On Thursday 30 January 2003 00:52, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> What's the big deal?
> internal nic will get loaded as eth0 . That can be easily aranged. You Do
> want the internal nic loaded automatically with the network startup.
OK, let's check my own particular case. Currently, I have two computers 
connected into a little home network. The second computer is almost always 
switched off, so the home network is seldom run. Do you propose that I run 
the home network ( being off almost all the time ) as eth0? I personally 
prefer running it as eth1, so to avoid the case of eth0 down and eth1 up.
> However I'm not so sure how smart is it to load the external interface as
> a part of /etc/init.d/network start :

> Suppose that the cables network is unavailable for some reason . What
> happens then? You can't even access your computer from the local console,
> because it is still delayed trying to connect to the cables.
It has pretty sensible timeout, as far as I remember.
> On my home network I set it not to load the external NIC "automatically".
> It is loaded from init.d, but only after sshd starts, so I have some
> access to my computer.


Alex Chudnovsky
ICQ : 35559910

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