Linux-Hardware Digest #998, Volume #13            Thu, 7 Dec 00 16:13:06 EST

  mount cdrom problem ("Fabrice Vincent")
  Re: USB Scanner in Linux? (Ernst Martin Witte)
  How to access PCI configuration registers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Adding SCSI as non-boot drive ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Adaptec 2930CU - supported? (Ken)
  Help! DVD-ROM Support in Linux?!? ("Andrew McIntosh")
  Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2 (Jens)
  Re: Can't boot from floppy with Award Bios V4.51PG? _ More information ("Axel")
  Re: Adaptec 2930CU - supported? (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  ECC RAM supported by Linux? (Nathan Johnson)
  kernel + libretto 50ct != happy (Alex Deucher)
  No sound after 2.4.0-test10 kernel build ("Eric Wertman")
  Epson Stylus 740 USB initialization (or lack thereof) (Jens)
  Re: Asus A7V (Chris Cioffi)
  Voodoo V 5500 AGP ("[k3rm17]")
  Need help installing Nvidia drivers under Redhat 7.0 ("Mikael Adolfsson")
  Re: X windows (Gareth Randall)
  Re: Adding SCSI as non-boot drive ("D. Stimits")
  Re: mount cdrom problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Athlon and ASUS a7v (Lee Webb)


From: "Fabrice Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mount cdrom problem
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:06:12 +0100

Hi all !

I'am having trouble mounting my SCSI cd writer to be able to read the
contained cdrom contents.
The writer is associated with the device scd0 (or sr0 : did not find the
difference between both) so that the command eject /dev/scd0 actually ejects
the tray.
cdrecord -scanbus finds the cd writer (by the way it is a Ricoh 7060S). I
can even record cds and view contents on another machine. I have Linux
2.2.15 in a Mandrake 7.1 package.
 When I try
mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2, I get the following error : wrong
fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0 or too many mounted file
systems, then I hear the cd writer trying to access the cd inside and ls
/mnt/cdrom2 does not give me a thing.

Anyone can help, getting desperate :-(



From: Ernst Martin Witte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB Scanner in Linux?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 18:25:26 +0100

My Epson Perfection 1200U (available as SCSI (S), USB (U) version) works without 
Have a look at

Bye, Martin

Ernst Martin Witte        

(g4 c g f g8 as) g2. '(g4 es c)(d c8 h)c2(b4 as8 g)as2(g4 f8 e)f1.
(Anton Bruckner)


Subject: How to access PCI configuration registers
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:39:19 GMT

New to PCI programming...

How can I read the SMBus Base register which is a PCI configuration
register (function 3, address 90-93) according to Intel's 82371AB spec?


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Adding SCSI as non-boot drive
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:43:38 GMT

This may be a naive problem, so I apologize in advance.  I've installed
an adaptec AHA-2940 into an existing linux - Redhat 6.2 - box with an
existing EIDE drive which is the boot drive.  I would like to keep the
EIDE as the boot.

After installing the card and booting, I get as far as the SCSI
detection utility and the system hangs for about 5 minutes, gives bios
not found message and then boots from /dev/hda.

If I start the bios config utility immediately upon booting, the EIDE
drive is set as the boot harddrive.  This seems like it must be a low
level hardware configuration problem like an incorrect dip-switch
setting on the SCSI card itself, but I'm having trouble finding
documentation related to this.

Once I have booted, it seems the scsi card is recognized, but I cannot
access the drives with fdisk and see not recognition of the SCSI drives
in the boot log.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Adaptec 2930CU - supported?
Date: 7 Dec 2000 16:13:30 GMT

Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I have looked in the Hardware-HOWTO's and still can't figure this out.
>> Does anyone know if the 2930CU is supported under Linux?  I believe it
>> is the AIC-7859 (PCI).  Under the lists, it is not listed under PCI,
>> but under on-board PCI, it lists AIC-785x.  I ask because I tried to
>> boot to the Debian 2.1 CD and during the install process, it says that
>> I have no hard drives attached, though I have three SCSI drives.

> It should be supported by the aic7xxx driver...

Thanks.  I guess the problem is that I can't get it to load the
driver.  Nothing I try with the 2.1 CD works, and I tied a Red Hat 6.1
CD we have at work and it says somthing like "Loading aic7xxx" and
just sits there, I guess locked up.  Ugh.  I'm downloading the Debian
2.2 ISO right now.  Hopefully it will make a difference.  Any
suggestions on getting it to load the driver?  Even a boot floppy
would be okay at this point.  I hate the feeling that someone doesn't
want me to load Linux.... :)



From: "Andrew McIntosh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! DVD-ROM Support in Linux?!?
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 11:50:43 -0600

I'm looking to install a DVD ROM drive in my Redhat Linux 7 machine. Looking
on the web, I've found several sites with programs to download to playback
dvd's, but I can't find any compatibility lists to see what dvd rom drives
are supported. Does anybody here know what dvd drives are supported and
which ones are not? Also, can you recommend the best program for playback?



