On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 08:56:30AM +0000, Yosi wrote:

> I am looking for a newsreader for Linux, and I would be more than
> grateful if you can recommend me of one. These are the things that I
> need in a newsreader (from the most important to the least):

I used to use slrn. Later, I realized that newsgroups are a waste of time.

But recently, I needed to access some newsgroups, and I didn't feel like
re-learning slrn (when mutt is at least as good), so I took Alex Shnitman's
news2mail, hacked it up a bit such that it produced output in a mailbox
format, and was fairly happy.

Obviously, this is a read-only approach, but it should be sufficient if you
mostly read, and only write once in a blue-moon (and you can use some
mail-to-news gateway for this). Also, I suspect that it wouldn't take long
to hack up some perl that would sit on some otherwise unused account on
your machine, and point any message received there to some news server.

If you want the news2mail modifications, let me know. They are extremely
ugly, but they work. Unix, you know.

> Anyone who sees a resemblence between these specifications and Mutt,
> is right :)

And as you have mutt, why reinvent something which is almost exactly the
Remember echomail? The same program could deal both with netmails (e-mail)
and echomail (news). Can't see why mutt shouldn't do the same.
(I wonder if GoldED supports news and e-mails now. It is GPLed now, I
believe, and has a Linux version).


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