Linux-Hardware Digest #649, Volume #14           Thu, 19 Apr 01 07:13:05 EDT

  question about modules ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Sound question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: question about modules (Eric P. McCoy)
  Re: linux and cray j90 (MindPatrol)
  Re: using firewire with linux ("Nick K. Aghazarian")
  Umax 6400 Scanner ("Nick K. Aghazarian")
  Re: Printer Problems... ("Oliver B. Tupman")
  Re: linux and cray j90 (Jagged)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? ("Peet Grobler")
  Re: k7vza onboard sound support ("Mark")
  Re: Could Linux be used in this factory environment ? (Paul Repacholi)
  No logitech mouse works with any distribution of linux... (iQXth)
  CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0 ("Choi Kam Hung, Sean")
  remount HD rw (Frederik Himpe)
  Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem (Bruce Garlock)
  Re: remount HD rw (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= David)
  Re: CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0 (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= David)
  Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem (Bruce Garlock)
  Re: CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0 (choi kam hung)


Subject: question about modules
Date: 18 Apr 2001 22:26:56 PDT

I was wondering if someone could explain the concept of compiling
support for modules into the kernel and loadable modules? 

And, also, why does the kernel have to be re-compiled when support
of a new module is added?




Subject: Sound question
Date: 18 Apr 2001 22:29:23 PDT

How do I configure sound for a machine? On my home machine,
I just put a CD in the drive and no problem I get sound.
On my work machine, not so simple.

Also, the person who had the machine before me said
that the SCSI drive interfered with sound somhow. Does
that make sense? How might that happen and how can I fix it?

I would love to troubleshoot the problem but I am not sure
how to get more info.




Subject: Re: question about modules
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric P. McCoy)
Date: 19 Apr 2001 01:45:15 -0400


> I was wondering if someone could explain the concept of compiling
> support for modules into the kernel and loadable modules? 

Modules are like device drivers, but you can load and unload them
without having to restart the system.  This is most useful because...

> And, also, why does the kernel have to be re-compiled when support
> of a new module is added? can add new modules without recompiling your entire kernel.
When you enable that module, just do `make modules; make
modules_install' and you're set.  No reboot required.

This is in contrast to Windows 2000, which requires a reboot after
certain types of drivers are modified, and marked contrast to lesser
Windowses, which require a reboot after almost _any_ drivers are

  "Knowing that a lot of people across the world with Geocities sites
absolutely despise me is about the only thing that can add a positive
spin to this situation."  - Something Awful, 1/11/2001


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MindPatrol)
Subject: Re: linux and cray j90
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 05:51:49 GMT

<lots of stuff about water cooling snipped>

The Cray J90 series is air cooled, in case anyone really
cares; not that the water cooling ideas aren't novel and


The early model J90s are really pieces of crap. They shipped
the first version with broken cache hardware, which requires
that the cache be disabled (can you spell SLOW). I suffer
every day using a 12 processor J92; it's probably the worst
Unix box I've ever used (and its cache works).

No virtual memory support. No demand paging. This means that
things like "mmap" don't exist. No shared libraries. Memory
management is a nightmare (can you spell SWAPPING). A
context switch kills the poor thing.

Remember that Crays are designed to crunch floating point
numbers. Thats all!  Any decent PC will run rings around a
J90 doing anything except floating point. My PIII 933 is a
lot faster!

Most of my other headaches with this machine come from the
holes in Unicos (the OS). It's like Unix from the 1970s with
a half hearted attempt to add some Posix features. Linux
would fix most of these problems.

Sorry, but I hate this computer! Cray would have been
ashamed to put his name on this box (he didn' t design this
POS, he was at another company when the J90 was released).

However, let me express my extreme respect for the compiler
people at Cray. They did a wonderful job given what they had
to work with! The OS folks should have tried a little


To steer this topic back to the Linux world...

A Linux port to the J90 (any Cray?) doesn't exist, so what
would be required to do one?

1. GCC - Linux only compiles with GCC

Does anyone know why there has never been a port of GCC for
Cray computers? I seem to recall hearing that GCC can't be
ported to the Cray architecture. Can anyone clear this up?

2. Understanding the hardware

I've never seen a document that exactly described how the
low level hardware works (of course, I haven't looked too
hard). Is this information available? Remember that this is
a Cray designed CPU, not an Alpha (as some people seemed to

I'll wager that you won't be able to port any existing
device drivers, you'll have to write them all from scratch.
This ain't your average PCI bus! Cray was a company that
liked to invent everything on their boxes. Can you get the

Anyone have any insights? Or more good ideas about water
cooling <grin>.




