I think the newsforge article misses an important point. From the article:

I have friends who work for Microsoft, and they are perfectly nice people.
But I'm sorry, this is over the line. A company that makes this kind of
threat in response to requests that it follow the basic rules of free
enterprise and competitive capitalism  

Microsoft *is* playing by the rules of competitive capitalism. That's how
it got to a big near-monopoly. The emergence of such monstrosities is an
inevitable consequence of a free market economy.


On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Amir Tal wrote:

> Didn't know if I should laugh or cry when I saw a post at Newsforge that
> says the following :
> "Microsoft management is now threatening to stop shipping Windows
> completely if the next federal court decision goes against them"
> How real, and how logic this so called "threat" sounds ?
> I, for one. Think its ridicules, and just shows how desperate MS are
> about the blow they are about
> To suffer from the federal court.
> Full article at newsforge :
> http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/05/0232253&mode=thread
> Little pole a am having at whatsup.co.il about this :
> http://whatsup.homelinux.com/pollBooth.php?op=results&pollID=11&mode=&or
> der=&thold=
> ------------------------------
> Amir Tal, System Administrator
> Whatsup - Linux related news
> And support - in hebrew !
> icq : 15748705
> http://www.whatsup.co.il
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