בשבת, 30 בנובמבר 2002, 10:21, Muli Ben-Yehuda כתב:
> Note that while I have no idea what Diego's kernel rpms contain,
> calling them "2.4.19" does injustice to the real 2.4.19. So which
> kernel is giving you headaches?
I have explained exactly what they have. I will put the sources and the spec 
in iglu soon, I just need tofix them and make them more bewtuifull.

Maybe I should upload a 2.4.20 as well?

> Did you report all of those problems to the proper place? (which would
> depend on which kernel exactly you're running).
> > I would -especially- NOT install it from RPMs, needless to say patched
> > up. Then again, The Light Of Debian relieves me from this unhappy deed.
> What have you got against RPMized kernels?
how aobut he is a debian man? good point there....

- diego

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