, be firewall / SMTP /  NTP /  WWW Proxy 
/ fetchmail etc
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 15:05:03 -0000

My mother machine, a twin overclocked Celeron/BP6 combo, is too noisy and my
gf complains if I leave it on, for some reason, she doesn't find the mission
control sound effects reassuring.

Anyone been there?  Got the shirt?

I want a low power consumption (it will run all time), quiet, machine that
I'd build to spec, that will either connect to the Internet periodcally with
dialup, or be attached by cable modem.  Have thought about Linux Router
Project box, which wouldn't even need a hard disk, but then the relaying and
proxy would be screwed by power failures.

As it will run Linux, I don't need a super fast CPU, or large amounts of
RAM, I'd consider things like Transmeta Crusoe, mobile CPUs or underclocking
a Duron.  Graphics etc are not required.

The Crusoe is probably not mature enough, it should be a short project not
one that I need to struggle with.  Haven't a clue about mobile Mobo's and
case requirements.  Maybe an option is to use one of my trusty Celeron
300a's and actually run them at Intel clock speed with FSB 66MHz, though it
seems somewhat sacrilegous...  Then I'd just need some 'stealth' fans, and
could treat myself to a A7V, or KT7 plus Tbird, for the mother system.

Appreciate any suggestions, especially if you Cc: via email incase I miss
the thread.




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