On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:

> EL>> The only thing you can do is reserve engineer the code (which is not
> EL>> really hard when you have the source) and write it again.
> No, it won't do. It will be still "work based on". You should do it
> clean-room. It means, if you saw the code, you are already in trobule -
> you are contaminated. IANAL, but this is how GPL wording seems to me. At

There is no legal basis for this. Lots of code written by the FSF was
written by old Unix hacks who knew the BSD sources very well. This is
clear from the FSF guidelines for developers.

> least, it's risky, even if a good (in lawyer's meaning of the word) lawyer
> could try and get one out of it.

You don't need a lawyer for this, just carefull reading.

> -- 
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