Jonathan Bell wrote:
On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:30:59 +0100, Jonathan Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've just purchased a brand spanking new G33/ICH9R based system for use as a home fileserver with 4x ST3750840AS Seagate SATA drives as the main grunt drives.

The problem is that all of the seagate drives keep resetting, as this dmesg excerpt shows:

Oops. Hardware problem. Insufficient power applied to the hotswap caddy resulted in the drives bugging out when all 4 were accessed, hence cat/dd on an individual drive caused no problems.

Now running these drives quite successfully in raid-5 with NCQ and 3.0Gbps links.

Yeah, this kind of problem is pretty common and difficult to debug. It just seems SATA link is very sensitive to power quality and sucky power supplies are easy to come by.

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