From: "Nick K. Aghazarian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: using firewire with linux
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 23:33:10 -0700

Dan Hitt wrote:

>Does anybody have experience using firewire with linux?
>Is it supported at all?  Could you boot from a firewire device
>(such as a disk)?
>Thanks in advance for any answers, including pointers to
>hardware compatibility guides which discuss the issue.
As far as booting goes, it's highly unlikely (unless you're running on a 
mac).  I think you could probably boot from a floppy and load everything 
from a firewire disk (you'll probably have to compile 1394 support into 
the kernel-not as a module).  I think you'll have to use grub instead of 
lilo, but I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work.


From: "Nick K. Aghazarian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Umax 6400 Scanner
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 23:37:15 -0700

Anyone get a firewire scanner to work under linux (any distro)?  I have 
one, and would love to use it without having to reboot to windows.
Sane doesn't seem to support it, and makes it sound like it never will.

Any help is greatly appreciated,



From: "Oliver B. Tupman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printer Problems...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:36:01 +0100

> How are you printing documents?
> cat > /dev/lp0 will read from standard input (i.e., your console). Try
> doing:
>   man -t ls | lpr

Well, I actually want to use the computer as a printer server for the
and Linux boxes. 

I've tried lpr (nothing happens) so I tried cat > /dev/lp0 as a more 
'lower level' way of attempting to print (kinda like RH's printtool
lets you print ASCII direct to the printer port).

Oliver B. Tupman


From: Jagged <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux and cray j90
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:31:31 +0200

MindPatrol wrote:

> <lots of stuff about water cooling snipped>
> The Cray J90 series is air cooled, in case anyone really
> cares; not that the water cooling ideas aren't novel and
> entertaining.
> The early model J90s are really pieces of crap. They shipped
> the first version with broken cache hardware, which requires
> that the cache be disabled (can you spell SLOW). I suffer
> every day using a 12 processor J92; it's probably the worst
> Unix box I've ever used (and its cache works).
> No virtual memory support. No demand paging. This means that
> things like "mmap" don't exist. No shared libraries. Memory
> management is a nightmare (can you spell SWAPPING). A
> context switch kills the poor thing.
> Remember that Crays are designed to crunch floating point
> numbers. Thats all!  Any decent PC will run rings around a
> J90 doing anything except floating point. My PIII 933 is a
> lot faster!
> Most of my other headaches with this machine come from the
> holes in Unicos (the OS). It's like Unix from the 1970s with
> a half hearted attempt to add some Posix features. Linux
> would fix most of these problems.
> Sorry, but I hate this computer! Cray would have been
> ashamed to put his name on this box (he didn' t design this
> POS, he was at another company when the J90 was released).
> However, let me express my extreme respect for the compiler
> people at Cray. They did a wonderful job given what they had
> to work with! The OS folks should have tried a little
> harder.
> To steer this topic back to the Linux world...
> A Linux port to the J90 (any Cray?) doesn't exist, so what
> would be required to do one?
> 1. GCC - Linux only compiles with GCC
> Does anyone know why there has never been a port of GCC for
> Cray computers? I seem to recall hearing that GCC can't be
> ported to the Cray architecture. Can anyone clear this up?
> 2. Understanding the hardware
> I've never seen a document that exactly described how the
> low level hardware works (of course, I haven't looked too
> hard). Is this information available? Remember that this is
> a Cray designed CPU, not an Alpha (as some people seemed to
> think).
> I'll wager that you won't be able to port any existing
> device drivers, you'll have to write them all from scratch.
> This ain't your average PCI bus! Cray was a company that
> liked to invent everything on their boxes. Can you get the
> docs?

wasn't is crays (the guys) philosophy to put well known and well working
hardware together? i mean stuff that has shown already that it is worth
using it for stable computer systems? chances aren't low that i'm wrong
with this... just a question...


> Anyone have any insights? Or more good ideas about water
> cooling <grin>.
> Regards,
> John


From: "Peet Grobler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 11:23:30 +0200

>happen. According to folklore, you can pretty much replace an
>entire 390 one piece at a time without ever rebooting -- I
>imagine that's a bit exagerated.

Yes, I believe you can. If everything in the system is hot-swappable, why

>But, since the OP was talking about something to use in place
>of two run-of-the-mill desktop machines, I'm pretty sure that a
>390 isn't a financially viable solutions.
>Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  QUIET!! I'm being
>                                  at               CREATIVE!! Is it GREAT
>                                 yet? It's s'posed to
>                                                   THE BEAR...


