Hi all!

I've just installed Red Hat 6.0 on my PC (upgraded from 5.2).
I've two basic problems: video card and mice.

I've got Diamond Stealth II S200 which is supported by Red Hat 6.0, yet I
don't know what clock chip I have to use
(the probe doesn't work). Anyway I manage to start X only in 640*480
resolution (this card should provide much more).
I tried a lot of combination with "setup"  (Xconfigurator), xf86config and
manual changes in /etc/XF86Config. Nothing worked...
Any ideas?

The mice problem is the worst part: I have 3 button logitech serial mouse
that worked just fine with Red Hat 5.2 both
in X and console mode. Now I can use my mouse in text mode but when starting
X the pointer doesn't move. 
Do you think that there is any connection between those two problems?
My PC is hand made so I use both IDE card (for floppy and mice) and on board
IDE (HD...), BUT on the same PC 
M$-Windows runs quiet happily. I don't even want to think that Linux cannot
compete with M$-Windows in mice 
area (or any other hardware compitability).

Any advice will be good.


Or Lavy

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