Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

Also, do you really want to start dealing with the IRS (mas-hachnasa) ?
cause something tells me you will, eventually ...

I can see mas-hachnasa supina-ing his records, or interogating him.

I certainly do not see how Shachar or the list (which is not a legal
entity as far as I can tell) can be held responsible for financial
transactions that occur as a consequence of a posting.
This is no
different from me telling you - by email, personally, or on the phone
- that I know a good plumber who can fix your sink.

yes, but if you introduce yourself as a member of "the plumbers' organization in Israel"
that means you're introducing yourself as an expert and that may
put some responsibility on you. Especially if this is a database given as a part of linux-il

Now, please note that there is a "Consultants" database of IGLU. If it
is out of date no one but ourselves is to blame. The rest of the
thread has grown way off-topic.

not off-topic, perhaps far-fetched. IIUC Sh.Sh. is proposing this as a part of linux-il activity.

-- regards

+ Guy Baruch , Plasma Laboratory, Weizmann Institue.
+ phone: 972-8-934-2211

They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose.

-- English folk poem, circa 1764

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