Subject: Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 18:30:14 GMT

Jonathan DeSena wrote:

> I still think the most probable cause of your problem lies with your
> /etc/fstab.  It may be improper to ask, but what do the lines in your
> /etc/fstab referencing cdrom,cdrom2,and floppy look like?  This may hint
> as to the solution.
> Jon

I don't know why it would be improper to ask .....
In any case, as per my previous post, things are working !!!!! A 
combination of changing the fstab file and making the new icon as you 
mentioned seemed to have made everything work.
I sure wish I could understand why Linux is doing what it is doing though. 

After I had all this going I tried to print something and sure enough, the 
printer had disapeared again <sigh>. I now have a sneaking suspicion that 
if I reboot after the printer (Epson Stylus 740 via USB) has been sitting 
unused (but on) for a while that the printer doesn't get properly 
initialized after the boot and therefore Linux doesn't recognize it. This 
is still a theory at this stage .....

Thanks again !



From: "Axel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't boot from floppy with Award Bios V4.51PG? _ More information
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:31:15 +0100

Hi Dziardziel,
I thought that Linux didn't care about primary and extended partitions ?

Regards Axel

"H Dziardziel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:13:22 +0100, "Axel Juhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Hi Stefan,
> >
> >More infomation:
> >--------------------
> >The boot option is A,C
> >I have a 4GB disk and the BIOS and Linux agrre on the geometry
> >The disk is one extended partition with a 133 MB swap partition and the
> >as  root
> >I do not violate the 1024 cyinder rule
> >I see No messages at all, only "01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01"
> >The resue disk I make under Linux hangs the system when I boot on it (no
> >information at all)
> >I have Windows 2000 NTFS on hda
> >No hdb
> >hdc is a CD-ROM
> >I can boot the system using the installation disk and then mounting an
> >existing installation - every thing works fine
> >
> >Regards
> >Axel
> >
> >Stefan Silberstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> A bit more information could be useful!
> >> Did you change the boot-option to "A,C" or something like that?
> >> Are there any error-messages.
> >> What else did you try?
> >>
> >> Stony777
> >>
> >> Axel wrote:
> >>
> >> > I have a Suse 7.0 on hdd, but can't boot from floppy - I suspect the
> >BIOS to
> >> > prevent the loader to access  hdd root ? - anyone know this problem?
> >> > Regards Axel
> >>
> >
> >
> There does not seem to be a primary partition to boot lilo from?


From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2930CU - supported?
Date: 7 Dec 2000 18:32:21 GMT

Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks.  I guess the problem is that I can't get it to load the
> driver.  Nothing I try with the 2.1 CD works, and I tied a Red Hat 6.1
> CD we have at work and it says somthing like "Loading aic7xxx" and
> just sits there, I guess locked up.  Ugh.  I'm downloading the Debian

You can always check that.  During the RedHat install, there are several
virtual terminals open.  The default, where you spend your time, is
Ctrl-Alt-F1.  But there are useful messages on Ctrl-Alt-F2, etc.

You could also enter expert mode and tell it what modules to load.

> 2.2 ISO right now.  Hopefully it will make a difference.  Any
> suggestions on getting it to load the driver?  Even a boot floppy
> would be okay at this point.  I hate the feeling that someone doesn't
> want me to load Linux.... :)

Well, I've installed many RH versions (including 6.1) onto machines with
HDs hanging off of Adaptec cards.  THe first thing I would check is
your SCSI chain.  Do you have proper termination?  Are your cables good?
How about cable length?  Did you use an appropriate goat to bless the chain?

After that, I would get a recent distro (I'm running RH6.2 on all our
machines here), and try that.  It should Just Work(TM).

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


From: Nathan Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ECC RAM supported by Linux?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 10:52:03 -0700

Does ECC RAM have any support from Linux?
How are detected errors reported?


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 12:50:04 -0500
From: Alex Deucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: kernel + libretto 50ct != happy

I just installed redhat 7 on my libretto 50ct.  I've been using redhat
(inculing redhat7) for years now have had no problems with it.  but the
last few weeks have been hell trying to configure a new kernel for the
libretto.  I would like to install a thinner kernel, and add support for
lirc and the toshiba SMM driver.  

Redhat 7 "issues"

- the "chips" Xfree 4.0.1 driver included has a bug which casues it to
dump core when you start X.  this seems to still be in the recent
rawhide builds as well.

- the kernel headers included are based on 2.4.x while the kernel is
2.2.x.  When you try and compile add on modules for the kernel, they
build against these headers and thus have unresolved symbols and kernel
number mismatches.