From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: k7vza onboard sound support
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:19:52 -0600

Yes it is supported. I can't remember the exact name of the codec but it is
included in the VIA South Bridge, something like VIA686A. It sets up fine
with SUSE 7.1

"teknogeek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:MDOC6.111117$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> i'm considering buying a k7vza motherboard (t-bird). does anyone know if
> onboard sound is supported under linux? i'm not sure what the sound
> is for that board.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Could Linux be used in this factory environment ?
From: Paul Repacholi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 Apr 2001 04:41:21 +0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine) writes:

> Dumb question, but .... whatever happened to the concept of
> redundancy?  I'll admit it adds to expense (specifically, equipment
> and software licensing costs), but as far as I can tell, many web
> server farms using NT have just that: web server farms, with
> multiple machines; this makes the reliability quite adequate --
> maybe even 99.999 % (5 minutes/year)... :-)

> Granted, this is a far cry from industrial control processes.  (How
> long does it take for nylon to harden in a tube line, just out of
> curiosity?  Are we talking hours, minutes, or seconds?)

Well, you need to analyze the process to see what a 'failure' is.
EG, a phone exchange can drop its guts, and all calls without too much
drama if it is back in 5 sec or less. (generally, set up calls are not
touched, you just can't call out for a few seconds)

On the other hand, I know of a system that only failed once, but when
it did, it did not fail-safe. About $20M damage, plus lost production.
That is once in 20 odd years. But, it could be shut down with little
drama if needed for maintainance. 

> Can't comment unless SCADA systems are things like those used in
> metropolitan traffic projects with gigantic status screens showing
> where every traffic light, streetcar, or train is.

System Control and Data Aquisition. The above is one example. The
Sydney trafic light system went in a 71 or 72. It has been down
ONCE since then. (and caused real hell!) 24x7, with *ZERO* downtime.
It is a dual system running in a redundent master/slave though.

RT stuff just has a few simple rules.

1 Zero means Zero, not small!
2 Never means never.
3 Always means always.
4 99% is not 1.
5 If the factory or Murphy does not get you, the operators will.
6 If 5 fails, some barstool will plasma cut it in half.
7 'Can't happen' will.

Paul Repacholi                               1 Crescent Rd.,
+61 (08) 9257-1001                           Kalamunda.
                                             West Australia 6076
Raw, Cooked or Well-done, it's all half baked.


Subject: No logitech mouse works with any distribution of linux...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:17:43 GMT

...or do they?

Are there issues setting up Logitech's iFeel mouse as a generic
3-button mouse? What about Logitech's iFeel MouseMan? Does that also
function as a generic mouse?


From: "Choi Kam Hung, Sean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:14:50 +0800

Hi all,
    I have a CD-RWdrive on my linux 7.0. And I got the following message
when i type 'dmesg':

        ATAPI device hdc:
        Error: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02)
        (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0x02)
        The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was:
        "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "

    and when i want to use it, it returns the following message when i
type 'dmesg':

        attempt to access beyond end of device
        16:00: rw=0, want=475421, limit=0
        dev 16:00 blksize=1024 blocknr=475420 sector=950840 size=1024
        isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00, iso_blknum=237710,

     Could anyone help me on this? Thank you!



From: Frederik Himpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: remount HD rw
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:32:44 +0200


I've got a Linux router (486DX33 computer) which runs Debian 2.2. Now the 
hard disk starts failing, some of the errors in /var/log/messages:

Apr 18 21:32:05 Zeus kernel: hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
Apr 18 21:32:05 Zeus kernel: hda: read_intr: error=0x40 { 
UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=1425130, sector=1405915
Apr 18 21:32:05 Zeus kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:05 (hda), 
sector 1405915
Apr 18 21:32:05 Zeus kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only

So, now I can't write anymore on the disk, and I would like to set up NFS, 
so I can make a backup...

1. How can I remount the filesystem so that I can write on it again?
2. I know this hard disk has already problems with bad clusters on the end 
of the HD since years. In Windows I could do a surface check, which marked 
these as unusable, and I had no problems. Is a similar solution possible in 
Linux, so I could use it further temporarily, until I have a replacement?

Thank you for your help,
Powered by Linux!


