Linux-Hardware Digest #76, Volume #14            Fri, 22 Dec 00 16:13:04 EST

  Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to set DMA for CDRW unde IDE-SCSI? (Oleg Krivosheev)
  Wheel mouse works - if... (FMRCYouth)
  Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem (Bill Baio)
  Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem (Bill Baio)
  Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem (Bill Baio)
  VMware, 3Dpro/2mp chipset, and deliverance from windows. (Tony Destro)
  Re: Seegate STT8000A (John-Paul Stewart)
  Re: Mylex AcceleRAID 170 (Dan Jones)
  Re: VMware, 3Dpro/2mp chipset, and deliverance from windows. (mst)


Subject: Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux.sux
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 17:32:31 GMT

whois -h

>                           Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux!
>   From: "Anthony P. Rounsaville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Reply to: "Anthony P. Rounsaville"
>   Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 17:02:51 GMT
>   Organization: Road Runner
>   Newsgroups:
>          comp.os.linux.hardware,
>          comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>          alt.linux.sux
>   Followup to: newsgroups
>   References:
>          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>          <4%W%5.34786$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Have you acctually used 2000 or ME? They are the WORST products Microsoft
>has ever made.
>Why would you build a sever OS that is designed for idiots?  Have you even
>tried to load non-standard drivers on 2000?  I'll say not, because you
>can't.  They are now shoving Plug and Pray down your throat.  Active
>Directory is nothing more than a rip off of an NDS tree.  If you are
>configuring or managing a server you want and need controll.  Something
>Microsoft does not want you to have.  Not to mention security.  Considering
>that no Microsoft product has any security at all.  If there is IP
>connectivity Linux will compleatly bypass MS security.  This was confirmed
>on a 2000 Domain with an NTFS partition.  Linux instantly had full access to
>the disk in question, no errors or security checks.
>As for ME.  ME should get the title as the worst OS ever released.  You have
>to love an OS that crashes every two hours.  I'm sure MS will try to fix
>some of the big bugs in the software and then charge you for the fixes.
>They will call it an upgrade.  The example 98 and 98SE, sold as a seperate
>OS, nothing more than a bug fix.
>I just love the "Linux Myths Page" on MS' web site.  They refer to the high
>cost of Linux support.  Do they honestly think that $300 per incident is
>cheap.  Taking into consideration that they don't help.  They will generally
>give you the reinstall line.
>Winblows was designed for idiots and novices.  This is one point that even
>MS has not denied.  This has been their market strategy.  If it were not for
>the boom in the tech industry, Winblows would have gone the way of OS2.
>There is one undeniable fact in all of this, Linux acctually works.  I have
>set up a dual boot PC running both Linux and NT4 server.  (Linux was a
>server build)  Linux ran at least 50% faster, was more secure, and never
>crashed.  All of my hardware was suported and worked far better than using
>NT.  The PC in question's specs are below.
>Dual PII 400
>256MB RAM (PC100)
>30 GB HDD
>Onbord Intel NIC (Never worked with any version of Win)
>Onboard CL Vibra 16 (Never worked with any version of Win)
>3Com 3C905B NIC
>ATI Rage 128 16MB
>CL Awe 64 Sound (Never worked with NT)
>Onboard SCSI Adapter (Never worked with NT)
>MB is a Tyan
>Amazingly everything worked with Linux the first time out.  The video took
>three days to get running on NT4.  You can choose to ignore these facts and
>continue to support an inferior product line.  If there is any one clear
>indication that Linux and Unix are far supperior to Window it would have to
>be that most if not all high end network security devices run clones of Unix
>as an OS.
>"If you bury your head in the sand, you'll never see the 18 Wheeler rolling
>up behind you."
>Kyle Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:4%W%5.34786$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > The Linux users need a reality check to see how much they are missing
>> > since they last used Windows circa 3.0
>> >
>> This is very true, I see people bashing Windows for problems it's had
>> back to Windows for Workgroups 3.11 now THAT'S sad; being so angry at a
>> computing platform for nearly six years now.  Although it's more often
>> I find Linux zealot's complaining that "Windows is the platform of satan"
>> because it "crashes so much".
>> Of course they are refering to Windows 95 and 98's hideous stability
>> problems, not Windows NT (after SP3) Windows 2000 or Windows Me.  They
>> realize that OS's change.
>> Which is the only reason I still use Linux, too see if SOMETHING has
>> changed.  5 Years and counting, the result?  No.