- the 2.2.16-22? kernel source included with rh7 won't build, period.  I
have tested it on several machines, both in the standard config as
shipped and with custom configs.  The only way to get it to build is to
compile in SMP support, which of course disables APM.

- the pcmcia source included with rh7 does not build against any other
kernel sources, and the pcmcia source from the official site does not
seem to be compatible with the card services installed with rh7. 
Installing that over the rh7 install seems to break pcmcia
functionality, and for the life of me I haven't been able to get it to

So here's the deal:

I downloaded the official 2.2.17 kernel, but it seems to have errors in
Checksum.S and won't compile. the official 2.2.16 compiles ok, but I
can't get card services to function properly with it.  the redhat 2.2
kernel source just plain won't compile.

2.4.0test11 compiles, but right after it starts to boot (somewhere after
the IDE controller is detected), I believe it attempts to load some
modules, the console fills with error messages about /sbin/modprobe
failing to execute and then something about binfmt=646c, I can't
remember the exact message.

I figured it may be an issue with modutils, so I updated to 2.3.21, that
didn't help.
I've checked all the version numbers in the Documentation/Changes, and
all my stuff it up to date.

Does anyone have any suggestions or information?  They would be much




From: "Eric Wertman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No sound after 2.4.0-test10 kernel build
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 13:41:11 -0500

Hi all-

After a few tries I managed to compile myself a new kernel from the
2.4.0-test10 source.  It seems to work fine, I'm not getting any of the
unresolved dependencies or other errors I did on my first two or three
tries, but I have no sound at all.  I have a SBLive card installed, and I
put emu101k support into the kernel. I appears to be detecting the card
properly, and loading mixer settings, but I can't get any sound (no error
messages either).  Is there something I could have missed in the kernel
configuration?  BTW I am using red hat 6.2, and the 2.2.14 kernel still has
perfect sound.  Any help is greatly apprecieated.  Thanks!


Subject: Epson Stylus 740 USB initialization (or lack thereof)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 19:27:56 GMT

I was having this really weird problem of Mandrake 7.2 not recognizing my 
attached USB printer. I seem to have the problem narrowed down to the 
If the printer has been on for some time but unused, it goes (I think) into 
a semi sleep mode. If I reboot Linux while the printer is in the sleep mode 
then it will not be recognized (the printer doesn't initialize like a 
parallel printer does by resetting the head). I have looked thru the user 
manual on-line but have not found a way to deal with the issue. Is there a 
way in Linux to initialize the printer when the system starts up ? Has 
anyone else run across this ?



Subject: Re: Asus A7V
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Cioffi)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 19:56:44 GMT


>I'm a Linux newbie who just built a new box with an Asus A7V and Duron
>CPU. My IBM drive is on the ATA100 connector on the mobo and the Linux
>install can't see it (Mandrake 7.1).  It sees only the drive on my
>primary IDE channel.  Are there any new Linux distros that will see the
>ATA100 controller on the A7V right out of the box?  Failing that, are
>there any step by step procedures for a newbie (who has yet to
>experience compiling a kernal) that will enable me to get my system
>loaded with Linux on the ATA100 channel of the motherboard?
>I have found several bits and pieces of info on several websites, but
>still have alot of holes in my knowledge.  For instance, one site said
>put the Linux drive on the primary IDE channel, upgrade it to kernal
>2.4.x,, configure the kernal for Promise ATA100 controller, make some
>lilo.conf changes and move the Linux drive back to the ATA100 channel. 
>But I don't know if the Promise driver is  in the 2.4 kernal, or if it
>is in another RPM I must add.
>I'm anxious to learn but need help.  Has anyone succeeded with an A7V?

Hello there,

A friend of mine had a similar setup and he could not get it working until he 
replaced the drive.  Apparently there is some kind of conflict between the MB 
and the IBM drives.  The fix was to get a different HD.  YMMV.

We used a Western Digital and it works just fine.



From: "[k3rm17]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Voodoo V 5500 AGP
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 19:55:48 +0100

Someone recomended me to bought a Voodoo V 5500 AGP of 3DFX. I get the
drivers on and I make what the instructions that in this site
give me. It doesnīt work  īcause it says me that I need the files:
            - /sbin/chkconfig
            - utemper
            - util-linux

I donīt know wehre I can get these files, if somebody colud help me, please
donīt think it DO IT!!!!!! Iīm so desesperate.

Another think, when I started to install SUSE (the first part, before
reboot) I ccan see so beautifull, but after reboot I see it horrible. Why?
If I put the video configuration of the first part of the installation in
SUSE (when itīs totally installed) I could work fine?

If someone wants to help me, I have SUSE 7.0 (spanish version), an AMD
600Mhz, an ASUS K7V mainboard and 196 Mb RAM. As a monitor Iīve a Sony
HMD-A200. I supose that this information could be util.

