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On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 01:03:15 +0200, Alex Chudnovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you propose that I run 
> the home network ( being off almost all the time ) as eth0? I personally 
> prefer running it as eth1, so to avoid the case of eth0 down and eth1 up.

Can anyone explain to me why eth0 is better/before eth1 ?

I have several machines where I use eth1 instead of eth0. I just
added/changed the line ONBOOT=no in the ifcfg-eth0 files and thats
it. I did not see any side effects.

If my knowledge is correct, you can always any name you want just
by putting the right alias in /etc/modules.conf[1] and having the
corresponding ifcfg-<name> in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.

[1] You don't have to use alias if you put the REAL device name
    in ifcfg-<name>.

{All the above may be true only for Red Hat distribution}


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