From: Oleg Krivosheev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to set DMA for CDRW unde IDE-SCSI?
Date: 22 Dec 2000 12:28:09 -0600

Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Get rid of 'ignore=hdd'.

already did it...

anyway, i'e discovered the root of my problems:
i cannot run hdparm until i load ide-scsi.

modprobe ide-scsi
hdparm -d1 ... /dev/hdd

solved my problems

merry Xmas



Date: 22 Dec 2000 18:47:56 GMT
Subject: Wheel mouse works - if...

I got my Logitech wheel mouse working correctly, but to get it started I need
to type in "imwheel -k" EVERY time I log into Xwindows.  Is there any way to
work around this?  It's not a big deal, but it would be nice to not have to
type this in each time I log in.

God bless,
Randy Bennett

Registered user #198235 at


From: Bill Baio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:47:08 -0500

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:

> go get the new version (4.0.2)
> That's the only one that supports the Geforce 2 series.
> Maverick wrote:
>> I'm having problems installing my Creative GeForce2 MX under RedHat Linux 7,
>> the drivers that came with linux don't recognize my GeForce2 MX, then i
>> installed the NVIDIA 0.9-5 drivers, and when i installed them it gave a
>> problem with agpgart module, it wont install that module because it couldn't
>> find a supportable VIA chipset, then i tried the agp_try_unsupported=1 and
>> it installed the agpgart module, and then i was able to install the nvidia
>> drivers, but when i start X-WINDOWS it crahes the computer.
>> My configuration: Intel Pentium III (EB) 667 Mhz, ASUS CUV4X Motherboard
>> (VIA chipset), 128 MB RAM (133 Mhz), RedHat Linux 7.0, XFree86 4.0.1.

There is another fix for the gforce which was posted a while back by a 
guy who went by the handle of Sam S. Onite.  As I recall, he suggested 
changing the os-agpconfig.h file from the nvidia kernel 9.5 driver.

After  the following line,


Insert this line,


Then go down to the following line,

*/           (insert the asterisk forward slash here)

#ifdef AGPART

(file continues on without further addition)

Once this change is made to the os-agpconfig.h file, type make<ENTER> to 
properly compile the kernel driver.  Then install the nvidia glx 9.5 
driver.  I have used this aand it works fine.  You do not need to go to 
Xfree86 4.02.

Good luck.


From: Bill Baio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:48:10 -0500

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:

> go get the new version (4.0.2)
> That's the only one that supports the Geforce 2 series.
> Maverick wrote:
>> I'm having problems installing my Creative GeForce2 MX under RedHat Linux 7,
>> the drivers that came with linux don't recognize my GeForce2 MX, then i
>> installed the NVIDIA 0.9-5 drivers, and when i installed them it gave a
>> problem with agpgart module, it wont install that module because it couldn't
>> find a supportable VIA chipset, then i tried the agp_try_unsupported=1 and
>> it installed the agpgart module, and then i was able to install the nvidia
>> drivers, but when i start X-WINDOWS it crahes the computer.
>> My configuration: Intel Pentium III (EB) 667 Mhz, ASUS CUV4X Motherboard
>> (VIA chipset), 128 MB RAM (133 Mhz), RedHat Linux 7.0, XFree86 4.0.1.

There is another fix for the gforce which was posted a while back by a 
guy who went by the handle of Sam S. Onite.  As I recall, he suggested 
changing the os-agpconfig.h file from the nvidia kernel 9.5 driver.

After  the following line,


Insert this line,


Then go down to the following line,

*/           (insert the asterisk forward slash here)

#ifdef AGPART

(file continues on without further addition)

Once this change is made to the os-agpconfig.h file, type make<ENTER> to 
properly compile the kernel driver.  Then install the nvidia glx 9.5 
driver.  I have used this aand it works fine.  You do not need to go to 
Xfree86 4.02.

