Aviram. Yes, it's normal. I still got a 486 DX-2 which is found not near
me and I upgrade it's kernel..

But the best way to do it is to compile the kernel on stronger machine,
and copy the results file (vmlinuz, system.map) to the 486, and update
the lilo...


Aviram Jenik wrote:
> I'm compiling a 2.2.5 kernel (that comes with RH6) on a DX4 with 16MB. I
> made dep and clean, and now running bzlilo.
> The last part (make bzlilo) has been running since 12:00, which makes it a
> total of over 7(!) hours and counting.
> Is this a normal speed? Is there any way to find out what slowing the
> computer down? (unless it's normal, of course). Almost all the services are
> down, nothing is running in the background.
> -------------------------
> Aviram Jenik
> "Addicted to Chaos"
> -------------------------
> Today's quote:
> I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and
> the only regret I have was that I didn't study
> Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.
>                          - J. Danforth Quayle, quoted in "Time", 8 May 1989
> =================================================================
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Hetz Ben Hamo - Sys. Admin. - Intercomp
Redmond, you have a problem..

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