On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 10:06, Orna Agmon wrote:
> Well done! Indeed this is not a political list. Or has smoking too much 
> weed gotten to your head?
> Please refrain from sending political garbage to this list.

I'm sorry, Orna, but I don't see why the news of you and me (along
wither others) going to the Knesset committee and trying to pass a
resolution that will ban government institutions from forcing citizens
to use non free software to access government facilities is on topic
while the statement that a certain political party supports this effort
enough to include it in it's manifest[1] is not. 

I think the message was on topic and to the point. Yes, I would have
written it differently and I would not like to see this list turn into a
political battlefield any more then you do but the issue at hand does
relate to subscribers of this list and I don't think the original poster
have stepped his bounds except in so much as their gramme and syntax
were involved :-)

[1] Which is what actually written in the Ale Yarok manifest, here is
the URL in a non MS encumbered format again:

 Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 "When you walk up to the guard on a train and ask if it is the Swansea
train, you do not expect the reply `I don't know, I'm about to phone the
driver to find out where we are going'. -- Alan Cox, the diary.

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