Good luck.


From: Bill Baio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GeForce2 MX (Creative) Linux Problem
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:51:26 -0500

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:

> go get the new version (4.0.2)
> That's the only one that supports the Geforce 2 series.
> Maverick wrote:
>> I'm having problems installing my Creative GeForce2 MX under RedHat Linux 7,
>> the drivers that came with linux don't recognize my GeForce2 MX, then i
>> installed the NVIDIA 0.9-5 drivers, and when i installed them it gave a
>> problem with agpgart module, it wont install that module because it couldn't
>> find a supportable VIA chipset, then i tried the agp_try_unsupported=1 and
>> it installed the agpgart module, and then i was able to install the nvidia
>> drivers, but when i start X-WINDOWS it crahes the computer.
>> My configuration: Intel Pentium III (EB) 667 Mhz, ASUS CUV4X Motherboard
>> (VIA chipset), 128 MB RAM (133 Mhz), RedHat Linux 7.0, XFree86 4.0.1.

There is another fix for the gforce which was posted a while back by a 
guy who went by the handle of Sam S. Onite.  As I recall, he suggested 
changing the os-agpconfig.h file from the nvidia kernel 9.5 driver.

After  the following line,


Insert this line,


Then go down to the following line,

*/           (insert the asterisk forward slash here)

#ifdef AGPART

(file continues on without further addition)

Once this change is made to the os-agpconfig.h file, type make<ENTER> to 
properly compile the kernel driver.  Then install the nvidia glx 9.5 
driver.  I have used this aand it works fine.  You do not need to go to 
Xfree86 4.02.

Good luck.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Destro)
Subject: VMware, 3Dpro/2mp chipset, and deliverance from windows.
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:01:03 -0500

Only 1000 mb to go, proceeding at 3k a second! SOON, SALVATION WILL BE 

After years of being forced, stuck, in Windows NT, deliverance is at 
hand!!! THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT HAS COME!! The great penguin will place the 
unworthy bits on his left and the worthy bits to his right... salvation 
will given to those on the right, while those on the left are to be LOW-

Being an artist, I need applications, photoshop, dreamweaver, flash, 
illustrator, lightwave 3d, alias wavefront maya... they don't run on 
linux. even if they do I don't have the money to buy a licence for it.

My video card is a firegl 4000 which is based off of the 3Dpro/2mp 
chipset by Misubishi / Evans & Sutherland... when the card was being sold 
at the retail price of 2000 dollars 3 years ago, I got it for 500...

It's been 3 years and there is still no X server for the card. I know 3 
programming languages but I have no idea where to begin learning how to 
write an X server... I would like to try to learn on my own without a 
development team rushing me to get things done... I am a very slow 
learner, but a good coder, are there any docs on this sorta stuff?
I'm a CS major and my school pretty much REQUIRES that I run linux to 
take upper division courses. I bought red hat 5.2 back in the day but 
took it off because of the video driver issue--put NT back on. I am not 
downloading RH 7 as we speak (only 1000 mb over a 56k left!), I thought 
about slack, but think I want to get used to something easy first.

Now, otherwise, I am FUCKED... I can get the card to work with the 
onboard backup chipset that only has 1 mb of ram... and I think I can get 
it working without acceleration under a commercial package... BUT I WANT 
MY CARD TO WORK!!! I can not stand NT!!! I've been stuck in NT for 3 
years because of this stupid video driver...

Someone at squaresoft, where I want to work, told me to get the firegl 
cause it was better for maya.... but now I can't get in linux... 

IF I run NT in VM ware over linux, will I be able to run VMware | NT 
using the full capabilities of the card? or will Xfree limit it some how? 
Will the resolution switch?                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

First post to AGFF: August 1997.


