On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

> Let's say that I have a complex project, using many Makefiles. In some
> of them, I'd like to refer to other directories of the project. So
> far, I've been using various combinations on ../, ../../, etc, but
> that's awfully brittle when you start moving directories around (not
> to mention potentially dangerous). Is there a way, which does NOT
> involve setting an environment variable, to refer to the top level
> project directory? Specifically, I have a Rules.make in that
> directory, which is included from the other Makefiles. If I could make
> the Rules.make contain the top level directory in a variable, it would
> solve most of my problems. 

you cannot have that, unless you force all 'make' invocations to be run 
from that top-level directory.

here are a few things to try - non seems to be too satisfactory:

1. make your project 'shallow' (i.e. all source directories are located 
   under a single 'src' directory, no hierarchies). that's what i use in 
   all my projects (small and large alike), together with '-I..' and 
   using directoy names in includes (i.e. "#include dir/file.h"). this 
   kind of structure also helps avoid most of the directory moving - only 
   files moving between directories need more work.

   ofcourse, if your project inherits from the linux kernel itself, you 
   won't dare go via that path.

2. having a symlink from each directory to the top-level directory (i.e.,
   in directory 'top_dir/subsys1/unit1/': ln -s ../../.. top_dir_link

   then use this link to access the top-level rules file. this won't help
   alot with directory renaming, though.

3. avoid moving directories. think a bit further before you create a 
   directory - in case you have a reason to beleive it might turn out more 
   'generic' then you first think it is - make it into that generic 
   directory, and put it in the right place from the start.

> Now that I think of it, another way would be to change the build
> structure from recursive builds to a centralized build - all
> directories are built from the top level directory. Let's say that I
> do want to use recrusive build, though. What trick am I missing? 

none. all possible tricks have problems of various sorts. btw, why are you 
so against using an environment variable?


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