I repeat, if someone have the answer please send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
just reply this new.


PD: Sorry for my english, I know that it could be a lot of mistakes


From: "Mikael Adolfsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help installing Nvidia drivers under Redhat 7.0
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 20:25:13 GMT


I'm at a loss on how to correctly setup NVIDIA's graphics drivers for Linux
under Redhat 7.0.

What I did was this:

1. downloaded both the NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-5.tar.gz and the
2. did gunzip and tar -zvf on the both of them.
3.went into NVIDIA_Kernel-0.9-5 directory and issued "make"

You see here is the problem: agpgart reports unsupported VIA chipset, and
exits with an error. Failing installation.
It mentions something about "agp_try_unsupported=1".

Do I need to recompile the kernel for everything to work. And by the way, I
did install the kernel source and Xfree86 source on installation of RedHat

My system specs are as follows:

AMD Thunderbird 850 MHz
MSI K7T motherboard
128 MB Corsair PC133 cas2 RAM
SoundBlaster Live! Value
3Com 3c905b 10/100 Mbit NIC
2x30.7 GB IBM Deskstar 75GXP UDMA100 IDE HDDs
Creative Geforce 2 GTS 32 MB DDR

Sound and everything seems to work OK except gfx performance is DAMN SLOW.
Just need to know howto install the driver.

Please any help on this is appreciated. Please answer to me at


From: Gareth Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X windows
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 20:34:17 +0000

Darren Welson wrote:
> I am running a SSH connection to the router and cannot run X this way.

Yes you can. You can use SSH to tunnel other connections, including an X session (TCP 
6000). Not sure how to do this but it is a standard thing and this should give you 
enough to get started.

======= Gareth Randall =======


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 13:53:33 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adding SCSI as non-boot drive

> This may be a naive problem, so I apologize in advance.  I've installed
> an adaptec AHA-2940 into an existing linux - Redhat 6.2 - box with an
> existing EIDE drive which is the boot drive.  I would like to keep the
> EIDE as the boot.
> After installing the card and booting, I get as far as the SCSI
> detection utility and the system hangs for about 5 minutes, gives bios
> not found message and then boots from /dev/hda.
> If I start the bios config utility immediately upon booting, the EIDE
> drive is set as the boot harddrive.  This seems like it must be a low
> level hardware configuration problem like an incorrect dip-switch
> setting on the SCSI card itself, but I'm having trouble finding
> documentation related to this.
> Once I have booted, it seems the scsi card is recognized, but I cannot
> access the drives with fdisk and see not recognition of the SCSI drives
> in the boot log.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Ed.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

If both IDE and SCSI controllers are not integrated on the motherboard,
and both are PCI, try reversing the order that the controller cards are
located on the motherboard. You could leave one card where it is, and
move the other to the opposite of before/after that slot, or you could
change both.

If your motherboard has an integrated IDE controller, and this is what
you are using, the BIOS probably has an option for "boot offboard
devices first" or "reverse boot device order" which is set. Unset it (or
try the reverse of what it is now). I don't think this is a setting of
the controllers, but of the motherboard BIOS and physical design.


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 13:56:42 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mount cdrom problem

Fabrice Vincent wrote:
> Hi all !
> I'am having trouble mounting my SCSI cd writer to be able to read the
> contained cdrom contents.
> The writer is associated with the device scd0 (or sr0 : did not find the
> difference between both) so that the command eject /dev/scd0 actually ejects
> the tray.
> cdrecord -scanbus finds the cd writer (by the way it is a Ricoh 7060S). I
> can even record cds and view contents on another machine. I have Linux
> 2.2.15 in a Mandrake 7.1 package.
>  When I try
> mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2, I get the following error : wrong
> fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0 or too many mounted file
> systems, then I hear the cd writer trying to access the cd inside and ls
> /mnt/cdrom2 does not give me a thing.
> Anyone can help, getting desperate :-(
> F.Vincent

If you have a console open and cd to /mnt/cdrom2/, this will cause the
failure. There are probably a lot of other things that could go wrong,
but the first thing to do is make sure you are mounting to an empty
directory with nobody sitting in it via a console or xterm. Someone
sitting in that directory will cause this style of failure.


From: Lee Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Athlon and ASUS a7v
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 21:01:54 +0000

This may not be much help, but...

I've got the A7V with 900 Athlon, running Mandrake 7.2 and have had no 
problems. (Granted, I can't use the ATA100 yet)


Drew cutter wrote:

> Just bought ASUS A7V motherboard with a athlon processor . Went to the
> linux hardware page. Any problems with running redhat professional 7.0 ?
> The motherboard didn't get a good review on duron , thunderbird. Did I
> make a mistake ?



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