On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Oron Peled wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 05:40:29 +0300 (EET DST)
> Uri Bruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Salk developed the vaccine for polio while working for a university. He 
> > worked for a salary. The project was a joint project of several 
> > universities, and obviously had funding. As for giving away the vaccine, 
> Which just shows there are alternative models to fund scientific discovery.
> The basic division used to be:

I don't know enough about medical research to state with such confidence 
that the same kind of models that worked a few decaeds ago are viable 

>       * Academy: does basic research, is funded by public (taxes) and the
>                    results are published and available to the public.
In the US some academic research is funded by industry.

>         * Industry: Implements what looks promising and fund development
>                     by reaping the results of implementation.
> The problem now is that every day the situation is more like:
>         * Academy: still funded by public (taxes) and grants, but the results
>                    are sold to the Industry to get more money.
>         * Industry: hold monopoly "rights" both to the implementation and
>                     to the ideas.
> This new model has several flaws:
> 1. The public pays double price. Both to keep the academic system in place
>    and than to buy the fruits of its research.
> 2. More importantly, as academic institutions are striving to make more money
>    by selling their discoveries, they behave more like R&D departments
>    of the industry. This is bad because the industry has (and should have)
>    short term goals (to bring money in, to satisfy investors).
>    If these criteria infiltrate the academic system (which is already happening)
>    who will search in those long-term-and-not-so-promising directions?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
> Linux:  If you're not careful, you might actually learn something.
>               -- Allen Wong


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