On 15 Jul 2002, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

> Oh wait... they did start their research. They did give it for free not
> just to third world countries but to the entire world. They did manage
> to stop almost completly a disease that is just as horrible and just as
> terrible as AIDS and the only reason you don't fear it today as you fear
> AIDS is because these guys research and efforts. Oh, did I mention that
> one of them (I think it was Salk) even tested the vaccine on himself to
> make sure it's safe?

Salk developed the vaccine for polio while working for a university. He 
worked for a salary. The project was a joint project of several 
universities, and obviously had funding. As for giving away the vaccine, 
while I have no doubt that Salk would have gladly done so, it was never 
his to give away. 
I am not belittling his achievment in any way - I admire the man and his 
work - I'm just pointing out factual inaccuracies in the example given.

btw - in his last years he also took part in AIDS research

> Or to put it in other words:
> "Who can afford to do professional work for nothing? What hobbyist can
> put 3-man years into programming, finding all bugs, documenting his
> product and distribute for free?"
>       -- Bill Gates, Open Letter to Hobbyists, 1976
> "We do."
>       Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Paul Vixie, Alan Cox,
>       The Apache group, the SAMBA team, RH software, etc...
> In other words:
> Don't want to do the work without getting the right to keep other people
> from using it? Well and good, then don't. Just don't complain. The
> simple truth is that what these guys are complaining about is NOT that
> they can't make a living doing these things in a freedom respecting
> fashion, they are complaining that they can't get rich doing it like so.
> How very unfortunate for them.
> > 
> > > Also, these so called free market and "I want to make a profit from
> > > what 'I' invent" did not take their knowledge from thin air, but
> > > studied at a university or a college. 
> > 
> > And paid for that. And went to Glaxo to apply the skills they got -
> > for hire. And it was 'they' who invented things, and not others, in
> > part because they had invested in their education. And incidentally,
> > the IP rights belong to their employers, who paid their salaries, who
> > paid for the hi-tech equipment (the people who produced it also
> > deserve getting paid, after all), who paid the rent, etc. Yes, there
> > were quite a few financial transactions along the way to development,
> > and yes, our society places a higher tag on the highly skilled labor
> > involved in producing AIDS cocktails than on the low-skilled labor of
> > growing maize in Africa or laying bricks in Russia. There is nothing
> > inherently wrong or unjust about it.
> No problem. But the right for a limited monopoly of the fruit of your
> though (be it copyright or patent) is *NOT* a natrual right like your
> right to other real property like your house. It's a limited monopol
> granted by the state to advance the state of science and society. But if
> it doesn't do what it's there for, it should be gone. Or much better -
> returned to it's original form of a *limited time* (something like 7
> years) granted to the original inventor. That is the *PERSON* who
> invented it, a corporation couldn't have copyrights or ptents then.
> Gilad.
> > 
> > Now, let me remind ya'all that this grew really OT. ;-)
> > 
> > -- 
> > Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > "IBM is a pretty big company." [W. Gates]
> > 
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