
Thank you Michael Ben-Nes, Frodo, erez, Evgeny Stambulchik, and Mike
for you answers. Since all the answers (except for a short thing
from Mike) were to linux-il, no summary is needed; Just go to
and look for the subject "chicken and egg (now: backuping DBMSs)".

As you could learn from the thread, it is not the case of black and
white. Most (or all) backup packages don't support DBMSs directly,
and you must stop/lock the database temporarily before starting the
backup. Not to mention incremental backup which is completely im-
possible this way (when I wrote about huge databases in my original
message, I meant gigabytes of course, and not megabytes).

The good news is that most DBMSs have special means for backuping,
and you can even export the modifications since a specific time
stamp, and to include the exported file in your incremental backup.

Eli Marmor

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