From: Bruce Garlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 06:35:58 -0400

Markus Kossmann wrote:

> Bruce Garlock wrote:
> >
> > Markus Kossmann wrote:
> >
> > > "Bruce S. Garlock" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > My 2.4.3 kernel comes with version 6.1.5 of the new Adaptec driver.  I
> > > > have tried to update this to the most recent version, 6.1.11 as seen on
> > > > however, this site does not have
> > > > the patches for 6.1.6, 6.1.7, or 6.1.8 for the 2.4.3 kernel.  Does
> > > > anyone know how to get in touch with the site maintainer (his email is
> > > > not listed on the site), or how I can get these patches to bring my
> > > > driver to 6.1.11?
> > > >
> > > Just get linux-aic7xxx-6.1.11-2.4.3.patch. It should apply clean against
> > > 2.4.3 with 6.1.5 build in.
> >
> > Tried that, and it does not work.  Any other ideas?
> It did work for me.  Please post more details about your problems with
> that patch.
> --
> Markus Kossmann

Ok, Just for the heck of it, I backed up my current /usr/src/linux directory, and
tar'ed off a fresh 2.4.3.  I then copied the patch for 6.1.11 into the
/usr/src/linux directory.  I went into the directory, and typed 'patch -p1 <
linux-aic7xxx-6.1.11-2.4.3.patch, and I got all sorts of "Hunks Failed" messages
(all of them, actually).

Thanks for any help,



From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: remount HD rw
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:37:00 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> 2. I know this hard disk has already problems with bad clusters on the end
> of the HD since years. In Windows I could do a surface check, which marked
> these as unusable, and I had no problems. Is a similar solution possible in
> Linux, so I could use it further temporarily, until I have a replacement?

Check man badblocks




 "Share the code. If you hide it ain't good."
                                                Popular knowledge
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for André David
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:CERN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire;Experimental Physics Division - NA60 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Geneva, Switzerland
fn:André David



From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:38:18 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>      Could anyone help me on this? Thank you!

try the CD writing how to on
I think CDRW under linux need the ide-scsi emulation module. Perhaps it
solves your problem, perhaps it wont



 "Share the code. If you hide it ain't good."
                                                Popular knowledge
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for André David
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:CERN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire;Experimental Physics Division - NA60 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Geneva, Switzerland
fn:André David



From: Bruce Garlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 06:42:49 -0400

Bruce Garlock wrote:

> Markus Kossmann wrote:
> > Bruce Garlock wrote:
> > >
> > > Markus Kossmann wrote:
> > >
> > > > "Bruce S. Garlock" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > My 2.4.3 kernel comes with version 6.1.5 of the new Adaptec driver.  I
> > > > > have tried to update this to the most recent version, 6.1.11 as seen on
> > > > > however, this site does not have
> > > > > the patches for 6.1.6, 6.1.7, or 6.1.8 for the 2.4.3 kernel.  Does
> > > > > anyone know how to get in touch with the site maintainer (his email is
> > > > > not listed on the site), or how I can get these patches to bring my
> > > > > driver to 6.1.11?
> > > > >
> > > > Just get linux-aic7xxx-6.1.11-2.4.3.patch. It should apply clean against
> > > > 2.4.3 with 6.1.5 build in.
> >
> > >
> > > Tried that, and it does not work.  Any other ideas?
> >
> > It did work for me.  Please post more details about your problems with
> > that patch.
> >
> > --
> > Markus Kossmann
> Ok, Just for the heck of it, I backed up my current /usr/src/linux directory, and
> tar'ed off a fresh 2.4.3.  I then copied the patch for 6.1.11 into the
> /usr/src/linux directory.  I went into the directory, and typed 'patch -p1 <
> linux-aic7xxx-6.1.11-2.4.3.patch, and I got all sorts of "Hunks Failed" messages
> (all of them, actually).
> Thanks for any help,
> Bruce

Ok, I figured it out!  I had used a windows box to d/l the patch, and I noticed it
was in "dos" format when I went into 'vi'.  I did a 'dos2unix' on it, and now it
patches!  Thanks for your help.



From: choi kam hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-RW problem with redhat 7.0
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:42:20 +0800

Hi Andre,
=09Thank for your advice and I will try it out!
=09And hopefuly it will work.


On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, [iso-8859-1] Andr=E9 David wrote:

> >      Could anyone help me on this? Thank you!
> try the CD writing how to on
> I think CDRW under linux need the ide-scsi emulation module. Perhaps it
> solves your problem, perhaps it wont
> Cheers,=20
> Andre
> --=20
>  "Share the code. If you hide it ain't good."
> =09=09=09=09=09=09Popular knowledge



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