I suggest that advertisements about Linux related services from Israeli
companies be considered on the same basis as Linux related job offers:
1. The ad must be related to Linux in a way more meaningful than using the
   same Posix and the same shell as other Unix flavors.
2. Companies must not advertise too often their Linux related services
   ("too often" means > once).
3. If we see that tons of companies are active in Linux in Israel, then
   we'll ask them to post their ads to a separate mailing list.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Ira Abramov wrote:

> On Thu, 4 May 2000, Meidad Ben-Yochanan wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm representing InterBit Training and Consulting company, the most professional
> > training company in Israel. Among other activities, our company offers great
> > Linux courses, in both morning and evening paths. I'd be happy to send more
> > details as a reply to your mail.
> question: are offered linux services from ISRAELI companies to be
> forwarded like job offers or dismissed as spam?
> don't want to open a thread of more than 10 posts. please answer only if
> you have truely strong feelings about the subject with sound reasoning.

                                             --- Omer
   "MS-Word keeps thinking it knows what I'm gonna do next and tries to
   help me.  I've lived with my wife for 27 years and SHE can't do that.
   What makes MS-Word think it can?"             Bill Mullins
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