On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Ely Levy wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Uri Bruck wrote:
> > On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Xavier Gentoo wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Unless of course *you* are comfortable that *your* kids are going to be
> > > deprived of elementary independent thinking, that is. If you are, I suggest
> > > you watch Total Recall 2070 to see how bright out future is going to be.
> >
> > So someone who chooses MS is "deprived of elementary independent
> > thinking", and someone who chooses linux is an independent thinker, just
> > like all the geeks.
> > Wrongthinking is punishable ...?
> > MS-Word nicknamed MS-Unword?
> That not what he said,
> come on..
> he said that people who use ms cause they don't know of any alternatives
Which may be true for some people. However, the general sentiment I'm 
getting list is that this is the only reason to choose MS for any task.
Lots of tech writers use FrameMaker rather than Office.
Are they independent thinkers because they chose a non-ms product, or 
deprived drones because they're running it on Windows?

> and cause they are not capble later in their life to chose something
> else cause of lack of knowladge are deprived of independent thinking.
> someone who chose ms over linux is plain stupid;))j/k:)
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