On 18 Mar 2002, Shai Bentin wrote:

> One more thing, is there any way to break X into regular command line
> mode, when starting the system in runlevel 5?

First thing to try:

Ctrl-Alt-F1 (to switch to a text-mode console, login, and try to handle
            Typically it won't work when the X server is badly stuck

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (Kill the X server)
                   Typically won't work under the same circumstances

If you're in a network: connect from a different computer (you have an
                        sshd listening, right?)

magic sysrq: I quote another message:

  With the second option you can recover from many kinds of trouble,
  for example ALT-SysRq-r will probably give you the keyboard back. Or
  ALT-SysRq-i will kill all your processes except init, etc. see
  linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt for the details.

ALT-SysRq-h should give you a Help: a short list of available commands.
Beware, as those commands allow you to kill processes, and reboot your
system even without a sync of the disks, not to mention a proper shutdown.

Tzafrir Cohen

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