From: John-Paul Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seegate STT8000A
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 20:21:17 GMT

Ross Crawford wrote:
> Hi, all.
> Has anyone had any experiences using these tape drives? I have one that
> works fine under NT, but the following comes up in dmesg, and similar errors
> in /var/log/messages when I try to access it. Am I missing something?
> I'm using RedHat 6.0, with a 2.2.5-15 kernel.
> Thanks
> hdd: Seagate STT8000A, ATAPI TAPE drive
> ....
> ide-tape: hdd <-> ht0, 600KBps, 14*26kB buffer, 2600kB pipeline, 190ms tDSC
> ide-tape: hdd: Unsupported command in request queue
> end_request: I/O error, dev 16:40 (hdd), sector 0


I get these with my distro's stock kernel and the 20GB
Seagate ATAPI tape.  Using a custom compiled kernel with
ide-tape support as a module eliminates all my problems. 
Weird, but the stock kernel (Corel Linux, Debian-based,
kernel 2.2.12) just doesn't work.  I've had no trouble when
I've compliled kernels 2.2.12 through 2.2.17.  


J-P Stewart


From: Dan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mylex AcceleRAID 170
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:25:29 -0800

Sebastian Kollmann wrote:
> Cokey de Percin schrieb:
> >
> >
> > Correct.  RH 7.0 should have it; RH 6.2 does as I'm running it and I have
> > a AcceleRAID 250.  Note that the driver is a 'block' driver, not a SCSI
> > driver.  The normal install should find it if the hardware setup is correct.
> >
> > Note that if you're using it for a RAID level, then you need to set up the
> > raid configuration BEFORE you try to install your OS.  I used the onboard
> > configuration to set up my RAID 5 and then installed Linux on it.
> Sorry, but the installation supports only the old Mylex controllers with
> U2W/SCSI and not U160/SCSI controllers. So I'll need to create a RedHat 7 Setup
> or Driver Disk with a new patched kernel that I have build before, but I don't
> have any idea how to do that. I need any specs for RedHat Driver Disks and how
> to create them.
> If someone out there has any idea, please don't wait to tell me!!!!! I need
> that computer as soon as possible.
> Greetings, Sebastian.

Did you look at:

Dan Jones, Manager, Storage Products          VA Linux Systems
V:(510)687-6737 F:(510)683-8602               47071 Bayside Parkway
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            Fremont, CA 94538


Subject: Re: VMware, 3Dpro/2mp chipset, and deliverance from windows.
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:28:52 -0500

Tony Destro wrote:
> (..)
>                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I'm a CS major and my school pretty much REQUIRES that I run linux to
> take upper division courses. I bought red hat 5.2 back in the day but
> took it off because of the video driver issue--put NT back on. I am not
> downloading RH 7 as we speak (only 1000 mb over a 56k left!), I thought
> about slack, but think I want to get used to something easy first.

Being a very happy Slack user, I can only recommend that you try it. It
will give you the basic knowledge of Unix that will make adoption of
another distribution later much easier, should you decide so. Not to
mention it's a very solid distribution, but without all the bells and
whistles you get from others.

> Now, otherwise, I am FUCKED... I can get the card to work with the
> onboard backup chipset that only has 1 mb of ram... and I think I can get
> it working without acceleration under a commercial package... BUT I WANT
> MY CARD TO WORK!!! I can not stand NT!!! I've been stuck in NT for 3
> years because of this stupid video driver...

Your card should work with the SVGA xserver. You won't get any sort of
hardware acceleration this way, but you should be able to use all of the
video RAM to get resolution/color depth. Use xf86config rather than
Xconfigurator to set it up, I've found you always get better results
this way.

> Someone at squaresoft, where I want to work, told me to get the firegl
> cause it was better for maya.... but now I can't get in linux...
> waaaaahhh.
> IF I run NT in VM ware over linux, will I be able to run VMware | NT
> using the full capabilities of the card? 

No. VMware will only do what the xserver can. It doesn't access the
hardware directly, but rather uses X. Inside VMware you don't use a
specific driver for your card, it uses a VMware-specific driver that
communicates with the underlying X (it's installed as a part of the
VMware tools). It's all in the docs.




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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