Thanks to Marc de'Terrible, Shimon Panfil, Martin Polley, Yedidyah
Bar-David and Aviram Jenik for their answers to my previous E-mail

According to a brief Web surfing session, the options are:
Bochs - a Free emulator - not suitable for my needs, because it is
        emulator and not virtualizer (i.e. very slow).
plex86 - a Free virtualizer - suitable for people, who want to develop it
        rather than use it as a reliable tool for their own work.
        For me to use it, would be like using a 2.5.* kernel for my
        regular development work.
VMware - Workstation 3.2 costs $299 per license, and 30-day free
        evaluation is available.  Some people recommend it.
        Can use Linux based host.
VirtualPC ( - Virtual PC5 for Windows costs $229,
        There is no information about a version running under Linux host,
        but I sent them an E-mail message asking about this.

At the risk of being off-topic, is there anyone who has used VirtualPC and
can tell about his/her experience with it?

And, are there any other options, which I overlooked?
                                             --- Omer
There is no IGLU Cabal.  However, instructions how to virtualize one can
be found in Douglas Adams's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy".

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